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BearFan PHX

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Everything posted by BearFan PHX

  1. yeah, like I said, I have zero opinion right now about specific players in this draft, and generically speaking, if it is as I read that there are no slam dunk top 10 OTs, then a trade down makes a ton of sense this year. Of course there is edge rusher to look at too, and if you are going to trade down, you need a team that wants to move up, but if a great WR or CB falls to #10, that seems like a good move for us to trade down there. Especially because, again speaking generically, good OL can historically be found in the 2nd and 3rd rounds.
  2. LT is a premium position. I'm not saying any LT in this draft class is worthy of a top ten pick, I havent done any of my research yet, but premium LTs often go in the top 5. They say QB, Edge, and LT are the three most important positions on the field. The QB because he is the QB, the edge because he tackles the QB and the LT because he blocks the edge from tackling the QB But Im not saying anything about this particular class, just the position.
  3. yes, thats a big deal, ask Eric Bienemy. If he was sure he wanted to come here, he'd probably have signed already, so I think there is something to the idea he is looking elsewhere - but nothing is done until it's done, youre right about that.
  4. amen. look at us agreeing all the time
  5. well he is getting a second interview at Seattle, so it's unclear at the very least. Too bad, because after what i saw from the Lions, I really trust Fraley. A great OL coach is necessary, and hopefully Ben Johnson can identify a great one and persuade him to come here.
  6. I like everything Johnson said in the interviews, but I am also seeing why I (wrongly!) thought he wasnt alpha. Im not saying he isnt, because i now believe he is intense and demanding of his players, and alpha in those situations, but sitting down talking interviews, he does have a gentler more corporate vibe. And thats fine. It doesnt make me think less of him, its appropriate and fine. It's just that he doesnt always exude that leadership vibe the way he did when he was talking to Halas Hall for example. You meet Vrabel in a gas station, and youll know his meatheaded competitiveness instantly. Johnson seems to turn it on when it's needed, which is probably even better. but it's why I think I didn't see it early. Anyway, I'm excited to see where he can take us. I hope he, Poles and Fraley (if we land him!) are able to identify OL talent and fix our front quickly. Cant wait to see what we look like.
  7. yes! my worries about him being too cerebral and corporate seem to be completely wrong. I loved him saying that. It's true that he isn't a meathead like Vrabel or Campbell. You can see their control coming a mile away. But Johnson has a McVey or Shanahan kind of alpha, and that was harder to see based on all the YouTube videos I could find etc. But now, it is much easier for me to see who he is. I am extremely happy. what a great time for us.
  8. he did, and my worries were more with his style of toughness, which I am happy to say, the more I hear and see, the more I am convinced arent going to be a problem. No one can predict the future, but this sure does look like a home run.
  9. This is all well said. I do think that Johnson, and if he brings the OL coach from the Lions to be the OC here, will be able to help Poles identify the right talent. That's in the draft, in free agency, and as much as it scares me, from our current roster. Lots of OL players that have sucked for us have gone on to become good players on other teams. Maybe someone we have will be identified and developed. One thought, and Im not saying this is a good idea per se, but if Johnson does then it is (lol) might be to move Wright to LT. I dont want to debate that here, because I would be debating against it myself, Im just noting it as the kind of thing that incoming professionals might see. Or maybe Bill Murray is excellent. etc etc. From my standpoint, Wright is good at RT and the rest suck. But players Ive been happy to see go have gone on to be good elsewhere, so if the incoming guys identify someone we already have, then great. But either way they will help find players in free agency and the draft too. Also, I would recommend using this draft value chart rather than the Jimmy Johnson one. It has been derived from all the trades that were accepted since the JJ chart came out, and better fits the actual league and what they do? https://www.drafttek.com/NFL-Trade-Value-Chart-Rich-Hill.asp?RequestTeam=chi
  10. I think this is all very well said. I agree with everything you said about Caleb. I'd add this too - the playoffs showed how interceptions can send you home. That Caleb threw so few of them, even though he was also maybe over careful with the ball, says a lot of good going into the future. I also think that he was seeing perfect textbook zones in practice, and that in games the defense was looking more chaotic. With a new DC, and hopefully that is Allen, Caleb will see a lot more dirty looks in practice and that's gonna help too. But more than anything, a real OL, a run game and Johnson's guidance should elevate him far beyond what we've seen this past season. It's a good time to be a Bears fan.
  11. for sure - he was soooo corny, and he didnt hold anyone accountable.
  12. Oh for sure, time will tell. Right now the Commanders are kicking our ass. No doubt about that! I also think the Commanders would have taken Caleb if they had the #1 pick as well. But the future needs to be won, there are no guarantees, and until Caleb does it, he hasnt done it, thats for sure. Hopefully Johnson shows us what is possible.
