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Uncle Buck

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Posts posted by Uncle Buck

  1. I have had some time to reflect on the Cutler injury and I wanted to ask the board something:


    What do you really expect from your backup quarterback when your starter is likley to be out for an extended time?


    I would say that most backups are such for a reason; either they are in the development stage or have not succeeded on the big stage in other locales. Not every backup can come in and perform like Frank Reich; usually their performance tends to gravitate towards the Caleb Hanie end of the spectrum.


    For me, the best I can hope for from McCown is a .500 record. I don't think he will win every game with Cutler out.


    Your thoughts?


    P.S. I don't think we should think that the 1/2 game sample size of McCown's performance in this offense is evidence that Cutler is expendable, IMHO.

  2. Yeah watch mccown throws to back of end zone and fendi makes an incredible 1 handed catch to win the game lol. Then of course the media will talk about us needing to give mccown that $100M. Deal and his fendi must be resigned yo huge deal. Because of course the media would never be do clueless



    One of the McCaskeys would then serenade Fendi like they did Urlacher a few years ago; Fendi gets a endorsement deal with Mr. Submarine and a show on the Score with Eric Weems

  3. mikecwright Michael C. Wright

    It's likely Fendi Onobun gets promoted to active roster, too.

    46 minutes ago



    but could be more "trolling" ;)



    Josh McCown, with the steely will and iron clasped grip of Fendi Autobon will lead the Bears to victory over the hated Packers.

  4. Doesn't the team have to make room for Palmer and I suspect another player they'll need to cover for Briggs' loss?



    You are completely right in the context of making room to account for the injuries. I viewed it as some on this defense needs to be held accountable for their performance; and I don't think it will happen. For instance, financial implications aside, I'd end the Conte experience and have a plan for Wright's replacement. I realize there is only so much than can be done.

  5. Since the days of Vince Tobin (save perhaps for Ron Rivera's tenure) the Bear's organization has been happy to settle for a bend don't break defense. This, I have never liked nor ever will. Conceptually the thought is that a team will have to put together long drives to score against you and at some point they (the offense) will make a mistake. It sounds solid and perhaps the odds of this defensive style will work is better than average. But yesterday the Skins had 6 drives of 50 yards or better; all resulting in scores and consuming 25 minutes of time. For the year, the Bears have allowed 29 drives of 50 yards or longer, resulting in 17 TDs and 10 FG; so 2 ended in no scoring. So this philosophy is not working this year as the opposition is succeeding at a 93% clip.


    I am not trying to pile on; I have always despised this defensive approach. It is easier to accept when we force turnovers, so I mumble to myself and move on. But with everything happening this year, the snowball effect of player's going down...Yikes

  6. That game was awesome.



    I just remember the announcers gushing over how Urlacher was used so effectively as the Vick spy; even better was just watching Vick turn into a pile of goo.

  7. I remember that vividly, and the reactions were priceless. Before the game Vick was, by many's opinions, too fast to be caught. After Urlacher ran him down a few times, big eyes and dropped jaws everywhere.



    At one point in that game Vick had his field jacket on and his head was hung low; his body language clearly screaming "I want no part of that guy!"

  8. Agreed, we can club each other over the head repeatedly arguing who's right, who wronged who in how the Bears and Urlacher parted ways. But at the end of the day what does that really accomplish. Right or wrong it's done, he's not on the team or in the league anymore, let's focus on what we have in our team and how the Bears can move forward and build for the future. Rather than focus on the past why not look for the future star at MLB. Could it be Bostic? Who knows, he's got a golden opportunity to show what he's got this year. Brian got on the field when Minter went down and the rest was history. The NFL is all about making the most of your opportunities. Personally I feel like Bostic can be that type of guy to step in and take over the position for the foreseeable future. Doesn't mean he will, but he's got his chance to show he belongs. Maybe someday he'll make #57 a hot selling Bears jersey and we can lay this Urlacher bickering to rest for good. Either way we need to move on no matter how butt hurt some are over how it went down. Let's keep our eyes on the future. One of the problems we have on D as pointed out is a heavily injury depleted DT position and total lack of production from Peppers. There's only so much we can do this season to address DT, Peppers is an unknown because we don't know what's causing his play to have dropped off this much. I agree with the earlier post that Tackling, and secondary play can improve and that is fixable. I saw in another thread somewhere about the number of missed takles for all of last year being something like 85 which is a little over 5 a game and this year through 6 games is something like 56 which is around 9 per game on average. Missed tackles have been a huge issue, how many times have we had a RB, WR, TE, etc. stopped short of first down yardage or even behind the line to see them pickup a first down and sometimes a lot more. It's maddening when you know the first guy should have made the tackle then to watch him and three other guys miss takles on his way to a highlight reel TD or big play. We can't control injuries, but we can control fundamentals, and that is what I am hoping that we use the bye week to focus on. We may not have the capacity to be a top flight D anymore but we can be a fundamentally sound and effective D.


