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Boston Boxer

Super Fans
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Everything posted by Boston Boxer

  1. wow, we just dodged a bullet there
  2. if we dont destroy these fools, then we have problems
  3. great news man, congrats! BTW, start a savings fund now because girls are expensive. I have 2 teen age daughters and they are draining my funds
  4. we just forced another turnover to start the 3rd. Wow, the Steelers suck. Time to bury them
  5. you just referenced a pre season game...come on man!
  6. you are kidding, right? In the last 12 years, the Patriots have been to 5 Super Bowls (winning 3), and outside of the superbowls they have been to the conf championship 2 other times. They have lost only 9 regular season games in the last 3 years and during that time have managed to restock the roster with young talent (rebuilding?). Going into this season they have an average age of 25 yrs old. The Pats boast one of the best OLines in the NFL as well as a top running attack. They have some guy named Brady as the QB as well. What have the Broncos done to merrit a 2 or 3 ranking? I have more of a problem with the Bengals and Redskins that high. I also dont think that they should start the rankings until week 5
  7. i thought you were done with this thread??? now go get your shine box!
  8. WTF IS WRONG WITH FULL HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. wow, the right side of the line looks good! Long is a MAN!
  10. Shea looks like a totally different player from last year. Looks really good
  11. bad pick...Cutler has to be better than that
  12. Wooten nice sack...terrible "robot" lol
  13. good second series. The right side of our OLine (rookies Long/Mills) look pretty damn good to me.
  14. I want the OLine to not suck...first series, not so good
  15. after the first day of "Tebowmania", Tebow met with the media and gave a scripted statement in from of more than 80 media. the 2nd day media count was about 6 and Tebow did not get interviewed. Tebowmania wont be allowed in N.E. and it looks like the circus is already over before it even got started.
  16. count me in on that. The kid is a leader and i am sure he is better than McCown. If not QB, then i think he would be a servicable ST, TE or H-back of some sort. I would not mind having him on the Bears at all
  17. this was a solid draft. not flashy but we are building a team and if we follow it up with another solid draft next year then we are putting together a nice squad without rebuilding in the traditional sence. very nice draft
  18. wow, kind of a reach. i am stunned
  19. Eifert or Ogletree would be awesome
  20. there is a reason Floyd has been passed over. I would go LB or TE now
  21. I have know Pixote (10+ yrs) through this board and the old board that a lot of us came from. He is a class act 100% of the time and just a real good man. Everyone on this board is a solid contributor and this is probably the only message board that i have been on that does not have trolls. Pretty nice
  22. actually it is working in NE...the problem is the Pats dont have anyone worth a damn on the outside. Marshall and Jeffrey on the outside and Bennett and Eifert down the seem would be very hard to defend. I dont think they will go TE in the first but i do like the idea of OG, LB, CB, C
  23. another solid guy to look at in FA is Donald Thomas, FA from New England. A solid guard that wont break the bank.
  24. you beat me to it. Brady and Welker are BFFs and it is reasonable to think that this is all tied together. I look for Welker to sign a 5yr/$8M per deal...with some kind of out clause for the Pats after 3 years or so
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