  13. Totally agree. Here's a highlight film of Daniels' big plays against the Lions. Watch his head. He doesn't look off safeties, he doesn't turn his head to make second reads. Kingsbury has given him an amazing system that works. I assume Daniels is making presnap reads, because eveyone is always so open. But you see him lock in on the WR he is going to throw to. The one exception (and I saw 2 in the whole game) is at 1:28 when he comes to Ertz at the goalline for the touchdown. Here he definitely makes a second read. But 90%+ of the time, he is throwing to his first read. And it is working. All I'm saying is that Kingsbury is doing a great job, and I haven't seen Daniels look off safeties or make reads like most NFL QBs have to do, and that makes me wonder where Daniels would be without Kingsbury. THe film is only a couple minutes long, so it's an easy watch. You have to click on the "watch on youtube" link tho - it wont play here embedded.
  14. That's what I thought - good news! Also to our other thread about Daniels - I've been happy here to say I was wrong about my worries about Johnson as new info has come in!
  15. Oh Im not feeling dogged - thank you for saying that! I just disagree from what I've seen. Every QB has their skill set. I've said Caleb's deep ball is nowhere near as good or accurate as Daniels' and Daniels is probably the better open field runner, although Caleb's escape-ability is pretty good. I do think Caleb's ceiling is higher than Daniels' but that doesn't mean i think Daniels is a bad QB. And for what it's worth, I am happy to be proven wrong, I just don't think so about this, at least not at the moment. When I watch Daniels and see his head moving around making reads regularly, I'll definitely admit it. I only say what I see, I can't predict the future, so if i see something different in the future, I'll say he grew or changed?
  16. Flus was a disaster as a leader. He was physically insecure. I didnt see the fire in Johnson's press conferences per se - he didnt seem insecure at all, but he felt corporate to me. But now Im hearing about how demanding he is and how he cusses people out on the sideline, and I am starting to think he does have what i worried about. Does anyone know - was he on the sidelines as OC? If so that's a very good sign that moving to the sidelines isn't going to hamper his playcalling!
  17. good to see. I've been vocal here (can you be vocal typing??) about wondering where his personal energy was at, but the more i read about him cussing people out on the sidelines, the less I am concerned about that aspect. I think there is a very good chance that this is the guy who, along with Caleb Williams, will lead us to being a yearly contender, and SB victories. Let's GO!
  18. I am sure that once the play breaks down, he may be looking around etc. (I am guessing, i cant know the play they were talking about of course) but he doesn't regularly read the field the way some quarterbacks do. And they arent asking him to. I'm not trying to put him down, any more than saying Tom Brady isn't a running QB is a put down. I'm just saying that he makes good clear presnap reads, and then he locks on to his primary receiver, and if they arent open, he runs. He also has a better long ball than Caleb by a good bit. He is extremely accurate, and gets the ball out fast when that WR is open, and he is a good runner. THere is a lot to like about him, and even more to like about him in their offense. But I think Caleb's ceiling is still higher. I suppose this is another way of saying Kingsbury is doing a fantastic job in Washington, getting the most out of Daniels. I wonder how Justin Fields would look with Kingsbury too. He seems to understand how to get the most out athletic QBs who arent full field readers as a matter of course. JF has always been a tremendous athlete. But the next time they play, just watch Daniel's helmet on every pass play; how long he stares at the WR before he throws it to them, whether he looks off safeties, whether he makes multiple reads. And then marvel at how successful that offense is even so. You ask yourself "why are those first WRs always SO open?" You'll see it with your own eyes. I am assuming part of that is really good pre snap reads by Daniels too. Daniels is an athlete with a great arm, and Kingsbury has boiled it down for him so he doesnt have to think too much. It's very impressive.
  19. well thanks very much for the sarcasm. Try looking across a football field while wearing a helmet. Why does every other QB in the league move their head?
  20. yes, this is what Im saying. Daniels doesnt make multiple post snap reads, but he does a good job with presnap reads, and Kingsbury has designed an offense where the first read is almost always open. I'm saying that a guy like Justin Fields probably would have done well with Kingsbury's offense too. I also think it wouldnt necessarily fit Caleb's strengths, because I think he reads defenses better. In the long run, that will be more successful. But I think Daniels has a better and more accurate long ball, and fits the offense he is in really well. This isn't a one guy sucks and the other rules argument, it's more a matter of style.
  21. All Im saying is I watched his helmet and on every pass play (except 2) it doesnt move. It stays locked on one WR the whole time. I think Kingsbury does an amazing job getting his first read open. I do think Daniels makes good pre snap reads, has an amazing arm both strong and accurate.
  22. oh YEAH, this is not something id heard or seen, and that is excellent news. This is my biggest worry with him\ - I will be THRILLED to be wrong!
  23. yeah one of the benefits of new coaches is what they know about players on other teams for sure. And coaches especially. I expect Johnson to bring in a top notch OL coach. That will make a huge difference for us. Johnson really knows run blocking schemes, and has successful run blocking rules, and we have been trash at that for a long time.
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