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BearFan PHX

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Everything posted by BearFan PHX

  1. One assumes we wanted to wait to see if we picked up an amazing pass rusher in the draft. Of course picking in the 3rd round, the likelihood was really low, but let's say for some stupid reason Bosa (or whoever you liked best in this draft at edge) fell to the 20th pick, we might be willing to trade up at that point for him. Yes a totally unlikely scenario, but there was no reason to extend Floyd until you knew that didnt happen. It didnt, Floyd is good, we extended him.
  2. he had other suitors, and that was the orice it took, plus we were revamping the team anyway so we didnt need to worry about the cap money that year. I think Pace was hoping to get a first round draft pick for him in a trade the next year, but Glennon was worse than anyone thought. But he knew the whole time he was drafting a QB, so he never saw Glennon as the future.
  3. If he hadnt taken Glennon, then everyone would know he needed to take a QB, and the first pick overall would have been in play, and wed have needed to trade even more for him. Also, I think the idea was for Glennon to play while Trubisky learned. Also, it was Fox's offense... I dont think Glennon was such a bad move. Is he a bad QB? Yes. Did we all expect him to be a little better than he was? Yes. But still, it wasnt a dumb move.
  4. hahaha thats my joke! woo hoo!
  5. and the D too. Pace is killing it. Nagy is killing it.
  6. three simultaneous. now if we could only find kickers that can regularly hit the uprights...
  7. yes but there's a whole dust up about whether we all understand that LOL
  8. the play is the two outside kickers kick a little early, and they aim to doink off the goalposts, then the middle kicker kicks, and if he's gonna be off, one of the riccochet-ing balls knocks it back on track. So now we are actively looking for kickers accurate enough to hit the uprights regularly...
  9. I want to be clear. I really LIKE Howard. I think he gave his all and I totally wish him well. But if I had to choose between him and Montgomery going forward, well I'd go with what Nagy and Pace think.
  10. Nagy has a three kicker goalline formation in mind. It will be amazing.
  11. To the point: Howard and Montgomery are very different backs. Nagy wants a guy with Montgomery's skill set. Pace identified the guy, and got some value for Howard who wasn't going to be used anyway. Had Howard been worth more, other teams would have bid up the price. To argue in the year that Pace won GM of the year, and put together this amazing roster so quickly, that Pace is a moron because of Jordan Howard, who averaged 3.7 yards a carry is ridiculous vs. the expenditure of a THIRD round pick. But then to put that argument into context of all the other negative "I am smarter than the Bears and everyone else" comments over and over again, you see that the guy is a real Skip Bayless. The negativity is one thing, but the arrogance makes it just SO cringe-worthy. It is hard to hold my tongue sometimes. I have never felt that way about any other member, whether I agreed with them or disagreed with them on any given topic. And I know I'm not the only one that sees him this way either. At any rate, Jason is now on record as being in camp Howard vs. camp Montgomery and we can see how they each perform over the next few seasons...
  12. Yes, it's true that 10 years ago, when you were a moderator for a short time you abused your power for political purposes and didnt remove what I wrote, but actually REWROTE IT in your own words to seem as if it came from me. Youre like a power hungry cop that got kicked off the force in your first year. But that is just a symptom of who you are. Dont come at me because you cant stand that i criticized you on the merits of your post. I didnt say anything personal about you. It would be easy but I didnt. But like I said, youre a blowhard. You're mid level intelligence with all the Dunning Kruger effect possible to fit in one person. Youve got a childish chip on your shoulder. Pathetic.
  13. you DO have to wait to see how the draft worked out to see how good you are at making picks, but you can know immediately whether you got good value. In other words, if youre buying a car, and you trade me $1,000 for $20,000 you definitely won that trade, even if you use the $20,000 to buy a really crappy car.
  14. depth for Cohen one assumes. They really want to be sure they can field Nagy's full offense no matter who (other than Trubisky) gets hurt.
  15. Fast player. Possible Nickel. I think we picked him up for kick coverage.
  16. yeah, Myopic, he's the new GM in Oakland...
  17. Grizz, there is a huge difference between you and Jason. We can agree disagree whatever. People can be positive, negative whatever. Jason is an arrogant know it all that is totally myopic in his view and completely closed minded. You and others on this board with whom I agree and disagree are nothing like that. I love this page, and all the discussion, agree or not. but i sure do know a blowhard when I hear one.
  18. Kiper has made errors, and he's been right too - youre right the proof will be on the field not what Kiper says. I bet on the field Montgomery proves Jason wrong. And the 12-4 vs 0-0 thing doesnt prove anything either. Then again Lovie never won NFL executive of the year. And I think we all know this Bears team would shred any Lovie Smith team. Is Jason better than Lovie/Angelo? doubtful. Is Jason better than Nagy/Pace? L.O.L.
  19. exactly. On one hand we have NFL executive of the year as agreed by pros in the business who built the Bears into a 12-4 team, and on the other, Jason knows better. It is laughable. "They may win the Super Bowl, but it won't be enough to make up for the fact that they didn't do it the way I would have"
  20. I guess he really was BPA - not a need position, but more talent. Go Bears! I guess this makes Gabriel a chess piece.
  21. I dont see a WR. Thompson is a real possibility, so is Amani Oruwariye CB PSU And perhaps Joe Jackson at DE? Also the Michael Jordan of football is available LOL
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