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Everything posted by GakMan23

  1. GakMan23

    Mike Neal?

    he is injury prone. Direct quote from him “I’ve dealt with a lot of injuries in my career"
  2. GakMan23

    Seattle cut

    Might be a nice option and bring in someone in the draft.
  3. 5 YEARS 35Million, per score
  4. DJ Williams close to signing Here is the link to the tribune article.
  5. Justin Tuck? Since Bennett doesn't look like he is going to leave Seattle?
  6. Tribune article: The Bears on Friday re-signed cornerback Kelvin Hayden to a one-year deal, fortifying their depth with a 10-year veteran who missed all of last season with a torn left hamstring. Hayden was to be the Bears' slot cornerback in 2013. Instead, Isaiah Frey served that role. Bears coaches credited Frey with 62 tackles (38 solo) and two pass break-ups. Re-signing the Chicago native creates competition for that spot. Hayden is expected to be ready for spring practices.
  7. I don't mind this, he is a pretty good nickelback when healthy and we have Frye if he goes down again.
  8. Kelvin Hayden has been resigned per the score
  9. GakMan23

    4-3 defense

    Tribune article about it. 4-3
  10. Bears | New offensive line coach namedThu, 13 Feb 2014 00:35:59 -0800The Chicago Bears have elevated Pat Meyer to offensive line coach to replace Aaron Kromer, who pulled double duty as O-line coach and offensive coordinator last season. Meyer was an assistant in 2013. - See more at: http://kffl.com/hotw/nfl#sthash.4BJBOvar.dpuf
  11. http://www.chicagobears.com/news/article-1...8d-64ee7753cabd Here are what all the "experts" are thinking will be the Bears first pick
  12. http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/cow...caller-22274105 Well Jerry demoted Kiffin and promoted Marinelli, so oops, even the Cowgirls were smart enough to make a change after all.
  13. Do you think Greene would be able to play the other outside LB? He seemed to have the speed. Don't know much about the 3-4 as I have always liked the 4-3 scheme better.
  14. Here's a link to the Tribune article about the signing Herring
  15. He coached under Wade Phillips in Dallas, if only he could have again here in Chicago.
  16. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...,0,383966.story It is now official he is the new LB coach!
  17. Actually I never said move Briggs to middle linebacker, someone else did and I suggested that maybe he didn't get hurt due to the move after you said, does that mean Briggs doesn't get hurt before realizing how soon after DJ went down that Briggs went down. I then offered an alterative, in moving Anderson inside and other such things which I am not going to repeat again as you just have to actually read my previous responses. "Peppers at DT over Wootton does make a little sense but you're still gonna be forced to play SMC more than he should be playing and defenses will continue to attack him. " I never stated anything like that either but it makes sense. Don't think I mentioned moving Peanut to safety either, but whatever. Think you are confusing me with someone else. Which can happen on here. The Bears had a top ten D last year and New Orleans had a bottem 5 D last year. Both teams added defensive players via the draft Bears 1st rounder last year, 2nd and 3rd rounder this year. Difference is that Ryan and his coaching staff were able to put their rookies in position to succeed, even with injures to the D. They also showed improvement as the year went on. The Bears kept doing the SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND OVER... starting to sound like a broken record. Also not one player showed any improvement in Chicago, defensively as the season went on. At least you now see that maybe Tucker should have been fired. I am just not going to take a stance and argue a point even though it doesn't make sense just for the sake of argument. The fact that Wade Phillips is available and we decided to take this route instead, is just beyond frusterating as a fan. I am also hoping Tucker surprises us all and gets a clue, but it is funny how all the interviews for position coaches all have previous DC experience for some reason, like if Tucker continues to fail, he gets bounced and replaced with a cheap alternative in house.
  18. what nonsense. You asked for things that could have been done differently, and you ignore the responses you get. When people give you fact backed information you just throw little one liners out there and continue to take little jabs while not saying anything. If you can't think of anything to refute it, you just ignore it and continue in your narrow minded thought process. But you really BACK IT UP. what a joke.
  19. Did you just use a single game statistic as a point of reference to attempt to prove something? First and for most, the Denver Broncos are the BEST OFFENSE in the NFL and had the greatest passing yardagewise season in NFL history. The Pats lost their top shutdown corner halfway thru the game and therefore had no way of addressing it any better then they did. You are just throwing crap out there to "stir the pot". This and the using of a Jerry Jones owned team to try to validate your arguement, just shows how truly weak your arguement is. You are showing the same delusions you had in regards to J'Marcus Webb. knock knock reality calling....
  20. It is because you are making sense, for once.
  21. Was hearing good things about Taylor Boggs again last week on the Score. Not sure if he will pan out but it would be huge if he did and then they didn't have to find that next Center. Boggs
  22. Had to throw some humor into it. Someone is using Jerry Jones, the new Al Davis of the NFL as point of reference to validate something is beyond funny.
  23. Actually I am pretty sure the only reason Dallas kept theirs is Jerry was still butt hurting from the backlash of letting Rob Ryan go and didn't want to chance that again so soon. Funny how Billicheck could keep his defense semi decent, NO could keep their D at the top of their game to name just a few with lots of injuries. Oh yeah, they have a DC/coach that actually knows how to run a D and were able to adjust schemes. Not to mention when something wasn't working, CHANGE it. How many weeks did they have to watch Bostic run around out there completely lost, before maybe moving say, James Anderson inside as he has played some MLB, moving Bostic outside or inserting Constanza there depending who played better and when Briggs came back had a linebacking group of Briggs/Anderson/Bostic or Greene in there. Instead they left the middle linebacker in the position to fail. As you so often like to mention injuries, to the middle of the line made that the weakest part of the defense. So by putting a Veteran that actually knows how to play at the speeds of the NFL to help solidify the middle of the D instead of a rookie completely lost out there, would have made sense.
  24. Oh nice, kept missing the name on the radio here at work and I have been wondering. He seems like he may be an interesting canidate at first glance.
  25. But injuries blah blah blah Mel Tucker blah blah blah fair shake blah blah blah ...still a horrible coach, no players improved during the season, same mistakes all season, zero adjustments to compensate for injury. I completely agree with you! Sorry couldn't help myself
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