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Posts posted by LT2_3

  1. You're really taking the entire thing out of context. No one said benson couldn't own a boat or take it out and have a good time. All we (the people who see the wrong in his decision) is saying is he shouldn't have had alcohol on board. I mean c'mon their grown adults they know what's putting them at risk. Your telling me they couldn't have went to where ever they were staying and had their drinks there? A person is putting himself at risk just by having the crap on board. keep it on land and drink it when you're at rest and away from the wheel of a car or boat or a lawnmower for that matter, cause otherwise you're just showing bad judgement. It's like your friend drinking in your car and leaving an empty can in it. Sure you may feel you've done no wrong, but you're still leaving yourself open to bad situations if a cop sees it. Benson can go do whatever he wants, but if it's alcohol related he better be off any motorized vehicle if he doesn't want to put himself at risk! Not saying he's guilty or not, just that he showed bad judgement. And if he didn't want to put himself in a bad situation he should have had someone else host the get-together, cause 9 times out of 10 the authorities will go after the person responsible or the host of the party, that's just life.


    Here's an example. Shortly after I moved out on my own I had two friends come over (no presence of alcohol at this time) We played some madden and watched an NBA playoff game. Around 9:00 I left to go meet someone. I told my friends that they could stay and lock-up when they leave. I came home at 11:00PM and found that 5 more people had come over and beer had been purchased and they were playing cards on my table. 4 minutes after my entry the police raided my apt and butsted 4 of my friends for underage consumption and me for providing a place for underage consumption. After a lot of legal issues I ended up accepting a plea bargain and pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor. I still insist to this day I did not furnish a place for underage consumption seeing as how I left and no alcohol was purchased and came back and was busted rather quickly after entry. Not to mention I had to take a breathalyzer and showed nothing. But to not see the ignorace at the fact that I left myself in a position to get in trouble is just being blind. I should have made everyone leave when I left I was just trying to be a good friend. So yeah Benson may not be guilty of jack sh##, but he did put himself in a bad situation that maybe his "FRIENDS" exploited. Just as I had done.


    Quick question: What reason did the police have for entering your apartment? My point is that it all comes down to probable cause. In Benson's case, it's not illegal to have alcohol on the boat and the engine wasn't running. As far as I'm concerned, I can see no probable cause there. As you describe your situation, whoever let the cops in is a moron. They can't enter without an invitation or a warrant. It's a matter of understanding your rights and the law. Benson was within his rights and he shouldn't be held accountable for the actions of overagressive, jack-booted, facist, bullyboys.

  2. I still disagree...


    1. Leinart did do that...but was dumb enough to have people take pictures. Nothing is fail safe. But he certianly has less chance of a slip up doing it there than if he were doing so at a public fountain.


    2. You're arguing semantics... The chief point is that a private place was set up to keep generic eyes away. They didn't rent out a public park and throw down. Much worse was going on there than what Benson is being accused of... But the point I was making is not specifics to the exact goings on at the White House, but that the element of setting up a "safe house" will keep prying eyes away better than partying up on a public lake.


    3. Again, I think you misunderstood my point with the White House... It's the idea of a safe house. My freinds do it all the time. Poeple come over to one house, we drink a lot, eat a lot, tell nasty jokes our wives wouldn't like, smoke cigars, and crash or get a cab home depending. If we were to do similar in a bar, odds are some yahoo would take offense, fights would ensue,etc... It's safer to do certain things in private. That's the point I'm making. And yes, it's applicabile to the White House. While the goings on there were far more intense...the generic idea is still the same. Keep things to yourself.


    And let's be honest...what the heck was his mom doing there? Did anyone not see the parade of floozies and brews all over the place? Maybe it wasn't Ced's brew, but it was there. Nothing legally wrong with throwing down while you mom is there looking at the scantily clad girls. But for me, that's just a bit odd. I'd rather take mom to brunch.


    Madlith - I get your point, but it's not something that you can really argue. Sure, you can say "it would be a good idea if", but it still remains that Benson really didn't do anything wrong short of not having a designated captain.

