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Posts posted by azbearsfan

  1. Some of you guys need to chill out. I'm not a Cutler fan by any means but that is the price of doing business with a QB in the NFL in 2014.


    Now we can look to defense in the draft.



  2. I'm impressed at the system. McCown is doing great with it, but I can tell a difference than when Cutler is out there. He's making much better progressions and decisions than Cutler, instead of locking on and depending on his arm. The throws aren't always as pretty, but don't need to be as he isn't throwing into triple coverage.



    And this is why I believe Cutty is not an ideal fit with Trestman, just cant make the reads. We will see if Cutler is brought back.

  3. Agreed. McCown played smart and has a tendency to do that. All he needs are good players; Marshall, Bennett and Forte and he'll turn out fine.


    My next "bold" prediction; Cutler is done in Chicago.



    I agree, Trestman was able to open up the playbook more with McNown, which leads me to believe either Cutler can't handle it mentally or wont handle it because of an attitude.


    The offense had more flow and McNown was able to make better pre snap reads.

  4. The only difference between this game and the other three was the number of Cutler brain-farts. He hasn't played well until the 4th quarter all season. He dug the hole too deep yesterday.


    The D also didn't come up with many big plays. We're spoiled by a D we're used to seeing score. And Hester had another shit game.


    Game was close in the end only because Lions turned it down a notch and coasted home. Our D gets little to no QB pressure, we don't cover particularly well and in this game, Bush was running up the middle like our linebackers were sleeping.


    So yeah, Cutler lost the game for us by being an idiot but the rest of the team sucked pretty badly too. Now we'll see what kind of leader Trestman is. You don't know what someone's got in that regard until they face a little adversity.




    Well said.


    For me personally, I have alot less patience with Cutler because we have seen this crap the whole time he has been here.


    Here's hoping he can come back strong next week.

  5. I think the last line of your post is the most important, will Cutler be able to be counted on in a consistent fashion? In a big game, against a tougher team, one that has a good quarterback?


    Excellent comment AZ


    Thanks Uncle Buck. I know all we want the Bears to win!!!!!!!

  6. 3 turnovers causes forte to fumble. Good to know.



    Noone said it was Cutler's TO's caused Forte's fumble. The point is without Cutler ill advised decisions, then Forte's TO has less effect on the game.


    Looks like a moot point now, but something to tuck in the back of your mind as something that can cost the Bears a game.

  7. Game winner thread. That was a huge win for the Bears. Big 11 point comeback. Big performance in the 2nd half. That was a really good team the Bears stood up and went blow for blow with.



    And that the biggest thing. The Bengals are one of the better teams in the AFC, with a top defense.

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