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Uncle Buck

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Posts posted by Uncle Buck

  1. I think we are on the same page. From the presser Teddy came off to me as an arrogant prick, but George did the right thing by bringing in a consultant with a very legit and impressive background. I think Ernie is going to line up the candidates, sit through the interviews and ultimately place a candidate before George and Ted who he thinks should be hired. I'd like to think George will take the advice of someone with skins on the wall over that of his bean counter. Acorsi has forgotten more about football that Teddy will ever aspire to know. Hub and Bernstain said on the radio today that perhaps once the dust settles on the new hires Teddy will be put out to pasture ala Master Gardener Mikey McCaskey. As someone else said this needs to play out, but I feel much much better with Ernie Acorsi involved.

  2. Amen brother, amen.


    I thinhk there's honestly enough out there besides this old article for fans to be upset with Phillips.


    Without even looking at the article specifically...here's what we know:


    1. He hired Angelo and Emery. Both Angelo and Emery to date have failed at thier overall jobs. That's to bring a championship to Chicago. Angelo also left them in a bad position after many failed drafts. Emery is hit & miss in the draft.

    2. The Bears have not increased in value since he took over as president. http://www.forbes.com/nfl-valuations/list/ The Bears, as of August, are # 8. And one could say their value may even be lower given the awful season at the moment. But their value is almost half of the Cowboys. 3.2B to 1.7B. The Texans are even worth more! I'm actually surprised to see PIT and GB lower...but those are not major markets.

    3. The new stadium is a virtual fail. It regarded as a joke everywhere else than Chicago. And most in Chicago thinks it just looks bad. Nice and new, but looks odd. Tack in the BS that concerts and everything else happen there, ther crummy turf, and that is tens of thousands too little in seating...it's bad. For a huge city and market like Chicago...it's a fail. I love Soldier Field. But, they also used to play at Wrigley. All things must change, and they should have went elsewhere.


    I personally know finance people that could run that team. I'm not one of them, but I definitely know people that could. So we know he isn't a great football guy, and it would appear he's not a great finance guy...why keep him?


    The answer is easy. Pure loyalty from the family. They make enough money just to not be concerned theat they aren't making more. The mcCaskey's didn't earn that money. They inhereted it. Papa Bear earned it. They are happy to take their piece, have a team do just well enough every ten years, and live a content life. Sure, they love their team. But I believe folks like Bob Kraft love theirs too. He just also happens to be savvy and wants more than just enough.


    The Bears will be mediocre as long at the ownership is content with such. They have tried. THey have been willing to pay salaires. Peppers, etc. However, the people they hire keep maing grievous errors in decision making on who to give big checks to. When you don't know how to do it...you hope that those around you do. That's what's going on. Until Goerge McCaskey and other in ownership are willing to cut their pals loose, and bring in real football business people, we will continue to be what we've been since 1985. Good every now and then, and average to poor the rest of the time. But never good enough to go the distance.


    Phillips is imply the poster boy for that scenario.


    I still feel that even with average people like Phillips and Emery involved, we could still luck into something with the right coach. It's doubtful, but possible. I'd just prefer above average football mena in charge... At least a mistake would be a true error, not expected.


    Sorry for the ramble...just frustrated over how this club is being handled.


  3. I heard the same on the radio this morning. Therein lies the problem with this franchise. They are fixated on people with relationships with the Bears as late. Ballard may be like Emery a good scout (questionable) but what have either shown that they should be a GM. I think that Emery's lack of experience put him in the position to offer Cutler that obnoxious contract. Emery set the market; I don't believe Jay would have seen that money on the open market and if he did god bless see you down the road. The Bears are quick to extend contracts on flash in the pan moments thinking they might save some money down the road, but then are saddled with shit after the luster wears off.

    There's talk of the Bears possibly bringing in Chis Ballard as GM. That's a disaster waiting to happen. 10 years under Angelo, and took Phil Emery's Job when he was hired here.