  3. If you don't think a couple million dollars is much to gain...


    Try again. In Texas, there is a law that limits civil suits against the Gov't, and all governmental bodies (which includies the police) to $250k. To break this limit, Benson would have to prove the police agency trained its officers to intentionally exhibit racist acts, which is unlikely. So he would have only about $250k to potentially gain, which I would argue he would lose in PR alone.


    Or maybe a civil suit is a backup in case he doesn't come back 100% healthy. Lets say we cut him and other teams want to give him peanuts, he can then retire and he could say the officers injured him when they "took his legs out from under him" thus ending his once promising career. Guess when we hear the tape it will tell us a bit more about who's telling the truth.


    Again, the NFL vet minimum is greater than what he could get in a civil suit against a Texas state (or local) agency.


    That is something that we didn't know. That being said, I would want to know if the River Authority (an obviously FOR profit entity) would have the same protection since they aren't paid for by public funds.

  4. This one is mind boggling. Are you implying that his fiance is the impetus for his absence - which is during voluntary activities?


    I believe the point was his missing camp, and he further simply makes a joke. Mind boggling?


    It's mindboggling if he's serious. If he was making a joke, he hasn't mastered the art of getting that across in print.


    Geez it would be nice if you had your facts straight. Odell's agent hasn't ruled out a grievence. Since the Bengals haven't commented on the situation, there could be another explanation - like he fell off the wagon when his grandmother died. If he did and the league found out, he would be in line for another long suspension.


    Talk about writing for the National Inquirer. The idea of his being released for missing voluntary workouts is far more credible considering the timing, as opposed to what you are throwing out. There is logic and reason to believe that, due to timing, he was released for missing voluntary workouts. On the other hand, you are throwing out the potential that he fell off the wagon w/ absolutely no reason to support such a statement. So who should send an application to the Nat'l Inquirer?


    I'm not publishing my thoughts on a blog and posting it on multiple websites. Holding me to the same standards is ridiculous. I wasn't saying that Thurman DID fall off the wagon, but that it was a possible situation based on his past history in trying to point out that there is possibly more to the story.


    A few points here. First, it hasn't been established that the Bengals released Thurman for missing OTAs. Second, even if that IS the case, the Bengals are implementing a new defense so attendance is a bit more important than a defense that has stayed the same for 5 seasons. It's amazing how wrong you can be on so many different levels.


    One. We may have a similar defense, but are coming off a pitiful year and have a still young and new DC, and yet you seem to find no fault in Urlacher skipping workouts.


    Two. You give an excuse in the event that he was released for skipping workouts, but regardless of new defense or whatever, it is against the CBA rules, as you well know. If that IS the case, which you throw out as a possibility, whether Cincy is installing a new defense does not matter.


    Urlacher isn't missing OTAs, he's missing a manditory minicamp over a contract issue. I don't like it, but it's the business. There's no point in crying about it.


    As for the Thurman issue further, I was pointing out that some OTAs are more important than others depending on the situation. Either way it's irrelevant. I seriously doubt that Thurman was released for missing OTAs. If you would like a different possible explanation, perhaps he was released for not keeping his word to the coaches. So, while he only missed OTAs, he could be released for telling the coaches he was going to show up on a particular day and then didn't keep his word. From what I've read, Thurman's grandmother's funeral was over a week ago. It's not like the expected him to rush back.


    Anyone who still cares about this issue doesn't understand how teams scout each other legally in the first place. The use of tape of coaching signals only improves a team's ability to predict a defense by a negligible percentage if at all. The Patriots could have achieved the same thing legally by simply sending their analyst that breaks down the tape to each game with a notebook and a set of binoculars.


    That is your opinion, but your opinion is in the minority. Steve Young, who i think may know a thing or two about offense, said that if he ever knew the signals the defense was using, the game would be over. Steve Young sure seems to believe knowing the defensive signals would provide more than a "negligible percentage" in terms of advantage. And NE losing a 1st round pick seems to indicate the league felt it was an important issue as well. Many former hall of fame players have said that while there is plenty of "gamesmenship" in the game, NE crossed the line. While it is legal to film and breakdown trends, it is not legal to zoon the camera in on the DC to steal signals, and create cheat sheets. That is over the line, and is a legit issue.


