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Everything posted by chitownman
Only the fact that his system is only good in the college game and does not bode well for the NFL. It was a mistake to trade down that year in the draft to obtain Grossman when we could have had Leftwich. Better athlete with better skills. Spurrier's system belongs in college ball only and should stay there forever. Plus the fact that it gave the quarterbacks better numbers then they deserved.
Maybe in arm stength however, mentally he definitely is not there. I may not have said much before the Arizona game however, I have dispised this pick since it was made by Jerry Angelo. I'll say it again, there is not a quarterback out Steve Spurrier's system that has done squat in the NFL and Grossman will never amount to much as well. Hell even Gale Sayers is saying it publically as well, that the Bears should have gone to Griese against Minnesota. Check out www.chicagosports.com and Fred Mitchell's column. Everyone else is starting to bash on Grossman and for you to defend him so much is sad.
If you are not able to control the gun, you should not have a gun. Grossman may have a supposedly better arm however, he still does not know how to use it.
Yet you feel that Grossman's training whether in the NFL or College does not fall on his coaches. Who does it fall on then, Grossman. No he only plays the way he was taught by his coaches and still does not show anything yet. I understand what you are saying about Griese, yet I think he may offer a better chance at success then Grossman does at this point. To have thrown 18 TDs and now 17 INTs is ridiculous for a starting NFL quarterback. So Kyyle23 who in your right mind should take blame for Grossman's inability to preform under pressure? I blame Steve Spurrier, Ron Turner, Wade Wilson and any other coach who taught Rex how to be a QB. When I was coaching, we made sure that our quarterbacks understood the fundamentals of the position so that when it came to game time, they would be preforming at their best always. Whether or not they were being pressured by the opposing defense or not. You still refuse to see and understand the point that Spurrier's system sucks and is only adaquate for college ball and not the NFL. Do you remember Shane Matthews, lost his job to Jim Miller. Do you remember Danny Wuerful, did not last too long the in the NFL as well. Name another quarterback out of Florida or Spurrier's system that did well in the NFL. You are not able to because there are none. Griese is not the best however, I think he will do better than Grossman will at this point. Griese played at a school that did not do well for quality quarterbacks as well. Bloodlines mean something versus a poor QB college program or specialized program in today's game. Grossman just does not get it nor will he ever get it. We need to cut our losses and figure out something new.
I am not saying Griese is going to be any better however, he does have the bloodlines to prove that he just might be better. Griese's early career was a no win situtation taking over for Elway. Neal Anderson had the same kind of problem following Walter. Something needs to be done at Quarterback and Griese is our best option at this point. Yes I will continue to blame a piss poor college system that does not bode well in the NFL. Name one quarterback that has done well out of Spurrier's system. You can't and Spurrier failed just as miserably as head coach in Washington. I have dispised the Grossman pick from day one and no one shows any reason why I should support this loser.
I am putting together a ultimate sports weekend in 2007 for some of my friends who do not currently live in Chitown including myself. We are looking at the weekend of September 21st as the Cubs will be in town to play the Pirates over the weekend. Plan is to attend the Friday and Saturday Cubs games and hopefully the Bears will be home on that Sunday so that we are able to attend the game at Soldier Field. If you are interested let me know. By the way I belive PSL is Personal Seat License. A fee that fans need to pay for specific seats inside Soldier Field above and beyond the cost of season tickets.
The reason there is not a controversy is that Lovie Smith will not allow it to happen. I have posted previously that Jerry Angelo sold Lovie on a bunch of shit that Grossman will be a great quarterback and Grossman is now proving how poorly that Florida quarterbacks out of Steve Spurrier's system do in the NFL. Remember as Jerry Glanville once told a ref the NFL stands for Not For Long. With the way Grossman is now playing, Angelo should take his lumps and admit his mistake in drafting Grossman. Time to find another QB to lead this team.
We may wind up with HFA however, with the way things are going it is going to be another year of one & done in the playoffs. Something dramatic needs to happen and happen soon to change this team and needs to be done before training camp next July. I am not convinced about Grossman and I think Ron Turner has lost what ever he once had prior to heading to Illinois to coach. Will there be changes made, I do not think so.