    And going back to a previous response, I may have been a bit harsh on the coaching specifically Trestman and the offense but in general there are some things that need tightened up, there are play calling and time management issues that do make you scratch your head, calling for a long pass on third and short when you just need to get first downs to chew clock. Playing for a field goal at the end of the first half, rather than trying to get 6. I get antsy when my team has a little over a min and a time out in their back pocket and they are just meandering up to the line of scrimmage while the clock ticks down. It goes to that killer instinct that I want the Bears to have. The Giants are a team that you should step on their throats when you have the chance. Those kinda teams you need to force them out of the game emotionally so you can have your way with them in the 3rd/4th Quarter. Let a wounded team like that hang around and stay in it you are in for a fight.


    Big picture, I think the offense has the pieces in place, and needs to keep improving. Yes they are better than last year, and I think their ceiling is much higher than in past years. There is a lot of potential here once things start to really click. I'm hoping that will mean more consistency from start to finish in a game, rather than play well for 1 or two quarters then go MIA for the rest of the game. I am excited about the potential of this offense and I myself have to exercise some patience. It is a completely new offense and we are only 6 games into the first year of it. As fans we expect a lot of our teams and sometimes we get too greedy and want to see a perfect product on the field.



    Regarding the tackling, and it is league wide, but players are too focused on the ball punch. They are more interested in trying to separate the ball than bringing down the man. First guy needs to wrap up, others after can ball punch



  9. Jim Finks always looked to build a team from the line out; that being said, Emery took on the O-Line last year. With the injuries this year, he is going to have to look to do the same on the other side of the ball. With Melton's injury, will he be back, for the money he may still demand? Will Collins rebound well enough to get back into the backup role.

  10. The Mully & Hanley show this morning was discussing the game with Tom Thayer and this defensive stat came up:


    According to PFF the Bears missed 85 tackles last year; this year they are measuring at 55 through 6 games.



  11. While I wasn't able to find an online stream till late in the second quarter and thus missed the bears 3 first half TD's I'll comment on what I saw.



    Offensively. We are inconsistent, when things are clicking we look great but we seem to hit a snag, be it a bad play, and the rest of the drive loses it's flow.


    We keep wanting to run Forte inside but don't get the push in the middle to give him a chance, he's not the type of back that can maul up the middle and make his own hole. Forte's at his best when he can use his vision make cuts. If we can't open holes up the middle then we need to stop running him there.


    I thought Jay looked pretty sharp, made good decisions, I felt the grounding call late in the game was iffy, he was throwing it at Forte's feet and felt he got it close enough to forte.


    we had some drops on key plays that ended drives at critical points in the game.


    Time Management/urgency. It was maddening to watch the end of the first half we had over a min and 1 time out and we were just milling around lining up wasting precious time as if we had all the time in the world. I've seen us run a no huddle/hurry up, but no idea why we didn't there, that is when you need to be aggressive with that lead, try to get 6 not just settle to get yourself in position to try a long FG.





    Need to learn to tackle, I see a Defense that is not fundamentally sound, I continue to see arm tackles, trying to hit guys to the ground, and taking bad angles. Jacobs game today is a prime example, on a guy like that you need to get lower and get leverage to either get him off his feet or take his feet out from under him, when you let guys like that keep their feet moving bad things happen. I'm tired of watching bad things happen.