    Yeah - Young said that. But he's part of the media puffing up the story. Also, the fact that other teams do the same thing without the use of videotape shows that the Patriots gained no advantage simply by using videotape. All they would have had to do is send Ernie Adams to each game with a set of binoculars and a notepad. They could have then matched up his notes with the coaches tape that the league gives to every team for scouting. So, while I believe Young when he says it would have been a huge advantage if he knew what defense was going to be run, the combination of teams changing signals and that the same information can be obtained without breaking the rules, makes it a completely moot point.


    How is that so hard to understand?


    As for the author of the article, I think he spews too much crap without checking facts or even knowing what he's talking about. I have the same contempt for alot of the media, but they don't have the audacity to post their articles directly on the boards that I frequent.

  5. Wow. You should write for the National Enquirer.


    Brad Biggs at the Chicago Sun-Times blogs that Cedric Benson isn't at OTAs even though his court date, which was to be the first day, has been rescheduled. I'm sure Benson will have (another) good excuse.


    Boy you sure jump to conclusions don't you? Personally I'll wait to see if the team has a problem with his absence before jumping to conclusions.


    Not surprisingly, Brain Urlacher was also missing as he cuddles some more with his fiance in Arizona. [head shake] Chicks.


    This one is mind boggling. Are you implying that his fiance is the impetus for his absence - which is during voluntary activities?


    The Bengals' Odell Thurman has been released by the Bengals. This wouldn't be news except for the implication that Thurman was released because he missed organized team activities at least partly due to the death of his granmother. The Bengals didn't refute this allegation despite the fact that it almost certainly violates the terms of the CBA. Regardless, Thurman won't file a grievance to force himself upon a team that doesn't want him. At least not immediately.


    Geez it would be nice if you had your facts straight. Odell's agent hasn't ruled out a grievence. Since the Bengals haven't commented on the situation, there could be another explanation - like he fell off the wagon when his grandmother died. If he did and the league found out, he would be in line for another long suspension.


    Once again we are reminded that teams are for the most part very serious about these workouts. Whether releasing Thurman or not was the right thing to do (the implicaiton is that it wasn't morally if not legally), the incident re-enfores the notion that people like Lance Briggs and especially Brian Urlacher are missing fairly important time with the team.


    A few points here. First, it hasn't been established that the Bengals released Thurman for missing OTAs. Second, even if that IS the case, the Bengals are implementing a new defense so attendance is a bit more important than a defense that has stayed the same for 5 seasons. It's amazing how wrong you can be on so many different levels.


    The Buffalo Bills will charge $70 per seat to sit 20 rows up at midfield, while the Cowboys will charge $50,000 for the right to purchase a similar seat in their new stadium, reminding us all that the real problem isn't with the players when it comes to the CBA. It's with revenue sharing.


    Your facts are right but your conclusion is dead wrong. Are you forgetting that the NFLPA required that the NFL include ALL revenues as opposed to just the DGR from the previous CBA agreement? Or did you not know that? It was the requirement of the NFLPA that forced the owners into creating the revenue sharing plan in the first place. Had they been willing to merely accept a larger portion of the DGR, then we wouldn't be in this mess. It's their fault too.


    Mike Florio at Profootballtalk.com asks whether the Patriots taped the Rams defensive signals during their regular season matchup in 2001, thus tainting Super Bowl XXXVI. I wouldn't lay bets on the chances that the commissioner asked or, if he did, that he'd tell anyone the answer.


    Anyone who still cares about this issue doesn't understand how teams scout each other legally in the first place. The use of tape of coaching signals only improves a team's ability to predict a defense by a negligible percentage if at all. The Patriots could have achieved the same thing legally by simply sending their analyst that breaks down the tape to each game with a notebook and a set of binoculars.