Grossman will never get his act together and now maybe people will start to believe me when I say that no Florida quarterback who played for Steve Spurrier will ever do anything in the NFL. Grossman is not as capable as everyone thinks he is and now he is showing really how bad he really is. Must be all that time in the Florida sun that prevents him from doing anything. Remember how Tampa used to have such a problem heading North to play teams away from Tampa, they were pretty bad. Same thing here with Rex. Time to bench his lame ass and give Griese an opportunity. Wait a minute I forgot, per Lovie Smith by Jerry Angelo Rex is our quarterback and there is no controversy with this team.
Problem is that Jerry Angelo has sold Lovie Smith a bunch of shit on Grossman and they are all convinced that Grossman will lead this team to the promised land. Wish I could get to the convention in March and personally ask Angelo what the hell he was thinking by trading down to get Grossman when he should have taken Leftwich at #4. Another game with Grossman personally turning over the ball three times is not acceptable at any level and in college where he supposedly it did not matter as the college game is a bit more forgiving then the NFL game. Time to see if Griese can do any better for us and work on getting a quarterback in the draft or if someone worth a damn is available in free agency, aquire him. Until Benson made that run, the entire offense looked pretty pathetic.
Definitely Urlacher, Briggs, Gould, Harris and Vasher for sure. I am not convinced Peanut has done well enough to go. I would also have Marc Anderson head to Hawaii as well.
I found this on www.chicagosports.com and thought I should share it with everyone. It apparently was on the WGN news recently. Check it out. java script:playVideo('1044555',%20'Bears%20fans%20song',%20'v',%20'Sport',%20'102600',%20'Sport',%20'fvCatNo=75192&backgroundImageURL=http://ctrib.images.worldnow.com/images/117325_G.gif',%20'video.chicagotribune.com');
Interesting information DaBearSox however, I am still extremely skeptical about Grossman as the starting quarterback. You do provide a good arguement that we should do well in the playoffs, just do not forget the old adage "Any Given Sunday" and we'll see what happens come playoff time.
The only other loss I am able to see is if the Bears rest their starters against Green Bay like they did against Minnesota last season. That would mean a loss at St. Louis and against the hated Pack. Hopefully that will not be the case.
Like I have stated previously, Ron Turner must have taken a lot of stupid pills while he was head coach at Illinois and look what a mess that program is. Turner should be fired for his pathetic play calling. Too much passing and not enough rushing going on. Granted Jones almost gained 100 yards again however, Jones should be gaining close to 100 yards a game if not over 100 yards. It would be nice to see a Bears running back leading the NFL in rushing again. That means that the O-Line needs to improve a little in their blocking schemes. The only O-Lineman I do not wory about is Kruetz.
Surprising that I agree with Drunk Bomber. I do think that we will go 4-1 to finish out the year 13-3, as I agree that the game at St Louis may be the loss that we run into since it is on Monday night and on National Television. We have notoriously done poorly on Monday night games. I am also concerned that once we have a first week bye that they will rest the starters again like last year which could mean that we wind up 12-4. I just hope that some way we do better this year in the playoffs although I am not going to hold my breath.
Lovie continues to state emphatically that Grossman is our man at QB. There are five games left in the season, three of which are against division rivals. How do you think the Bears end the season and who would you like them to play first in the playoffs? I am able to see that the Bears finish out the season with a five game winning streak however, division games are not a complete give me. I imagine that the division rivals will do what ever they are able to in order to be spoilers for the Bears playoff seating. Put your thoughts out there and let's all talk it out.
Problem is that Orton was benched his senior year at Purdue after four games I believe. He was lucky last year in not making any mistakes. Orton still sucks just as much as Grossman. We need to find a better quarterback then both of them are. Look at Leinart, Young, Romo for true rookies this year and all three are preforming better then Grossman and definitely better than Orton did last year. I would love to get Drew Stanton out of Michigan State come April.
