You may be right, but I think the team is good enough that a manager rather than a gunslinger gives us a better chance to win more games.... I think overall, Rex will cost us more games than Kyle won't win. (I hope that made sense...) I am taking out Rex's September 2 seasons ago. After those games, the NFL figured him out. Ever since them, he's been completely all over the map with a leaning toward making big blunders and simple errors (botched snaps). I'll admit, I'm biassed. I personally have seen enough of Rex. Whereas I've not seen enough of Orton. Overall, I think Orton does have a better win/loss record. (Maybe someone can confirm/deny that.)
I wonder if Orton can get over his physical liabilities, and I wonder if Rex can get over his mental liabilities. But, also, we must question Rex's physical skills in terms of pocket pressence, seeing over the LOS and the small hands.
Bottom line, neither guy thrills me. But Rex gives me an upset stomach. The Tums seems to be working for me if I see Kyle under center... But that's just me.