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Everything posted by azbearsfan

  1. i like Ross as well. We just really need to get that guy who can identify and bring in talent.
  2. Well this is disheartening but not entirely unexpected. I just hope they are forced to sell, preferrably to cuban.
  3. lol, figures. The Bears are all about promoting their "crew" and keeping status quo.
  4. We'll that sucks, he was my second preferred guy.
  5. Agreed. The whole, trading the entire draft for Ricky Williams, thing makes me want to throw up thinking about it.
  6. As expected. All of these anti Martz reports coming out are no surprise.
  7. Exactly, when Martz was hired there was a laundry list of concerns ranging from the quarterback taking hits in his offense to his inability to adapt to his talent. Most of the concerns were not addressed, besides him being sat down and forced to adapt the offense to his talent two years in a row after a stretch were the offense actually cost the team wins. No matter how people want to spin it, it is a positive that Martz is gone.
  8. Wow, this is getting kind of creepy..... lol
  9. Dez Clark tweeting that the environment was bad the last two years: http://twitter.com/dezclark88
  10. Heard management told him they wanted him to run an effective offense before game 5 and he said no thanks.....
  11. YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. lol, word on the web is that Pack fans are not happy about this, much like when the rest of the teams fans in the NFC north weren't happy when Millen was fired. One name being thrown around: Packers director of football operations Reggie McKenzie
  13. I am shocked, to be honest. But in a good way. I'm glad the Bears made a bold move here. It actually brings some excitement and mystique to the offseason for a change.
  14. I dont even like Bowe that much. We need a WR at that spot period.
  15. Hopefully Floyd will fall.
  16. No, Martz has already been given input into FA decisions which brought us Manuelua (sp?), Roy Williams, and Todd Collins. Think about what you wrote " Martz had an explosive offense in STL". How many years ago was that? The sooner we can cut ties to this guy the better.
  17. whaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaha, Roy Williams is about the biggest piece of trash out there, I'm really glad that by game 17 he is finally in shape to run fast, awesome. I'd rather watch Hank Baskett play that RW.
  18. Fantastic, sounds like another year of the Martzball. So we get to look forward to his awesome free agent picks like Roy Williams and Brandon Maniamcrappy, anybody who had a decent year in his offense years ago (I predict Mike Furrey). Then he will ask the offense to do more than it can until he gets to a game where he throws 98% of the time and Cutler gets sacked 10 times and people are calling for his head, then Lovie and JA will put him in timeout, at which point he will balance it out just enough to keep his job, yet call enough garbage mixed in to get our QB killed and pad the sack stats for the opponents d-line. Yippie.....
  19. Yeah, he only adjusts after he gets sat down and "talked to" by Lovie, JA, his QB tells him to f*ck off, etc. Nowhere else would a guy like that even be employed after he did it a second time. Dude needs to kick rocks.
  20. Absolutely not. We need to draft a WR in the first round.
  21. We need a WR with the first round pick. Bottom line.
  22. Part of the problem with Cuts has been his OC. If he had an OC who would consistently try to maximize Jays strengths, instead of coaching with his head up his ass until he gets put in timeout by the HC and Oline coach. If Jay had a better OC, then I think his performances would be better.
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