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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. Shea Mc Failin is looping so wide to the QB it looks like he's trying to hail a cab on Michigan Avenue
  2. I got to believe the state of the Giant's offense alone should point to a victory for the Bears. With a weak offensive line and no running game, we should be able to generate pressure and minimize Nicks and Cruz.
  3. Trestman's PC -said Nate Collins is out for the season-very similar to Henry's injury
  4. Hey, meathead texters on the Score are advocating a switch right now to a 3-4. I don't have the answer but I still think it can't hurt to get Washington on the field.
  5. I am curious to revisit the number of targets for Marshall this year. Early on I was one who was questioning the number of targets he was getting as not conducive to the offense's principles. I have been unable to locate a site that details the targets per game, if anyone has a site to share I'd appreciate it. As for the Lion's game, Marshall was doubled & tripled, so while he may not be happy with his individual output, that kind of coverage allowed Jeffrey to have a good game.
  6. Someone mentioned Jay falling back into old habits, could we also assume that he was seeing the "ghosts" (Jay's word) again, and altering his footwork, et.al on his own without any really true pressure?
  7. Not for nothing, I am not arguing any of the criteria; but that definition leads to some intense film study, and would you not agree some subjective assumption. Again not arguing, just amazed at he depth that would go into computing this statistic.
  8. I agree with earlier statements about the defenses the team has faced. I would add, at least as far as the sniff test we have applied to the D-line, that the O-line is benefitting at times from the impact of the offensive scheme, the short drops and swing passes to Forte. Visually, they appear to hold up better when Jay delivers the ball quickly and efficiently.
  9. So what is the over/unga that Harvey is at training camp next year? He is the perpetual itch.
  10. Unless I am incorrect, he is part of the end rotation. All of them need better production. He has 6 tackles over 4 games. In the context of my original post, the football speak I dislike has been applied to him frequently, my point is I don't think coaching him up is going to get him to be a productive member of the line. I think with his production level, we could get the same out of Cornelius Washington.
  11. I wonder if it won't be prudent to see what Washington can do, mixing him in with Shea. I don't think it can hurt. The coaches are the ultimate evaluator as they see him in practice every day, but why not?
  12. I was listening to the radio this morning. One of the guests, while discussing the game said something to the effect that there were things that need to be "cleaned up", "corrected", and "coached up". I'm sorry but I can't stand these three phrases anymore. Cleaned up means squat; if a player at this point in his career can't figure out what his game responsibilities are, then they can't be corrected and maybe, just maybe, the player sucks. Coached up to me signifies that there is some amazing exponential growth potential just sitting there. I guess what I am saying is these three overused comments make it sound like that some phenomenal change is sitting there to be made, and all will be well once we "clean things up". Well, sometimes, sometimes, the other team is just better than you or at the least that week they just plain kicked your ass. I am nitpicking, I am just tired of these comments, I don't have an alternative suggestion, but they are just tired, worn, throw away comments. Use Shea for example, is coaching him up really going to make a difference? I think he is just plain overmatched out there. Sorry, just some frustrated rambling against Chicago radio. If you are paid to come on and provide insight, leave these three throw aways out of your arsenal. Its insulting to the audience and makes it sound like you are just mailing in your commentary. Climbing off the soapbox now.....
  13. There was an earlier post about predicting the season record. I had this one as a loss, so I was not as upset as I thought I would be, but..... 1) This defense is in trouble- I think Shea is coming dangerously close to being called a bust - great that he is a high motor guy, that and two bucks gets you a cup of coffee. 2) Jay has to become consistent. Yeah we can say he had 3 acceptable games, and accept a clunker, but who's to say he doesn't give you a clunker in the SB. He seemed to fall back on bad habits, that is what he needs to overcome on a consistent basis. 3) Peanut's hurt worse than we know and that ain't good. Zack Bowman did not get cut by the Bears once and bounce around a bit because he is a great player. 4) This D-Line still isn't where is should be; maybe our ends are overrated-see point 1. Long season to go and I am not throwing it in by any stretch but we need to continue to have growth in order to get to the playoffs. Let's see how the team responds to this loss against a tough NO team.
  14. I'd like nothing better than to see Long tear Suh's head off and shit down his neck.
  15. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
  16. No there has not been one, but the improvement this year to our line in part by our rookies contribution thus far makes them both MVP's
  17. Almost ran with something about the movie reference, but I digress..... I agree with all of your positives, though I personally don't like a bend don't break defense, the 80's era Bears spoiled me with the Buddy Ryan knock the shit out of the opponent defense, but if we can keep the turnover machine running, I am good with it. Shea isn't doing much for me, why not activate Washington and let him have a crack at it? What I keep losing in the shuffle is that this offense is a work in process, given the restrictions of a CBA (offseason prep-lack thereof), this offense is still rolling with its training wheels on. I wonder if I should not give the defense the same benefit of the doubt as far as the back 7 since we are with 2 new LB's and a coordinator who is new to our scheme and learning both it and the players on the run. Just really wish we had more push up front on D.
  18. I think what I am hearing from some is similar to how I feel today. I'm excited they won last night and 3-0 beats the alternative any day of the week. BUT, I am looking long-term here, this team cannot count on turnovers and points from the defense each week. It sure seems like it, but I can't count on it, they will meet the team that does not turn the ball over; how will this defense look then? I just wished there was more coming from the front four on D; any measurable increase in performance from them would make me feel better about the long-term prospects. But all in all, to qoute Lovie, you want to stack wins; these guys are, I just want them to be a cohesive unit for that day the turnover tree can't be shook.
  19. As Wonka would say. follow me and you'll see a world of pure imagination. dat's why
  20. I agree on Jay, what will be interesting is what the contract cost will be. You are right, unless the season is just plain awful, they might look elsewhere. I don't see them getting a sniff of the top QB's, if the current standings held true (big if), Cleveland, Jacksonville, Minnesota, & Tampa Bay will be looking for a QB.
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