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Everything posted by Pixote

  1. That is certainly great news. Douglas was always a standup guy. I wish him well!!
  2. Here are the top FA & Draft prospects known to date for 2008. How do we fill out our needs at this position? We obviously have to make some assumptions as to our actual needs. I would say OK at center is solid. I think Tait moves to ORT and is solid there. We have several options at OG, resign R Brown, I did not like St. Clair at OT but think he might actually be an excellent OG, Garza? ..... One of these 3 would be a good fill at OG That means we need, IMO, an OG and LOT. Here are the top FA 2008 listed by one site. How many will actually hit FA is another question... I have not followed the College scene this year and therefore am unfamiliar of these players in the 2008 draft except for what you guys have told me on the forum. Here is one sites listing of 2008 OT prospects: Here is one sites listing of 2008 OG prospects:
  3. I agree, it will take a tremendous job to fill all the needs the Bears have within salary cap restraints. It will definately be an interesting off-season.
  4. I was certainly hoping you meant per year but when you kept on saying 7M OVER 6 yrs I just wanted to make certain we were both on the same page. I assure you, with esculating contracts and salary cap, and another Pro Bowl in his resume, Lance's contract demands will esculate even to a higher $$$ and beyond what the Bears will be able to afford with all the positional needs they have to fill.
  5. I agree MBM. I have always liked McNabb, followed him ever since being drafted by the Eagles, wanted to see him some way some how come over to the Bears. Wow, he would look great in a Bears Uni. Our entire offense would prosper from his talents. Unfortunately, when he signed his last contract with the Eagles, I knew his playing in a Bears Uni would likely never take place. At some point reality has to come to the forefront. The only way McNabb will ever make it to the Bears, IMO, would be at the age of 33 or 34 when the Eagles could afford to trade or release him near the end of his contract. Would we need him at that time, I hope not, hopefully we will not still be in need of a starting QB in 3 years (one would hope we would resolve that need much sooner). So I can certainly understand those wanting to see him come to the Bears to start as our QB in 2008, but, again, IMHO, it is not going to happen.
  6. There is speculation the Giants may rest its starters. That is what was being asked on the MNF coverage. I wonder?????
  7. You said 7 Million over 6 years. That to me is a little over 1 million per year. Now if you mean 7 million PER YEAR, for 6 years, for a total of 42 Million fine, but then add on another 20 million for a signing bonus and he will sign with us for a contract totalling 62 million over 6 years, not 7 million over 6 years.
  8. I am not sure I want a college guru. I want an experienced NFL OC coordinator, not someone who will learn on the job. No more Crowtons.
  9. How do we know he didn't work out? As a 4th rounder was he expected to start and shine his first year?
  10. It will take a whole lot more than 7 Million over 6 years, better rethink those numbers!!
  11. Yes, happy holidays everyone. Please be careful and take care. Family & health has to be number one concern!
  12. My understanding was he was told if he played 75% of the snaps he would not be franchised, if he did not play 75% of the snaps, we would not have to honor the "no franchise" agreement.
  13. Hearing them talk on the Score about the move, I guess they felt the team was not showing up and that Skiles had heated words with Paxton after the last loss before his firing. I wonder who will replace him next year? I assume an interim HC will come from the current assistant coaching staff?
  14. Several posters have come to judgment that Beekman was a bad draft pick, a waste of space, and a bust. This is on the assumption that because he has not played he must suck. He was not a high draft selection. Lovie & JA have not hesitated a bit in cutting a player that did not fill the bill. If he sucks as much as has been speculated by some I assure you he would not be on our roster. Using the same logic, does this mean Haas sucks and should be cut before getting a chance to prove himself? I think Haas could be an excellent WR starter. Just because he has not been given a chance yet I am not going to proclaim him a bust and a waste of specie.
  15. Great to see you and I like the new avatar!! Welcome aboard!!
  16. Let's say: if we could use the money required to lock up Briggs and obtain 2 high quality players in positions of need for the Bears (OL, WR, S, QB, ??) would we be better off rolling the dice and go with Williams at LB and fill two major needs or giving BIG $$$ to Briggs and leave holes unfilled? In addition, if letting Briggs go would somehow result in a high draft selection or quality player in return, it would just sweeten the pot even more. As much as I love Briggs, I feel we would be better off letting him go.
  17. Interesting stats. Did you compile these figures or are they documented anywhere in an article on the net to be reviewed?
  18. Depending on the cap ramifications, I would let him go if it would give us additional cap room to go after other needs in FA. He certainly is not indispensable.
  19. I do not think Jackson has any better chance of being an elite QB than Rex does. I see him as Rex with better mobility, or in otherwords, he still sucks!!
  20. I think he would make a good safety but is far more valuable to us at CB and therefore I say we leave him be and look for other solutions to our Safety problems.
  21. Man, is there a chance he would not get 75% of the snaps? Has he missed that much time this year? If we could hold him out of the game do to injury and therefore keep him below the 75% figure, that would be sweet, then trade his ass for a decent draft selection &/or a quality player in a need position.
  22. In his first stint as OC of the Bears I thought he did a fairly good job and when they brought him back I thought it was a good move. I am not totally convinced he is as bad as many have expressed. I do feel however that a change needs to be made. BUT !!!!!!!!! I do not want to make a change for change sake, I only want a change of OC IF we are certain to get a QUALIFIED EXPERIENCED PROVEN OC!!
  23. I sure loved talking to my co-workers who are Packer fans at work today!
  24. Every year we look at strength of schedule for the upcoming season. It never works out like we guessed it would. I am sure everyone playing the NFC North before the season started dreaded playing us this year and thought the rest of our division were all no shows. Well, it certainly did not work out that way. The fact is any team can have major reversals from year to year (case in point, the 2007 Bears) and we will have to wait until it is over to judge the strength of our schedule next year.
  25. Pixote

    Woo Hoo!!!

    Now I would like to see us spank NOS to finish off the season with our team playing just as good in weather not so severe to show we do not need inclement conditions to kick butt!!
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