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Everything posted by lemonej

  1. The rules for signing players from another teams practice squad make the signing significant alone. You must sign them to the 53 man roster so why would Seattle waste a roster spot on a guy they didn't value? Haas played in the PAC 10 and maybe the Seahawks scouts thought he could add something to the mix and Mike Holmgren at the time was the coach and hye has developed a WR or two in his time. The word potential could be tied to everyone of the draft picks that all 32 teams just made.BTW keep in mind that Keenan McCardell was once a Bears' practice squad player after originally starting in Dallas' camp as UFA.
  2. The Cutler trade was spurred more by Denver missing the playoffs than the Bears. Denver losing games down the stretch allowed the Chargers to reach the playoffs subsequently getting Shanahan fired and McDanials hired. The Bears took adavantage of an opportunity that presented itself. With Orton on a one year deal it could have been possible that the Bears may have pursued a replacement or a young QB to groom this year.
  3. Your right Mad L being the QB for this franchise that requires a big sack and the last time we had one with that we won the super bowl.
  4. This just tells me this jerk is quitting when he doesn't get his way. This is reminiscent of Michael Jordon playing in Washington for the Wizzards when he couldn't get the deal he wanted to run the Bulls. If this turns out in a similar way I like where this is going.
  5. Thats pretty intense and I as a Bill Parcells hater think that language is a little strong and actually takes away from his pretty good vent.
  6. What you said and the fact that they miss John Gilmore more than they are willing to admit. In essence they chose Davis over Gilmore.
  7. Mad L got me to the podium as a Parcells hater and I stand here now to vent my disdain for what I think is an over hyped windbag so here goes; Hi My name is Lemonej Iam a Parcells hater(pause)(applause). With my confessing of this hatrid I hope to feel cleanse but I still need to vent. Bill Parcells had these HOFs in his group plan Belichick, Lawrence Taylor and Harry Carson. Maybe Ty Law and Jumbo Elliott. George Young acquired his talent at NY and he has only been able to identify one positon in the draft better than everyone else and that is rush LB. LT, Willie McGinest and DeMarcus Ware says he knows this position but his lack of patience for WRs and QBs lead me to believe he doesn't really get this whole thing other than what he brings to the table. He licked out by taking Bledsoe instead of Mirer, he flip-floped between Hofstetler and Sims and then benched Bledsoe for Romo in Dallas. I also think there was a Drew Henson experiment in his past. Why does he remind me of Phil Jackson in the NBA? I believe because he has been on the scene at the right time for success with the help of a budding superstar and some incredible luck. So thanks for letting me stand before you as a confessed Parcells hater and may the healing begin(Not!).
  8. Mad L I got to say I like how you stick to your guns but using your Vegas analogy, what do you think the odds were for Arizona winning the NFC and the Dolphins winning the AFC East last season? I would guess that they were similar to what Detroits odds are for winning the Super Bowl. Add Turner to Lovie and we can agree they both are on display. We just added to this team the best QB that he has ever coached. For the record I don't like Parcells or anyone from his tree because they all seem to think they are genuises.
  9. Both you guys are right and right now he is the toast of the town and he will put pressure on Turner to adapt his hard to figure play calling to his talent.
  10. You were right about this jerk. Now reports say he is sending exrays to the Minnesota to determine how damaged his shoulder/arm is. The condition is if he needs major surgery then he will stay retired but if this can be taken care of with a simple procedure(When its surgery Brett there's no such thing you moron) then he will unretire again.
  11. Just so you know where I stand I hope you are absolutely right. I hope that the whole division sucks but I know with the talent that the Vikings have and "May" acquire they are a playoff caliber team. Parcells aside what I'm saying is that this team could rise up since it seems everyone in our division has what is deemed an easy schedule. I also think the Lions have acquired some decent talent that can compete if the games are not shoot outs. History tells us otherwise but this new mediocre NFL tells me they could make the playoffs with the right bounce of the ball. Now lets talk about Parcells, his rise to prominence came in the mid to late 80's as the coach of the New York Giants who had George Young as his GM. That is who acquired talent for him in his successful years there. He also had a certain young defensive coordinator named Belechick who handled that championship caliber defense. His next stop was at New England where he got his first shot at "Buying the Groceries" and coaching he picked some nice players but made it to the Super Bowl only to lose to the Packers. He leaves that franchise and goes to New York but this time his safety net doesn't go with him and he names Al Groh his coach and he bolted after a short tenure for Virginia where he seems to be producing some decent NFL talent. He leaves that job in a huff and does the analyst thing for a year and then joins Dallas with the idea that he was going to be running the show but we all know that Jimmy Johnson showed us that isn't the case with the Cowboys. He leaves that job in a huff and now he is with the Dolphins and in their first year they had big success just like the Cowboys did their first year under his tenure and now is when we will know if he can sustain some success. Bill Parcells is following the same path that a lot of the former Super Bowl winning coaches have gone down moderate success as talent evaluators but nothing sustained enough to win Super Bowls. Guys like him, Holmgren,Ditka and Shanahan all seem to think they are directly responsible for team success and we all know that the players decide things and that acquiring players takes some skill but a lot of luck. No matter how hyped up Parcells is as a talent evaluator, the talent he has acquire over the years have made it to one Super Bowl the same as Jerry Angelo.
  12. Thanks Pix I was just getting started for next year with QBs.
  13. Did Parcells ever run the Dallas Cowboys? The Jets? How did that work? Its not about Parcells its more about their coach Sporano? Who new that Atlanta could make a big turn around with a rookie QB, new coach and schemes? What I'm saying is that it is possible for them to have a turn around similar to the two teams I stated. Bill Parcells wasn't running the Falcons and they did pretty good also. Parcells has yet to win a Super Bowl when he has bought the groceries.
  14. I agree and when he was asked directly he said," We probably wouldn't pursue Simeon at this time." At his best Rice was one dimensional and that spells Mark Anderson to me who is younger and playing for a new contract. I also think its a little creepy the way Simeon Rice talks about himself in the third person
  15. Isn't Levi Jones the guy who got punched out by Joey Porter? I guess injuries aside his behavior is too bizarre for the Bengals. I wouls really do my homework on this guy before I added him to the mix.
  16. It may be for now but I think the spector of surgery has him hesitant. He has always been a proponent for natural healing and this torn tendon I guess has to have a rupture or be clipped surgically.
  17. Nfo the Dolphins just pulled the trick this pass season with new everything also and who were their receivers going into the season Ted Ginn and some guys I can't name.Ronny Brown was coming off injury and Chad Pennington was similar to Culpepper in he had a lot to prove. Plusthe main factor is that the Bears always have played someclose games against Detroit no matter what the records are.
  18. How new were the Miami Dolphins to their new schemes? 1-15 to the playoffs. Don't underestimate what the right coach could do in a bad situation.
  19. According to sources on ESPN Brett Farve has told Brad Childress that he plans to remain retired. Just keep in mind this is the same ntework that reported that he was to meet with Childress yesterday and today. Now they are reporting that Childress never left the state of Minnesota.
  20. lemonej

