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Everything posted by Pixote

  1. Connorbear, I have never had any objection to your signature, nor have I ever seen any of the hundreds and hundreds of posters who posted tens of thousands of posts on Bearstalk object to it. It is a-ok in my book. I can't understand why it should be an issue with anyone.
  2. I must admit that when drafted I thought Sanders was over rated. I was obviously wrong. When it was mentioned he would be a possible FA I was in the "dream mode" hoping the Bears would make a move for him. Obviously, this is not going to happen now he is resigned. M Brown needs to return and stay healthy for the 2008 season. His presence on the field automatically makes our defense so much better. Knowing there is a good chance he will not remain healthy for the entire 2008 (if history means anything), it worries me. We need a better contingency plan for 2008 if he goes down. Our safety play this year I feel was the main reason for the downfall of our defense.
  3. Tough choice, went with Long, but would be thrilled with McFadden, Clady, or Phillips. Unfortunately, as you said, many of these will not be available to the Bears and I certainly do not see JA trading up, not his M.O., and this year we have too many needs even if he did want to trade up, it would be inadvisable.
  4. Is that a bit of sarcasm I am reading, LOL.
  5. Yep we are FAMILY - we fight just like brothers & sisters, LOL. I agree, we are all avid football fans and Bears fanatics but everyone here has their feet on the ground and realize values in life. Welcome Aboard!!
  6. LOL, your probably right on that, but at least it takes away a big part of their bragging rights and still keeps the Pats from another SB. Trying to have the best of both worlds since the Bears will unfortunately be spectators.
  7. AHH, come on now, BB you know I'm your pal, just can't stand the Pats, LMAO!!!!
  8. With all this speculation of Url moving to Will, I must admit I doubt seriously if the Bears would make such a move. I guess it depends on just how bad his back is and if he himself would feel comfortable in such a change. Still an interesting idea.
  9. I have been looking for stats on WR dropped passes for 2007. The only link I have is for a site called sports.iwon.com where it gives the top 20 players in each conference. On that listing (use link above to view) it only shows D Clark of CHI in the top 20 with 6 drops (bad news since he does not get as many looks as many others on the list). What would be interesting is a listing of WRs showing drops in relation to looks, or in otherwords, the percentage of drops compared to receptions/catchable passes. How would Moose & Berrian compare to others around the league? I think we would be surprised to find they are no where near the leaders in this area.
  10. I wish I had caught the interview. I will have to check the Score website to see if it is available as replay. A High School who has players study game film? Wow, how things have changed. Never heard of HS players doing that, certainly not something we did in HS (of course, I played HS Football back in the 60s, LOL).
  11. There has been a lot of speculation among us Bear fans that Mushin & Darwin need to depart, overpaid in comparison to production. According to this article both are due bonuses in March. Looks like we not have to wait very long before we find out their fate!! In regards to Berrian, I say resign him using the money we save cutting Moose and then move forward. Maybe pickup a veteran WR to go along with the rest of our WRs who we are developing but are struggling to do so because of the OL/QB play.
  12. An interesting article from Profootballweekly.com: I am also anxious to see Mike Okwo next season. Hope both he and Dusty can shake injuries!!
  13. I personally believe all is not so bleak in the Bears future as many seem to think. I have seen this type of post elsewhere, I believe back on Bearstalk.com, but I thought it would be worth mentioning again. Since the year 2000 only one team losing the SB game has returned to the playoffs, and that was a 9-7 Seattle team that made the playoffs because of an extremely weak division, otherwise it would have been 8 out of 8 failing to return. Only one team, OAK, followed up their SB loss with 2 dismal seasons back to back. Not a surprise seeing the moves OAK has made over the past few years. I feel the Bears are much better than many believe. With a return of a "Healthy" defense and the repair of the OL, along with some better depth at RB on the O and Safety on the D, we will be a dominate factor and back into the playoffs next year. A good OL will sole a multitude of problems! Here are some interesting facts on the SB losers starting 2000: 2000 - Baltimore won SB 34 to 7 over NYG (12-4). The Giants then went 7-9 in 2001 but then turned it around in 2002 and went 10-6, went to the playoffs, lost Rd 1 39-38 to SFO. 2001 - NEP won SB 20 to 17 over STL (14-2). STL then went 7-9 in 2002 but then turned it around and went 12-4 in 2003, went to the playoffs, lost Rd 2 29-23 to CAR. 2002 - TBB won SB 48 to 21 over OAK (11-5). Oak then went 4-12 in 2003 & 5-11 in 2004. 2003 - NEP won SB 32 to 29 over CAR (11-5). CAR then went 7-9 in 2004 but then turned it around and went 11-5 in 2005 losing in RD 3 of the playoffs 34-14 to SEA. 2004 - NEP won SB 24 to 21 over PHI (13-3). PHI then went 6-10 in 2005 but turned it around in 2006 going 10-6, losing in Rd 2 of the playoffs 27 - 24 to NOS. 2005 - PIT won the SB 21-10 over SEA (13-3). SEA then lucked out and went 9-7 in 2006 primarily do an extremely weak division and are currently at 10-5 with one game left. 2006 - IND won SB 29 to 17 over CHI (13-3) (still feel we should have won, ugh). We are currently at 6-9 but hopefully we will finish 7-9. I honestly feel if Angelo & Co address our needs we will be in the Playoffs next season!! Step right up, free Bears Kool-Aid served 24-7 now through the SB in 2009 (2008 season) when the Bears defeat ???? to win it ALL!!
  14. Pixote