    William Rhoden at the N.Y. Times chimes in on Spygate with a pretty good column:


    Spygate, as this controversy has been called, is reminiscent of the game show scandals of the late 1950s when the supposed winners had in fact been supplied with answers in advance. The scandal prompted so much viewer outrage that Congressional hearings and investigations were held. Any industry that abuses the public's trust --- from thoroughbred horse racing to Major League Baseball --- flirts with disaster.


    Wow. Another media member puffing up the subject because there's nothing else to write about right now.

  6. I thought these contracts were loaded on the back end where the big earnings were in the latter years...


    Urlacher's contract is a bit backloaded. Urlacher is scheduled to earn the following (approx) over the next 4 seasons:


    2008 $4 million

    2009 $5 million

    2010 $7.5 million

    2011 $9 million


    Basically, Urlacher wants to tear up his current contract and get more guaranteed upfront.

  7. Too bad police boats dont have dash cams, because that would straighten this out in a hurry.


    No matter what, this is going to be a "He said, He said" deal. Of course all of the people on the boat are going to agree with Cedric, and of course all of the police involved are going to back their own. Its going to end in a stalemate where nobody wins, Cedric is going to have this hang over his head and the Lake Travis PD is going to look really bad


    I'd read in a Texas article that someone call a local TV station claiming they had video of part of the incident and the girl that came forward claims to have pictures too.


    Here's what I think happened: The drunk tests are designed for the subject to fail. I had a buddy that worked as a bartender and got pulled over on his way home from work at 3:00am. He hadn't had a drink all night, but reeked of booze because it was spilled on his clothes. He told the cops that he hadn't been drinking and even breathed in their face to prove it. They gave him the standard sobriety test and said he failed. They took him down to the police station where he blew .000 on the breathlyzer. Because of this, I know that the sobreity test is ridiculously subjective.


    So everything is a grey and subjective issue. So, in this case, perhaps Benson hesitated at some point during the test. That's automatic failure. The rent-a-cop went by the book and wanted to take him to shore for further testing. Benson was feeling harassed and complained. I believe in Benson's statement, he said he was asking why more tests were needed. Because he complained, and the fact that he was probably much bigger than the officer, the officer felt that pepper spray was the appropriate course of action to maintain control of the situation. Again, that's a subjective judgement.


    The thing that I think the cops have to be aware of is that if they claim he resisted arrest but it's proven that they were wrong to do so (like by a sub legal limt BAC test), there is no valid arrest for him to have resisted and it all gets thrown out.


    It'll be interesting to see what more information becomes available in the future.

  8. What I dont get is why she called her dad to call the cops instead of her calling the cops herself. that to me is VERY odd.


    One thing that I've heard floated out there is that she isn't from that area and her dialing 911 from her cell phone would've called another city altogether. That kinda makes sense. Her Dad lives in the area and she and her fiance are visiting from out of town.


    Even if her phone and cell carrier are fully E911 compatible, SHE might not have known that. ;)

  9. Seems odd to me also. I think they are colluding to set up some sort of racial case to get Benson out of trouble. Expect to find out some allegedly shady stuff about the arresting officer, and the probability that he dropped the "N-Bomb", allegedly, when in private.


    Sounds like a bunch of BS to me.


    "It's more what I heard than what I saw. I have never heard or seen Cedric that scared."

    So, in other words, STFU, you didn't see anything.


    The arrival of LCRA police perturbed Benson because of the frequency of the checks on his 30-foot boat, Cartwright said.

    When Benson's boat passed the safety inspection, Cartwright said she and her fiance were surprised the officer then required a sobriety test for Benson.

    Perturbed? Sounds to me like it's very possible that someone had an attitude.


    If the officers have been on his boat numerous times, then that also needs to be addressed. However, it sounds very likely that Benson had an attitude; his biggest defender even says so.


    As for why they took him off the boat, an easy answer for me is from the police report. They smelled alcohol on him. Once this was true (if true), then it makes more sense to remove him from his boat, around his friends and family, and in a more controlled environment.