  4. I hear you; I wish I could find the interview as I know I am not doing Dilfer justice, but what he had to say just cemented my desire to see Cutler gone. It was pretty damning stuff. I know Jim Miller has been on top of this as well.



    I was listening to the Score one day a while back, and they were talking about Cutler. Normally, I don't agree with their opinions on most things, but one mentioned something a Scout once told him.


    When a QB is the main focus on a non-talented team in highschool and college, they tend to pick up a lot of bad habits and mechanics. They tried to avoid QB's like that in the draft, because it's hard to break the habits for so long.


    I wouldn't say Cutler isn't intelligent enough or lazy. He's been how he's been playing for 15 years or more. It's just something too hard to change. I think he's trying. Trestman and other's said it looks good in practice, it just doesn't carry over to the field.


  5. I am not a big Trent Dilfer fan but he was on ESPN 1000 with Waddle & Silvy a few weeks back and they had a extended conversation regarding Cutler's skill set. Dilfer basically said either Cutler just doesn't have the intelligence or is just too lazy to change. His field skills that were lacking were ones that high school QBs grasp straight away. I know I am paraphrasing quite a bit but after listening to that conversation I was more than happy to be done with Jay. As for Trestman, he has no credibility whatsoever in the locker room and now never will. His permissive attitude killed this team. Emery saddled him with shit coaches and a number of failures (Shea). Let all these heads roll, don't let the door hit any of them in the ass.

  6. While we ease into the holiday season, I am grateful for this site as a place to interact with passionate Bears' fans. Whether flush or flat all during the year, I at least got to get on this site and enjoy some fun and thought provoking discussion. Life is too short to let much get under your skin and this site helps keep things light. So to all who post and those who just enjoy reading the exchanges, please accept my wishes for a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. I'm glad we got through the year and look forward to many more productive years in my life and hopefully in yours as well. Bless you all.

  7. Ted Phillips sucks donkey when it comes to anything related to football. He got elevated to the job because Mayor Daley couldn't stomach Mike McCaskey. So in order to get a new stadium they had to rotate in a new face Daley would let in the room. Other than the deal getting done, what real accomplishment happened under Teddy? As someone pointed out, a crap stadium, with a seating capacity that is a league embarrassment. The McCowards are an absolute joke if anything short of a clean sweep does not happen. With all of the hiring failures on their watch they shouldn't survive; only thing saving them is that they own the team, Teddy doesn't so bye, bye Sweaty Teddy and bye bye to the bookworm nerd twins as well.

  8. aargh..... time to start drinking heavily :)



    Barring a HC change, which seems unlikely at this point, Paul Pasquiloni or Hoke will be your defensive coordinator next year. Phil probably drafts a 2nd or 3rd round talent with the 10th or 11th pick in the draft and we are right back in the same situation next season. #lifeasabearsfan


  9. SO if Mel gets canned, it's Lovie 2.0. Where you going to find a good coordinator to step into such a rocky situation knowing their Bear's tenure might very well be one and done? OF course the McCoward's could let Phail Emery and Clueless Trestman hang around another couple of years I guess. I cannot believe the death spiral and circular thinking the McCowards have placed themselves in.

  10. Like putting lipstick on the pig. The McCaskey family needs to do more than this window dressing move. Phillips to Emery to the whole staff needs to go. Anything less proves George McCaskey is a coward. If part of the indictment of Tucker is that he cannot adjust to in game situations; what about Trestman's abysmal play calling; I thought John Shoop was bad, Trestman is just as ignorant. The league has figured this one trick pony out. Damn the McCaskeys are worthless.

  11. Looking back at the records by decade, maybe not so hot, but the Halas name = the NFL. The legacy that this franchise has with Papa Bear and the origins of the league should dictate being fully engaged, leading to sustained excellence. Settling for what the McCaskey family is letting happen is almost criminal. This franchise should be the standard bearer for the league yet the family lets it operate like they are the Cleveland Indians of the NFL. Completely embarrassing and certainly unacceptable.

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