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Everything posted by madlithuanian

  1. I agree with your assessment.
  2. Thankfully we know Urlacher isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. His comments usually are synonomous with the old "Frankenstein, Tarzan, and Tonto" skits of SNL past... I honestly don't think it'll be an issue.
  3. Will Schlereth and Dilfer be sitting in back with dunce caps on?
  4. That is...AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Agreed!!!! I can't stomach ESPN...
  6. I agree with you. I know I debated similar with Benson. But this is different. Cutler is proven. Sehanigans shouldn't be tolerated in the least. And I honestly don't think it'll even pop up at all...
  7. Good! He'll have to "earn" some elment of his job! I believe he'll do just that.
  8. It's obvious! Cutler is 100% right and Denver f'ed up! He's a Bear, so ovbiously he's right! Mmmmm...kool aid tasty!
  9. Barden seems like the one guys we don't already potentially have. Big target for Cutler to hit... I;d be OK with virtually all others. But, I still sould aim for a OL.
  10. madlithuanian

    Hey NFO!

    ACKKK!!! McRib must be a Bear!
  11. madlithuanian


    I love LODO! The keg, I think it is, has great steaks! Was there for business not too long ago...
  12. I love Brian, but off the field, he's an idiot.
  13. Pretty boy Schlereth's been poo=poo'ing Cutler all through this. he's on Cowherd all the time blasting him like no tomorrow. Must've ask Jay for a signed helmet and got denied... I love it! keep talking trash agasint us ESPN! We love the chalkboard material!
  14. madlithuanian


    Mistake, no. Sad he is gone, yes. I have nothing but good things to say about Orton and truly wish him well...except when he plays the Bears.
  15. Ha! Wouldn't surprise me! Form a freind that works at In-N Out in California here, he says it's pure marketing... They hold it back and then release, and the sales goes through the roof. They usually extend the limited time for much longer than announced...then pull it. Rinse repeat! And I flock up to it like a sheep! It's crack times 10!
  16. madlithuanian

    Hey NFO!

    McRib!!! Food of the gods! I even grab the chipotle 1/3 lb'er every now and then becasue it's a poor facsilime of it. Besides the difference in meat, it's similar that there are pickles, onions, and the BBq sauce...the only difference is the Chipotle is the same sauce with a little more spice. It's not the same, but it works in a pinch!
  17. Trade 'em both for Polamalu!!!
  18. Dmmit! Now I can't draft Laurinaitis!
  19. madlithuanian

    Hey NFO!

    OK, now I'm REALLY in love with your draft and want to marry it!
  20. Can you grab another one tomorrow? he need to sign Holt!
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