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BearFan PHX

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Everything posted by BearFan PHX

  1. for sure, and for me, against NFL DBs. I think our defense will do a good job of giving Caleb looks before he gets into NFL games. I remember for many years Bears QBs looking shell shocked when we played other teams, because our defense in practice wasnt very good.
  2. Im just scouting his abilities, and what his game looks like. Im not still at the decision to take him, Im interested in his style, and what he does well.
  3. Im just posting this again. Instead of reading articles (although that one above is excellent!) I just watch 5 min of this at a time. Sometimes 20 minutes LOL It's literally every throw from 2023. The more I watch it the more I think he is even better than I thought he was. It includes all the bad plays too. But you can watch (some of) it and get a real sense of him as a player. It transcends stats and narratives, and you can just see what kind of QB he is. Spolier alert: he's very very good.
  4. I'm watching more Williams film. Found this: EVERY throw or run from Caleb in 2023. Not a highlight reel, and not cherry picked - it's ALL of it. It's about an hour and a half long LOL Im in about 3 minutes, so I havent seen much. One thing jumps out though - when Caleb runs in the pocket, he keeps his eyes downfield, and often finds a receiver where other QBs would have just run. That's where all your time to throw numbers are getting screwed up. It's plays that other QBs never would have thrown the ball, and therefore don't go into their average, but Williams can throw it after 10 seconds, so it goes to his numbers. You can also see LOTS of plays where the read is fast and the ball comes out fast. So this isnt a guy who holds the ball. Its a guy who runs the offense and when hes under pressure or low quality WRs are not open, he buys time in the pocket and then finds them anyway later. The stat punishes him for that. It would make him look better if he just ran, or threw the ball away earlier. But in truth, you want a guy that can extend plays when they arent there. What you dont want is a guy who cant get the ball out of his hands, and that is clearly not Williams. It's just San Jose St, so it's not like a tough opponent, but watch the first 3 minutes. Look at the fumble and what happens. Cool.
  5. I think it is definitely in our future.
  6. oh yeah, Im not predicting anything about this team based on the past - just that it's time for payback, and it's been an awful road to get here.
  7. We will have a roster of names that will be pretty much the same roster that does win a superbowl, but first we need to gel and learn what it takes to beat the really good teams. It's not just a matter of having good players, to beat KC you've got to learn what it takes to win. Ive cited the Jordan Bulls and needing to get past the Pistons, and the 84 Bears losing to the 49ers before they learned what it took to dominate. Im not saying a SB is impossible, but it's not expected. It would be lucky. Also, didnt you JUST accuse me of thinking that Caleb was perfect and without flaws? I think Ive just been realistic the whole time, but it goes at odds with positive and negative press pieces.
  8. it kills me. and the worst is that someone would pipe up and say "thats not true! we beat them twice in the last ten years!" Which is almost worse LOL Since 2009, which is 15 years ago, we have beaten the Packers four times. Our record vs them over those 15 years is an astonishing 4 - 22, or a 15% winning rate. Our SHORTEST losing streak in that time was 4 in a row. I cant wait for all the payback.
  9. yeah thats completely awful and you have my deepest sympathies. I sent the PM in January, and the computer says your read it in February. I couldn't imagine losing my daughter. I am sure that anything anyone ever said to me here would fade to nothing if I was in the middle of that. Of course I had no idea you were dealing with that. My letter obviously means nothing in the face of all that, so I'm not surprised you don't recall. And of course it's fine.
  10. yeah youre both right - it will probably take more than just a straight swap. Last year we paid a 2nd alone for Sweat. Given Hendrickson's age, I'd say he is worth a 3rd. Herbert is probably worth a 4th, so the trade youre proposing adam, seems about right, and it's an easy yes. If we get Hendrickson then this team is absolutely playoff bound, even with some rookie growing pains for the QB.
  11. So apparently the Bengals are calling asking about Khalil Herbert in trade. They need a RB, having just lost Dixon. At the same time, Trey Hendrickson, their best edge rusher has asked for a trade. He had 17.5 sacks last year and has two years remaining on his deal. Hmmmm.
  12. In fact, so everyone can see, here is the letter I sent to you. Just so everyone is clear on exactly how I have been trying to proceed. You read it on February 14th. --- Hey Pix, just to be clear I have zero problem with you. I have always respected you and we have known each other for like 15 years. I know you created this place too, and over the years Ive said thank you for that too! And Ill say it again! Thank you! I know what happened with Stinger, and I'm sure it has stained my perception in your eyes. I get that. I knew it would happen, and I apologize that anyone else had to be put off by that. I wont restate my side of all of that, Ill just say i get why your view of me may have changed, and I am sorry that you had to see it. All I can say is that I am actually a very friendly nice person. I always make random people at the grocery store laugh. I raised my kids the right way, and I take care of my neighbors. No one would describe me as negative or anything like that in my real life. And I get the feeling that you are a similar kind of person too. You always came across warm and caring on this board. I always felt badly as you went through your various health challenges over the years. So anyway, a lot of this online stuff is the tone of voice we read each other's words in. After my fight with Stinger, Im sure my voice in your head sounds different. And if you read what I wrote to you in a defensive angry tone, then Im sure it reads a lot nastier than it does in the tone I had in my head when I wrote it. Anyway, I am not angry with you, I never have been, I respect you and I apologize to you for what went on earlier. I hope that all helps
  13. see, youre being a jerk right now. I just plainly said you are free to disagree with me, just keep it to facts about what we are disagreeing about, and not my character or mental state. You cant possibly be this dumb, therefore, you're trolling, despite your protestations. Also, the PM I sent you shows you read it in February. Be the man you're pretending to be and we will be fine. Keep up this nonsense, and dont be surprised if I return serve. It's pretty simple.