    Jason - I'm not sure this will get past a preliminary trial. I think the key thing will be whether the boat was anchored or not. If the boat was anchored, nobody was driving the boat and therefore nobody can be charged with BWI. I don't think they will be able to sustain a charge.


    If the witness is correct in that he'd only had 2 drinks. It sounds like he had at least one of them while the boat was anchored. Drinking in and of itself isn't illegal. Getting lippy with a rent-a-cop isn't illegal either.


    It sounds to me like Benson might have had a bit of an attitude, but that's irrelevant because they had no underlying cause to arrest him. It sounds to me like they are simply trying to justify what they did to him and are calling it "resisting arrest". If the underlying charge doesn't exist, they had no cause to arrest him in the first place. If that's the case, this all goes away and the rent-a-cops are going to look silly.

  10. Did I move the thread? What the hell are you talking about? Ive never moved a thread so quit bitching for the sake of bitching. Also how is police corruption remotely related to football? There is more than one forum, you dont have to use them all but dont get all pissed off if others do, thats what theyre for.


    "Freaking leave it here already" Where is that coming from? Maybe make sure what youre whining about took place. I didnt move the thread nor have I ever. If you have a problem with someone else moving threads than maybe gear it at them.


    You're right. You didn't move the thread. However, bringing it up as a possibility is like poking a scab. It goes back to the previous thing of an admin making a determination on the appropriate location for a thread. That's why we voted on it in a poll.


    I really don't get how police corruption/abuse of power isn't precisely on topic when put in the context of the arrest by a rent-a-cop of a Chicago Bear.


    Just for the record, why would you think that it belongs anywhere else?

  11. Ya Im aware of that. As I was typing the post about dropping it someone else responded to one of my post and I responded to it. That was my mistake. I just dont think the NFL forum is a place to discuss police corruption which is why I suggested moving it to the water cooler even though I thought it was a bad idea and since then I have tried to steer the topic back on track.


    You guys are "move the thread" happy around here. It's on topic completely. As far as I'm concerned, there are no other forums. If it's remotely football related, freakin leave it here already.

  12. Just out of curiosity, why hasn't any of these reports given the results of a breathalyser?


    Because, from what I can tell, the reports are coming from the Lower Colorado River Authority http://www.lcra.org/about/overview/index.html that arrested him and not the Police. I'm not certain about this, but I'm not sure they have that equipment. It would have to be the police that conduct that test.


    I'm not even sure he was administered one. If he was, it hasn't been reported anywhere.

  13. Gotta call out Drunkbomber on this one.


    You pulled this yesterday too, and I have to kind of call you out on it.


    Yesterday at 3:56, you said to me,


    Leinart was at his own house and as far as I know I havent heard anything saying those girls were definitely minors. This is such a different situation. As far as the Cop discussion goes lets just drop it. Its not the point of the thread and doesnt have any relevance in the conversation. If need be we can make a thread about it in the water cooler but I dont think that is a good idea either.


    I really was never part of the good cop v bad cop issue, so I had no problem leaving it alone. I thought it odd that you seemed to be among the main antagonists in the subject, and are telling me to drop it, but as I said, I didn't care much. But then I noticed that while you are telling me to "drop it", you then continue to debate the very same issue, one you really got going.


    I believe this whole discussion began when you said,


    Thats true but cops like that idiot who beat up that girl in the bar give a lot of them a bad name. Honestly, despite them risking their lives at work, with all the corruption Ive seen personally and all the stories that come out every day about cops abusing their power i really could give a shit. As a whole they are the most corrupt people in the world.


    and then continued later,


    I didnt say theyre all like that. However, there are enough corrupt ones to give the group a bad name. I personally have seen off duty cops driving drunk, rear end someone, kick the shit out of him and then have other cops come and arrest him for resisting arrest. Theres the story about the cop who beat up that tiny bartender in Chicago and then had other cops go in their and threaten her. There was that video that surfaced less than a year ago where a kid actually put a camera in his car because he was getting harassed by cops and then he actually got the cop on camera threatening him. Giving people the kind of power police officers have is very dangerous and when there are so many examples of the power being abused it is very easy to lose sympathy for the group as a whole and thats the point I am at. I know theyre not all like that but until something is done to try and clean it up thats how I choose to perceive it.


