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Uncle Buck

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Posts posted by Uncle Buck

  1. In order to win we have got to be able to out score them, before you laugh at the obvious, my point is can our offense score more against the Matthews-less defense than a rusty Rodgers can score against our sieve of a defense? If it becomes a track meet, Rodgers more than likely will come out on top.

  2. We'll see how well that collar bone holds up when Ratliff busts up the gut to sack him, 300+ pounds smashing down on the shoulder ain't going to feel too good. We will see McCarthy's smirk drop right off his face after that.

  3. Wouldn't he be the backup, short-term answer anyway? If Cutler implodes Sunday and it escalates to an untenable situation, McCown is the short-term starter while a drafted rookie works into the role. If Cutler stays, there are other options out there going forward as to the backup.

  4. Key word in the preface...unless they take a minimal/lessened contract. I'm not opposed to several staying, but they need to be giving a home town discount for the privilege to remain a pro. Others can be had for similar money and potentially better production.



    I'm with Jason, a number of these players, unless the money is right should be sent packing. I've mentioned before, but I am in the Jim Finks' camp of it all starts up front, strong lines on both sides makes everyone's job easier. We are seeing that now with the D Line. A good overhaul on the D Line is needed; who knows how Melton recovers? Will he still want top dollar? Collins, while better than what's playing, can be replaced in free agency. Peanut & Jennings can be made better by a strong line. I'd go for a year, no more than two for Peanut. His replacement needs to be drafted this year. As for the linebackers, Anderson has been serviceable, but DJ Williams is injury prone; he is not worth bringing back if he can't stay in the field.

  5. It is admirable that all on this board, while there are occasional disagreements, are all united in their passion for the Chicago Bears. I for one very much enjoy this board; I enjoy the different takes on many subjects, I enjoy many poster's thought processes. I enjoy having the chance to discuss one of the outlets (the Bears) in my life that helps relieve the stress that comes with working and everyday life. While I don't always agree with everyone, I do appreciate all that you bring to this message board. For all that, I wish all of you and your families the very best this holiday season. I hope for a bright new year for all.



    Happy Holidays!!

  6. I agree it was a team loss. Question is what did we expect. The way ppl talked of him when we traded for him he was the ultimate saviour. He was so great didn't matter the surrounding cast. He was gonna go for 4500-5000 yds and 40 scores. The hype was unreal. He always been a gun slinger, a hot head. Willing to take chances because he trusted his arm. I was thinking that he would be able to break Kramer's record for yds in season. But I also thought we would be able to surround him with more than Hester to throw to. I do agree that I think the previous regime ruined him. Question is can he get closer to what he should be. For me that's 4200 yds and 30 scores with 12-15 picks. 1 problem I have is that injuries seem to follow him



    Yep add the injuries to the equation and it does not look too good long term

  7. I heard a replay today of Tucker's comments after the game. I am paraphrasing but he said:



    Defense displayed poor tackling

    Defense displayed poor gap discipline

    Defense displayed poor reads

    Defense displayed poor pad positioning

    Philly had 5 plays, just ran variations of such


    Somewhere in all of this, these comments lend themselves to poor coaching or the inability of players to comprehend.


    Sounds like a hodgepodge of monkey poop.


  8. Not that my opinion matters much, but I am with Adam on this. He stated Cutler did not lose the game by himself. It was a team loss. Fine if Cutler plays against GB; I hope he lights their asses up. What bums me is that I don't think Cutler will ever reach the level we would like from him. I still think this franchise wrecked him. Maybe a second season under Trestman with these weapons will help, since there aren't many attractive alternatives. It will all play out.


    I suspect as long as Cutler is a Bear we will never see the quarterback his potential said he should have been.

  9. Honestly, I think Mel Tucker is the key on what they do on defense next year. If they give him a bye, due to injuries, then he will probably have the chance to move away from the Lovie two.


    The defense was a major fail this year and I can;t think of a team that ran a solid cover 2 defense this year. The that has had the most success with it in the NFL has put up historically one of the worst defenses in NFL history.


    I think the defensive strategy will change next year due to the failure this year, and the massive change over due to happen with the roster, even if tucker is retained.



    I think the defensive strategy for this year was interesting. I would bet all new coaching regimes bring in new systems. We did it here on offense and it worked just fine. I don't know why Mel could not have done it on defense. I think changing it should have been to Tucker's version of the 4-3, since a 3-4 has not been the style he has coached. It was a interesting nod to the veterans on this team, but it was a gamble that lost. I know all about the injuries, and there is validity there, but to be this bad just can't be hung on players being hurt. Another thing, how bad must Washington be to be drafted and never played in this god awful mess. He could not take any playing time from SMC?

  10. I assume it's gonna be a Josh vs Rookie competition if they decide to move on from Jay.


    As far as the can't draft a QB early because of the suckage of the D.....They can add some key guys via FA with the money they save on Josh vs Jay



    No doubt, Emery is going to have his worked cut out and looking at FA is going to have to be a key

  11. Seriously, just buy out Conte's contract and give his cross-eyed ass a bus ticket home. I've never seen a safety with worse instincts...and we got to see Daniel Manning for a few years.


    For a franchise that fielded guys like Plank, Fencik, Double D, Conte is not worthy of wearing the uniform. Amazing, for all of the safeties picked over the years by Angelo and Lovie, they could never get it right


  12. With Jay though, what is the alternative? I don't know the list, but I cant imagine anyone shaking loose in free agency that is a worthwhile replacement? With the defensive problems we have, drafting a rookie QB early can't happen. McCown isn't the answer. Its on Trestman to get him right



    And as I am typing a long ass TD run, Conte must have failed Geometry because he don't know angles. Collingsworth said... never seen a game where running backs ran so free. Mel Tucker, your guillotine is ready

  13. 5 years of getting his brains beat in behind horrible offensive lines here prob has something to do with that. We probably ruined him.


    Not sure I even feel like watching the 4rh Qtr I have better things to do like pick lint out of my pockets, or play some xbox, or watch a movie, or hit my head repeatedly on my wall to see what jay feels like.



    I think you are absolutely right, he has been ruined by a franchise that thought they were trading for a franchise quarterback only to surround him with feces.

  14. After the season is also a good time to send SMC back to Idaho, or Utah or whatever farm he came off of.


    I realize this team has had a ton of injuries but this Eagles team can do anything they want. A professional defense can't suck this bad.

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