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Everything posted by eback

  1. Well at least Muche Trubuski won the NVP award.
  2. Wow. Way to give up before the half. That’s a winning attitude ?
  3. Is it time for Foles? Offense just looks bad.
  4. I say ride it out and draft 2 qb’s. I like Shea Patterson as a 2nd or 3rd rounder. I also like Nick Mullen’s on the 49s but that ship sailed for this year.
  5. My first football game ever was the first game of the 85 season with my Dad. Can’t beat those memories.
  6. As far as Karma I think that was last year
  7. Yes 3rd down play calling has been bad. Otherwise great game by the Bears so far
  8. Let’s hope the offense can keep things going to make the Queens pass more
  9. Hope this is good news for James Vaughters. All he has done is make plays and he can always get bigger. Might be a mini MACK with his knack of finding the ball in the backfield. We have to be picking up a TE from someone else if they let everyone else go. I thought Bunting and Horsted both played well so surprised there. Yes this roster seems much deeper with quality talent than I can remember having in a long time.
  10. Glad to see this. Me thinks he wants that ring!!! https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/02/26/kyle-long-restructures-contract-says-he-is-a-bear-for-life/
  11. Agreed. Go to Vegas or wherever it’s legal and regulated if that’s what floats your boat but he obviously knew it was an illegal establishment which is always a possibility for trafficking unwilling girls.
  12. Good for him. It’s not an easy path. Rare to see this type of carrier change so Congrats!! https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2822314-charles-tillman-reportedly-graduated-from-fbi-academy-working-as-agent
  13. When it rains it pours
  14. eback

    Silver Lining #1

    This team is still great. That’s why it was so disappointing. It was fun
  15. I was over there last year and watched the Monday night game against the Vikings. I had to work at 9am so was glad it was on so early. Only problem was I had to watch it over the hotel WiFi and it kept going in and out at the worst times. Have fun! Go Bears!
  16. Well I have the Bears winning the Super Bowl this year so not too worried about Philly 27-17 Bears
  17. eback

    Playoff Scenarios

    You play who you play but who would you rather face round 1? Minny or Philadelphia?
  18. I just love how we can complain about road wins. That hasn’t happened in a long time.
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