    At 4:55 yesterday, an hour after telling me to drop the subject, you said,


    Those were just a few examples. If you like Im sure I can type "police officer corruption" into google and give you a few thousand examples very easily.


    Not exactly words of a poster looking to drop a topic.


    Then after basically starting the topic, telling me to drop it, then talking about it again, you go back to telling a poster to drop it,


    The argument about police isnt even the topic of the thread. Lets just stick to the topic.


    Sorry, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either drop the topic and just leave it alone, or stop telling posters to drop the topic.


    Excellent point Nfo. I would also add that the potential of corrupt cops in this scenario make it completely on topic.


    Now, not to offend actual cops anywhere, we are discussing the behavior of the Lower Colorado River Authority officers and not actual cops.


    If anyone is interested in more about them, here's a link to their site...............



  14. We may never find out what actually happened, but there's a pretty safe bet in siding with an officer who risks his life daily over friggin' Benson.


    LMAO - How often do you think a "river police" risk their lives? I don't know about other places, but here in Illinois, I'd put them on a par with the forest preserve police. I'm not even sure they are allowed to carry guns.

  15. Im not saying we benefit much from keeping him, its more that we dont benefit from cutting him. We dont need his roster spot as of yet and we wont be over the cap.


    FYI - releasing Benson would cost us more cap space than keeping him.

  16. I think the key issue that King and anyone else that brings this up forgets (or didn't know in the first place), is that ANYONE drafted this year will get zero reps with the 1st unit in TC due to the upcooming QB competition.


    From a national level, everyone still sees our starting QB as Grossman and haven't even heard (or forgot) about the upcoming QB competition. The teams mentioned that have taken QBs relatively high are teams with an established starter in an established system. They can give those starters probably as little as 60% of the snaps in TC and as much as 40% to their new draftees. With a QB competition, our top 2 QBs will bogart every meaningful snap. That means that a drafted guy wouldn't be prepared to do ANYTHING during the season.


    On the positive side, we can probably put both of our UDFA QBs on the practice squad for the whole year (unless there is a serious injury) and free up an extra spot for 4 RBs, 5 DTs, 5 Ss, or whatever we need.

  17. I'm not happy with this at all, I don't think he hurts the team but I don't see him helping a whole lot either. Now we know he's sticking around for this year. So is Booker. So is Hester and I assume Bradley will be given every chance to show he's worth keeping around this season. That makes 4 WR on the team, two of which are also special teams returners (Hester/Davis) so it appears likely IMO that we'll be keeping 6 WR on the final roster. You got a draft pick coming soon, perhaps two if we grab one in Rd 7 too, and that means Hass, Lloyd, and Rideau get to fight to show themselves worthy of keeping around.


    Guy's you're totally over-reacting to this. Read the breakdown of the contract in the SunTimes.


    The first thing to remember is that he had signed his tender for $927k that was guaranteed. His cap hit after this deal is a whole whopping 10k more than it would have been otherwise.


    The second thing to remember is, after reading the details, that it's a 3 year 3.87 million dollar base deal. His first escalator is at 45 receptions which he's unlikely to reach.


    We can release him before next season and still save cap space over keeping him. That's called a minimal price for carrying the option to keep him.


    Literally, it's no big deal.

  18. Thanks.


    What concerns me even more is I am beginning to get the feeling something is going on with my left ear now, my only good ear of the two. If I lose the hearing in that one also, I am in serious trouble as far as my job and would be financially shot.


    My damn insurance pays virtually nothing unless I go to an in network provider. The only specialist in network couldn't see me for 6 weeks from my initial call. Depending what is found and what the treatment required is, the only way I can afford it would be to use the in network provider. 4 days remaining......................... and counting.