    WR Thoughts

    This may be a good barometer as to how much it will cost us to keep Berrian. I have heard it said that Berrian may be the top WR FA this off season. If that be the case, he will demand much more than Crayton just received. Even the Patriots, who are frugal when it comes to contracts and have let many a player walk instead of resigning them do to contract demands paid some relatively big $ for players like Stallworth & Walker, both of whom look fantastic in the NEP high octane offense but were not what I would call stellar WRs (good but not stellar) prior to going to NE. Berrian in NE would probably be a Pro Bowler. With 8 Million in bonuses do Stallworth in Feb & Mar if he is to stay in NE do they do as usual and let him walk and then sign Berrian as a FA?
  15. Pixote

    Nick Barnett

    Oh don't get me wrong, he was clearly out of line and looked like a total fool then and continues to look like a fool as he sounds off.
  16. I am looking forward to the game. I despise the MIA teams "Bravado" celebration every year when the last undefeated team loses. If NEP goes undefeated, then it puts that to rest. Unfortunately, I also despise the NEP! So my best case scenerio would be for the Pats to win and go 16-0, shut up Shula, Marino, Boniconi (sp), & company and then get killed in the 2nd round of the playoffs.
  17. The Bears are the sixth team in the last seven years to have failed to make the playoffs after losing the Super Bowl the year before. So how do we finish this disappointing season? Do we finish the season with 2 wins in a row, something we have not done all year? Do we finish with a loss? What is your guess on the score and player performances? What do you want to see in this game while we prepare for a long off season?
  18. Vasher missing the next game is very disappointing. His return seemed to spark our D. I am surprised he was out for so long with this injury. I pray he does not turn out to be a "M Brown" injury problem. We invested heavily in our 2 CBs and need for them to play and be productive.
  19. That has to be one of my main gripes, I want to see both Bradley & Haas featured heavily in the game on Sunday. I like both and feel the 2 could be excellent WRs. Of course, until our QBs have enough time to throw the ball and WRs have enough time to get open, as well as open holes for RBs to hit, our offense will continue to suck.
  20. St Clair actually has looked pretty good at OG. As an OT he sucked, but it looks like they made a smart move trying him at OG. I hope they continue towork with him at the guard position in the off-season.
  21. Pixote

    Nick Barnett

    Yeah, gotta be embarassing to be taken down by grandpa!! (but do not underestimate us grandpas, ) Barnett is a good player. Little dirty, but anyone here old enough to have watched Butkus play would agree this guy is squeeky clean compared to him. The difference is Barnett is a Packer, so he sucks, LOL.
  22. Welcome aboard. I lived in C'ville back in the early 80's, bought a home on Cardinal. Take care of yourself. My brother was 22 yrs in USAF (retired). I was USN. Packer bashing is a-ok
  23. On AM 1000 in Chicago market (ESPN) it was said that Briggs told the media in an interview that he would play this weekend against NOS "if healthy". If that is the case, he has left himself an easy out to not play. I feel he does not want to chance an injury in a game that has no value to the Bears except for pride and development for 2008. Let's face it, if he sustained a major injury in the game this weekend, it could easily cost him Millions of $$$$$$$$$$. I honestly think he will sit out this game.
  24. I have read several other posts about this guy. If as good as everyone says, will he last to the 2nd or 3rd rd? If so, I would be thrilled if we grabbed him there. I would love to see the Bears not only get younger but BIGGER on the OL.
  25. I would have to agree. They are not healthy right now. They need to get players healthy and rested. They have NOTHING to gain by trying to out duel the NEP in a meaningless game. If they do not rest their starters as much as possible they are idiots, IMO.
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