  14. seriously. There's a joke. I dunno if i've told it on here before, but it goes like this: The other day I was at my friends house. He's a Packers fan and we were watching the Bears Packers game together. The Packers won and all of a sudden his dog starts doing these amazing acrobatics and back flips. And I say "wow! look at your dog doing all those back flips - what's that about?" and my friend says "well every time the Packers beat the Bears, my dog does all these flips and acrobatics" so I asked "what does he do when the Bears win?" And my friend said "I dunno, I've only had him for 10 years" We need revenge.
  15. we have a bunch of guys like this now too. Some of them will bear fruit for sure.
  16. The PM shows you read it. It feels like a LOT of gaslighting to me. Anyway, ike I said, I respond in the tone that comes to me. If youre respectful and fact based then so am I. If youre not, then Im not. You will also notice that even as we "fight" over this, on other threads Im responding to the content of what youre saying, sometimes agreeing. We are not in a personal war. Im just going to continue to be symmetrical. Your tone will define mine in our interactions on a case by case basis. Which would be a very surprising outcome if someone was actually paranoid.
  17. your psychology degree is crap. I hope you didnt pay too much for it.
  18. P.S. when we supposedly buried the hatchet the other day I offered my hand to shake, you didnt accept it. Just like you read a very nice letter I wrote to you a couple months ago trying to resolve this and you also didnt respond. So figure it out. Either you want to fight or you dont. Whichever it is, Ill join you in it. But you can stop dishing it out if you cant take it. But in either case Im not angry. My feelings arent hurt. You may just be misunderstanding my New York ness. If someone gets in my face, i dont back down. If they are polite, then me too. What generally happens is that Stinger says something personal, and I respond and then you come to his rescue and pile on.
  19. I explained this already to you. 1) I called your opinions stupid AFTER you called me paranoid. Like I said, symmetry. If youre civil, Im civil, if youre not, Im just going the speed of traffic. THe tone is up to you. 2) I dont care if someone doesnt agree with my opinions, it is the personal stuff that the REASON my opinoin is wrong is because I hate Fields and love Willaims and dont broker any nuance. You can disagree with what I say all day long. Bring facts, and we will debate. When the debate is that my opinoins are wrong because I have a character flaw, that's not me starting it. You are failing to understand the difference between disagreeing with me, which is fine, and speaking about my character and thought process as the reason Im wrong. The first is FINE, the second will be returned in symmetry. If you understand that and keep doing it, then youre trolling. If you dont understand that then youre not smart. If you DO understand it and then moderate yourself doing that, then there will be no issues.
  20. this is good criticism. I expect that Booker will be developmental this year as you say. I figure we are going to add another DE, maybe the guy from the Bengals, or maybe someone unexpected at the trade deadline.
  21. nope. Its you literally calling me paranoid. Its Stinger literally saying that the reason i dont agree about Caleb holding the ball too much isnt because my point of view is different, but its because I love Caleb and hate Fields. If you want to stop being accused of personal comments, then stop making them. If you dont want to be insulted, then dont insult. It's gonna be symmetrical here. If you feel free to say Im paranoid, then i feel free to say youre dumb when you completely miss the entire point of the film that you say "sucked" Here's some advice if youre truly not understanding. If I say "Caleb is X" and you disagree, then tell my why you disagree about Caleb, about stats, about film. But when people say the REASON I think Caleb is X is because I have some psychological issue, then thats personal. Its not that its hurting my feelings. Its that its an illogcial ad homenium attack. So then i defeat that attack by pointing out that it is not factual but personal in nature. I am not a fragile flower that is weeping over being bullied. Im just saying youre not making sense, and all this personal stuff is STUPID and proves nothing. It doesnt upset me, it just makes your point invalid and "dumb" Honestly the snowflakes here are you guys. Everytime I disagree you tell me Im not "allowing" you to have an opinion LOL Then you have to tell me how mean and paranoid I am. All this to cover for when youre just wrong.
  22. Lots of Bears fans out here. Even more Packers fans though, sad to say.
  23. Hmm, I had bought into that too. I have definitely seen him running around holding the ball out too far from his body, so Im sure theyre going to work on that, but if this is true, that is good news indeed.
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