    Well Good luck Pix! I'll check back in case Saturday is too soon for further testing and you want to hang out with fellow Bear fans for at least the first pick. My general location is on State street across from Swedish American Hospital. There'll be a couple of us here at least and I can guarantee you your own personal laptop for surfing and posting thoughts LIVE.


    If you're interested I'll send more detailed directions.

  19. I live in South beloit, about 15 miles N of Rockford. As long as my wife has no major plans I would love to get together. I will even talk to her about hosting it, though I make zero promises (she is pregnant and may kill me for the suggestion). I will let you all know what she says if we can have it here, assuming I still have a pulse...Ok no on the my house idea, I work that night so I will hae to leave sometime in the second round. But I still would like to get together.


    I'm happy to host it guys. I doubt we'll get more than 7-8 guys and my place is plenty big for that. I have 3 computers and if anyone has a laptop they can bring it as well. I've got a wireless router and can handle all the traffic easily on my Cable modem.


    I'd just say to bring your beverage of choice. I'll make some snacks (Mmmmm excuse to use the deep fryer!!) and then we can order something to be delivered for dinner.

  20. Yes, I live in Loves Park as does bowlingtwig (Gary). I believe I have seen other posters mentioning living near by as well. It is something to consider for sure. I am a self confessed draftnik. Ever since the draft has become a media event and has been televised from start to finish, I have watched every single draft from pick #1 to Mr. Irrelevant. I have already been given permission to take a vacation day for Saturday April 26th and have the 27th off.


    Let me think on it. Where were you thinking of having this get together?


    Where depends on how many people. If it's only a few, I could host it at my apartment. If it's a bunch, we could probably pick a place like LT's and reserve some space just for us. If it's at my place, I have a fridge, a bathroom, we could order some pizza, and I have a wireless network so everyone could bring their laptops so we could partake in live chat at Monsters of the Webway and/or surf for clips and draft info on the different picks.


    If anyone's interested, email me at lloydt56@yahoo.com for directions and whatnot.


    If you ever want to join, just wear your pink urlacher jersey so we know you


    LOL :) :bears :dabears :rolleyes: :cheers


    I don't have a pink one. ;)

  21. Not Rockford, but Dallas. Anyone in the DFW area, Bear fans are invited to join up at a bar called TNTs. This is where bear fans (anywhere from 50-100) go every week to watch games.


    Yeah! And wear "a yellow rose of Texas" on your shirts so you can recognize each other. :rolleyes: :headbang :notworthy :cheers :dabears

  22. I think Pix and Connerbear are from the Rockford area. I've recently moved back to Rockford after a 15 year hiatus in the NW 'burbs of the Windy City. ;)


    I was wondering if anyone might be interested in getting together to watch the first and maybe second rounds of the draft.


    It starts at 2:00pm CST on Saturday the 26th. With a 10 minute limit and picks starting probably at about 2:20pm, that puts the Bears picking at 4:40pm in the first round. The second round should start before or about 6:35pm with 7 minutes per pick and the Bears 12 picks in, it should be about an hour and 25 minutes at the latest before the Bears pick which makes it about 9:00pm for their current 2nd round pick at the latest.


    Anyone up for hanging out for the Bears first two rounds, done before 9:00pm at the latest on a Saturday? We can re-evaluate how long to hang if there are trade downs or whatnot.


    If interested, email me at lloydt56@yahoo.com


    Title it: Draft in Rockford -- or anything else that would get the gist across ...... :D


    We'll set something up. :)



    You just outed LT2 and I :lol:


    Thankfully, neither of us carry enough noteriety for that to be taken out of context. ;)


    My offer from WAY before (Ummm probably several years in fact) is still good in case you want to come to Illinois and split a ridiculously expensive bottle of scotch over salary cap discussions. (Or we could get whacked and watch porn or play on my PS2) My fav is Sheep Dip when it comes to scotch. I'll pick up your fav though since you'd be handling the whole travel thing.

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