Beyond the fact that I have always thought that Grossman sucks, there seemed to be the ways of the networks that the Bears would loose this game. There where two no calls of Pass Interference that the Patriots committed that would have put the Bears deep in the Patriots side of the field that easily may have lead to a couple of touchdowns or at miminum Robbie Gould field goals. On the final drive by New England, there were at least five or six holding penalties that were committed that were not called by the refs. The worst part is that the holds were right under the refs noses. In the end when we had an opportunity to pull this one out, Turner told Grossman to go long and again Grossman underthrew his receiver. Plus do not forget the passes that Moose dropped. There was also the intended pass to Clark that was thrown beyond Des that in turn got picked. Grossman still sucks and always will, Griese maybe all right to finish the year however, will not get the job done and Orton did not make mistakes last year to allow the defense to win the games. Imagine if we had a real quarterback, they may still be talking about Da' Bears eclipsing the '72 Dolphins by going 19-0. Angelo needs to get his head out of his ass and Lovie needs to understand that Grossman is not all that Angelo thinks that Grossman is cracked up to be. Time to find a real quarterback that will lead this team to success game in and game out, not when he committs too many turnovers.
Do to the fact that we have had three prime time telecasts and have a fourth already in place, the game between Phily & Indy was moved 14 days ago. There are no additional games that will generate playoff ratings for the Bears on NBC, so after December 11th, we'll have to wait for the playoffs.
I would rather that Ricky miss a game against an AFC team and not an NFC team. Don't count us out on this game as New England has struggled in two of their last three with their lone victory coming against the Pack. I hope that we wind up 3-0 on this road trip and come Sunday evening we'll know how good we really are going to be.
I agree that this game has some importance, just not what it did when the three game roadie started. The Pats did bounce back nicely against the Packers by getting rid of Farve. I just hope that the offense plays well and with our defense, we may just as well win this game too. It is going to be a lot of fun come 3:15 pm on Sunday. We win this game and it appears pretty certain that the road to Miami will go through Chitown.
Problem is that I disagree with the coaches/coordinators who think so highly of Grossman. I agree there are other quarterbacks out there that in turn prove something once they get into the NFL. Brett Farve comes to mind, who came out of Southern Mississippi and excelled once Mike Holgrem got a hold of him. To me Grossman was a mistake and always will be. Until he understands what it happening every time he takes a snap and does not make bad decisions with the ball, the Bears will be better off. The only reason I see for sure that we are 7-1 is that the defense is so spectacular, that the offense does not have to go that far to score. Short fields are better to play on. We should have lost to Minnesota and to Arizona. The next three games are going to tell a lot about Grossman and this team overall. Granted the Giants "D" just lost Strahan for the game and Amani Toomer as well, so we should be all right to win on Sunday. The Jets are playing decent ball right now and the Patriots, well are the Patriots. If you read any of my previous posts, I have been skeptical on the various topics and have always been critical of the offense. As a fan of this team, I am entitled to my opinion and to seem that you are ceremoniously dismissing my comments is not fair to what I am saying. Prove to me by statistics that any Florida quarterback that played for Steve Spurrier has done anything in the NFL. You are not able to because all of them have failed. Do you even remember Shane Matthews? Not one of our finest quarterbacks that we have had. Jim Miller out of Michigan State proved to be better for the team at that time. Griese may not be the answer considering he went to Michigan however, from a we want to win point of view Griese may have done something to spark the team last week in the second half. Grossman still would have been the starter against the Giants however, let's be practical and real, Grossman does not do well against strong defenses or blitz packages. Someone has to take responsibilty for the mistakes and it starts with Rex and heads up from there.
Yet no one takes into consideration that of the eight games that have been played, Grossman basically sucked in three of them. The games against the Vikings, Cardinals and Dolphins were disasters. Granted Grossman did get the win in the end in Minnesota however, it was set up by the defense. Arizona's game was won by Urlacher and the loss to Miami was a complete team loss. I keep asking the same question over and over and yet no one seems to have an answer to it; Name one quarterback out of Steve Spurrier's system that has done anything worth a damn in the NFL. It frightens me that Angelo, Smith, Turner & Wilson are all banking on this kid to be the savior. I have not liked him since he was drafted in 2003 and until he pulls his head out of his ass and plays more consistantly and proves me wrong on a Steve Spurrier quarterback doing anything in the NFL, I will be critical of him until the Bears admit their mistake with Grossman and get someone else to lead this team.
Hey Everyone, Do not know if you have seen or heard about the online voting by Campbell's Soup that the Bears are participating in. Please go to the following site and vote for the Bears; http://www.chunky.com/clickforcans.aspx If the Bears come back and win this contest, then Campbell's will donate to a local food kitchen of the Bears choice. Unfortunately the Packers are currently leading all vote getters. Please copy the above link into you browser and help the Bears get on top!