    Rookie Camp

    Locally here they were singing the praises of Northwestern's former players CJ Bascher and WR Eric Peterman ( who might have an outside chance because he is a good special teams player). Both these guys are longshots and Bascher is an ultra longshot.
  21. lemonej

    Rookie Camp

    I watched him that week and if I'm not mistaken they were playing him one on one in press drills on outside routes. He was completely over matched. But our scheme can hide some players that are challenged in man coverage and the description of a centerfield type is kind of what the Bears are looking for. They have been searching for this type for years.
  22. Thats what I'm talkin' 'bout. We need to develop O-linemen and I thought I saw one report say he had athleticism similar to recent HOF lineman Randal McDanial. I say make him a versatile back up.
  23. I agree about Hester. He does a lot of body catching to me and not with the hands. Most number one guys snatch the ball out the air. The other thing I want to say is that maybe we need to make it easier for WRs to get on the field as rookies. I have yet to see this happen under Turner. The fact that we have a QB from day one of OTAs that is the undisputed starter may help this cause. He can lobby for who he develops a rapport with. Thats why I like Bennett's chances. I would compare this favorably to if Donovan McNabb had gotten to play with Kevin Johnson early in his career. They were together at Syracuse.
  24. The one thing I always new about Gault was that he could run like the wind and avoided contact at all cost which is probably why his body isn't as beat up as other former NFL players his age.
  25. I disagree on both these guys when I compare them to recent HOFs at their positions. The last two centers in the HOF If I recall correctly are Bruce Matthews the all evereything O-linemen who made all pro at three line positions and Mike Webster from that great Steelers team of the 70's. Kreutz is not in that class. The guy who made it previous to those two was Dwight Stevenson who had a very short career but was regard as one of the best to ever play at the position. Thats not Kreutz either. I also can compare him to Bears' HOF center who back in the 50's and 60's Mike Pyle who also was one of the best to play the position. Kreutz doesn't measure up to him. A guy who I thought deserved some consideration and compares favorable to Kreutz is former Bear Jay Hilgenberg good solid career made all pro and a few pro bowls but is not in the HOF. Lets face it OL get the shaft when it comes to being considered and centers seemed to be the lowest in that regard. As for Urlacher, think of all the guys that made it to the HOF at MLB Butkus, Huff, Nitchske(sp?),Lanier,Lambert,Singletary and more recently Harry Carson(who I was not so sold on his selection) all have championship rings except for Butkus who was a beast. Currently the only sure 1st ballot HOF MLB is Ray Lewis and Urlacher will have to step up and play like he did earlier in his career or he can join the Mike Luccis and Hardy Nickersons of the game having good but not HOF careers.
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