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Uncle Buck

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Posts posted by Uncle Buck

  1. I would love for that to happen. First things first, we need Baltimore to win.


    With the Sunday Night game in Philly, the day time temperature was going to be in the 50's with a chance of rain, and that will dip to the high 30's by game time. Minny dropped 48 on Philly without AP. If Cassell, Jennings, and Asiata can do that, we should be able to put up big numbers with Cutler, Marshall, Jeffery, Marshall, Forte, Marshal, Bennett, and Marshall.



    We are going to have to light it up offensively without a doubt. The only hope is that Lance comes back next Sunday to get some things back on track. Statistically speaking, we match up well with Philly. I am just concerned that McCoy will tear this team up, that's why we need Briggs back. As for the others working on taking the division, I don't think Green Bay has a easy game against the Steelers, especially if Rodgers is still out. Defensively the Steelers can give them a run for it; it will be up to Big Ben to make the plays. As for Detroit, same thing, the Giants defense is middle of the pack, I'm just hoping Eli can channel a little of his big brother next Sunday.

  2. Thanks for nothing Dallas. Monumental collapse on their part. As much as Cutler frustrates me, I'd rather have him than Romo. Not to jump ahead because the Philly game scares me but the Pucker win sets up Rodgers return for the season finale.

  3. It's been already commented on, but the offense under McCown seems to flow much better; he's not afraid to look to the other options in his progressions. What is interesting to me is that McCown appears to have completely embrace the philosophy. Cutler has been around and executing it just as long and under his command it just looks ragged and choppy. He can't seem to get it in his head that Marshall does not have to be the primary option each and every play. I enjoyed the offense under McCown, the swing passes to Forte were a thing of beauty. I don't think I am as solidly in Cutler's corner as I once was.

  4. Personally I don't find the score to be very reliable at all



    TD thanks for sharing this but I agree with twig, the Score generally sucks breaking news; they hedge their position on everything. This particular angle was brought to them by one of their useless producers looking to try to make a name for himself.

  5. Here's what I saw in McCown.

    -He didn't lock onto his target as much and went through his progressions.

    -His progressions seemed faster than Cutler.

    -He didn't throw into triple coverage.

    -He threw the ball away when he needed to.

    -The seemed to be able to run more plays with him. (which may have just been him going through his progressions more)

    -An enthusiasm that seems to rub off, due to being in a position he didn't think he would be.

    -Read the defenses better before the snap. The running game seemed more effective against one of the leagues top run D's

    EDIT: Forgot to say patience, he doesn't seem to see the ghosts that Cutler does.


    What Cutler has that he doesn't

    -He has better ball placement.

    -A much better arm on the deep ball.

    -Experience with the players on the team.

    -Intangibles good and bad due to over trusting his physical abilities.


    I think McCown is mentally a QB that can run the system better despite his physical limitations. Cutler is physically a better QB that limits the system due to dependence on his physical abilities.


    The question to me is, does Cutler upgrade the team enough to warrant the 10 million or more a year over McCown and a rookie. I just haven't seen it in this system yet. You have to play who gives you the best chance to win this year, but next year has to be in consideration too.


    Cutler needs to take another game or 2 off and give himself a chance to get 100%. It will also give the team a chance to evaluate whether the team needs to shell out that kind of money to keep Cutler around next year.



    Excellent post. I think McCown's skill set has allowed us to see what the system is intended to look like. At some point, upon his return, Cutler will put enough on tape for Trestman to evaluate as to whether Jay can ever become the man who truly masters this offense. I like what it looks like under McCown but Jay's skill set is still intriguing enough to hope it can be molded into this offense and make it even more dangerous.

  6. My football memory dates back to the tail end of Gale Sayers' career; so I did not see his prime nor Jim Brown play; but for my money Walter was the greatest all around running back I have ever witnessed. Yeah, call it a Bear's bias, but for all those who came after, there was always something missing from their game to put them on Payton's level. I too cried the day the news came out; I just never thought he'd go so young. I have heard so many stories over the years of what a great guy he was off the field, that's the key to any athlete.



  7. First thought and in response to bold. I don't think the team would have won every game if Cutler continued as starting QB. So really what is the difference?


    To analyze that we need to ask the question you posed. What really is the back up QB's job? The answer is what exactly do what McCown did. Put our team in a position to win the game...offensively. Unfortuantely our defense wasn't able to hold up its end of the deal...hence why our team lost by 3 pts. Not because of what McCown DIDN'T do, but beause of what the D didn't do. Remember, before the final drive by Washington our team was ahead by 4.


    The other part to consider is if they are not a back up QB, they are starting somewhere else or out of the league.


    McCown is better than our previous and recent back up situations mostly due to the cast that surrounds him. Hanie and Campbell did not have the combinations of Marshall, Jeffery, M. Bennet and Forte along with the Oline that has been constructed. As another here pointed out, if McCown can come in and produce as quickly as he did, with limited reps and playing time, then its the operator not the scheme that is the problem.


    And one last point I'd like to address. There has been much discussion about "tape on McCown" and how teams will have an opportunity to prepare for him and blunt his performance. I think we need to remember that there is already evidence out there, he's been in the league for 11 years and played for 5 other NFL teams. The 'tape' is already out there.


    I would not suggest that Cutler would win all of these upcoming games. My initial thoughts were that the Bears would lose at GB. But Cutler without a doubt is the better of the two options. Not all of the upcoming defenses will be as poor as the Redskins. The tougher the defense the more McCown will be exposed, even with the improved assets. I guess we will find out, but I would still be estatic if he wins 2 games.

  8. Baptism by fire...


    Someone on that damn D needs to step up. Briggs played well and all, but we were getting gouged in that game & games before he got hurt. Someone else needs to step up now. We will see if we have someone with potential to be a captain, or just bodies awaiting a leader.


    I thnk McCown will do OK. But, I think the Packers could set NFL records against our D.



    What I don't understand is that when pressed about the poor D play, Trestman & Emery point to blown assignments. I had heard that even the sideline was lighting up the safeties about their poor assignments. Well, if Tucker kept things pretty much the same, why is this group blowing it? Are they just that dense? McClellin, Peppers, the safeties and corners are not new to the rodeo. What gives; do they suck that bad?

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