    We are a sieve on D, if we don't get the take aways we couldn't stop a nose bleed. And it starts up front, no pressure, and no run stopping. You have to have push up the middle and you have to contain the outside we don't do much of either. We let QB's have all day to throw, we let RB's cram the ball down our throat and we let them have the edge.


    3rd Down... I don't know what the stats were but it seemed every time we got them into third and med to long we let them off the hook with a huge conversion. We have got to get off the field on 3rd down, too many long drives, and chunk plays. In the past we may have allowed a team to drive on us but we would force them to nickle and dime their way down the field and capitalize on their mistakes. Now we let them drive at will up and down the field.



    I hate to say it but I'm beginning to question Tucker and to some extent Trestman's coaching. Maybe I'm expecting too much too quickly but we don't seem as disciplined as a whole as we have in the past. Marinelli had that defense playing at a high level, Toub had our special teams top notch, and I feel like our offense is only marginally better at this point. I'm speaking here in generalities as there are positives on offense that we've seen. Such as better play by Jay, better pocket presence, better line play, better weapons, and Jay has had a cleaner pocket to throw from. I see an offense that has potential but hasn't put it all together yet. We see glimpses, but we're inconsistent which is partly to be expected.


    The D shouldn't be this bad, with all the vets we have in there, and running the same scheme that they did under Lovie, perhaps the mistake here was that Tucker didn't implement his system, but rather let the inmates run the asylum. That was supposed to be a positive thing with the mindset of if it ain't broke don't fix it. Sure we've had injuries but were weren't playing well before the injuries. I do feel like if we can tighten up the tackling, and figure out how to get pressure especially up the middle then I feel like the D can stabilize.


    All in all, while not a satisfying win by any stretch. We are 4-2, and on top of the division by .5 game over Detroit. We play another weak but dangerous team in Washington who's currently 1-3 and could very well be 1-4 come next Sunday. We have an extended time to get ready for them and a much needed bye week after that game. In that bye week I think the D needs to get back to fundamentals and the offense needs to work on consistency, and getting better at being on the same page. With a win of the Skins we could enter the bye week 5-2 and possibly 1.5 games up over the Lions who have a tough matchup against the Browns especially if Johnson isn't able to go again.



    I would agree on the Forte comments, he is not an up the gut back. I think Trestman has some good designs for him with the passes to the back and the pitches to get him wide.


    As for the offense, I am happy with what I have seen to this point. There are glimpses of some excellent calls taking advantage of the defense with some flashes of real nice execution. I hope for the continued growth. Mayock had a great point in the fourth quarter when the line stunt called for the front five to slant to the left, leaving the right edge open, with the back obligated to block that open edge rusher. Forte slanted left with the line, so a good line call, but perhaps some miscommunication on Forte's part. Once these four new line starters really gel with the whole unit, that probably doesn't happen and Jay gets extra time.


    As for the defense, surely the loss of our tackles does not help, but I can't help but wonder what else is really missing. I don't think we took a huge step backwards with our two new linebackers. Peanut's early injuries surely don't help. But the safety play is sorely lacking and McFailin is not progressing like anyone thought. He really looks overmatched out there. Tucker needs to be creative in how he uses him or throw caution to the wind and let some rookies have their moment.




  12. Listening to post game and hearing Cutler's comments, overlooked in this game for me at least, is the concept that the short week drastically reduced the game plan. Cutler said the team just tried to focus on what it does best in respect to the development of the game plan. Given that this offense is a work in progress, it says a lot that they could pull off three nice drives in the first half. Would have been nice to carry that over into the second half.


    So some kudos to them to still be able pull off some nice offensive gains.

  13. My comment wasn't directed at just Cutler, but the whole offense. In the first, third and 4th quarters, and the offense only scored 3 points.



    This offense needs to get better each week because they are going to need to score 30+ in every game. I don't know that there is any fix for Mel Tucker's side of the ball at this point. So the offense has to find a way to carry the team. As a long time fan, having a offense getting to the point that it wins the game is a real shift in my thinking.

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