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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. GrizzlyBear

    Oline test

    Last year they did not blitz either, Front line of the Giants just dominated on all fronts. As for Webb, He looked dang good tonight he was all over Pierre paul and was never in any trouble. If this persists, then the sky is the limit for Webb, Carimi looked awsome, For a rook he played dang good and was never outa position badly, Even when form was bad his strength made up for against Tuck. Thats saying a bunch. Louis, I think this will be his last start. Move in Spencer to center and Garza back to guard, we are then set on the line. C Williams did stay steady. I never seen him get really blown up and pulled well on serveral plays. Looking solid. Yhe line did what they were supposed to do. As for recievers thats another story.
  2. well with refrence to the age of players, I think they have turned the corner as far as being old. The Bears were like the number 3 defence last year, with that winning the division they should be one of the top top teams to have camp reports. Instead we get a team that dint make the playoffs and we beat. Then to boot they show Sexy Rexy and foot fetish instead of what happening the second largest market in the NFL. I dont get it at all.
  3. Ya know I was pretty faithful watching the NFL network at 4 pm daily. I was waiting for camp reports for the Bears. They interviewed Tom Waddle from there, But it was about the Ochocinco trade. I have yet to see anything from them, And to boot Iam getting so sick of Dallas reports I wanna puke. What is it with the supposed flagship station of the NFl dropping the ball on this. It seems like watching the Daileys on the Reelz channel. Am I just missing it here or is anyone else feel like Jerry Jones and Bill Belichek bought stock in the station?
  4. Yep, He will relegated to the KO return and Nickel again.
  5. Cardinals are in desperate need of running back with this injury to the Cards RB Ryan Williams. We have 2 too many RBs right now and this would make good place to send C Taylor. Get a 5th for him would be good, or 6 and 7. What ya think?
  6. I remember reading awhile back Some coach said he did not have natural ball skills. He could hit but he could not read play to save his life. I beleive his acutual quote was "He is not natural safety and that does not bode well for him in this defense."
  7. Ok either way if this is true, Who would he surplant, If Spencer goes to center and garza slips back over right guard, where would Davis line up? C Williams?
  8. Northwest Indiana is part of the burbs too, as a matter of fact that part of lake county is actually the only part of indiana on Chciago time zone.
  9. "We consider him a four-phase starter,” said special teams coordinator Dave Toub. “That third running back has to be that guy. We can’t have a third running back that’s sitting on the bench not playing special teams. It’s valuable. We showed that the last few years with Garrett. So that’s the role that we need that player to be.” http://www.chicagobears.com/DailyBlogs.asp...G_DATE=08/17/11 This stament has me going now on CHester Taylor being gone maybe as soon as he has good showing in the preseason.
  10. Beast or not, Comming into camp over weight and outa shape for the second year in row would draw the line with me, He took a bunch of heat last year for it and learned nothing. That tells me he is more interested in a pay check then playing ball on elite level. Now with okoye he plays the nose as well and is in phenominal shape. Harrison at this point is expendable, unless a unforseen injury comes into view. IMHO he will be released or traded if not now then later.
  11. With Defensive Ends on the roster it looks like Gohlston will stick with this injury to Wooten. It seems after watching this game again, the Bears did a real nice job in UFA market. There are some flashing on DE position as well so we wait and see how Wooten is, Most likely he will be on the IR and then reactivated after the bye week.
  12. Melton is gonna start , The result of this camp and preseason will prove that out Paea is whole other storie. Nope Fox runs a 3-4 and Dummerville is elated Toe will stay and Harrison will be cut. His attitude has shown he can not be depended on.
  13. If healthy this could be the answer we need he was a pro bowler for the saints, but little health issues in the off season. Maybe we get him for a song. But only of healthy.
  14. If you look at tape of the game, Marion was running against 1's , Chester was in for 3 plays, thats it.
  15. GrizzlyBear

    Few Thoughts

    Jamarcus Webb sucks..he's a 7th Rounder outta nowhere. Get over it and end it Supposedly he has first round talent . . . Agree, Give it till the third game Okoye has a ton of potential for us. Think he is gonna be huge and a steal. Gholston on the other hand looks rather lost. Agree with Okoye. Rewatch the game. Gholston looked good. Definately rewatch the game, Gholston made that tackle look bad withte bull rush and was involved in alot Major Wright will end up killing someone or himself (figuratively). Plays with a ton of passion He could be huge if he stays healthy. Great talent pickup, another big hitter for the Bears back there Chris Williams truely stinks. After every play he stands next to ball and chews mouthpiece. Reminds me of the fat kid wearing the Darth Vader helmet from "Little Giants".. Typical Jerry's Kid Nice! I watched him closely, He flubbed on 2 plays and the rest was pure communication, They need to talk to eachother more Chester Taylor is packing his bags, in turn Barber is buyin a condo on the north side somewhere Yep. You can't have a 3rd string RB chewing up 1.2 million in cap space. Especially when the #4 looks better. totoal agree Spencer will end up being the starter at G or C. If u are drafted to C, shouldn't you be a C? Of course it's Jerry. Louis is getting benched IMO. Garza will go back to RG where he's the most comfortable. Get 'er done. Garza was drafted a center, If spencer doesnt get up to speed, Put E williams in there. He too was drafted a center Conte missed a huge tackle near the end of the 3rd... Otherwise played tough He's looking better then I thought he would. By that I mean he's already better then Craig Steltz. Contes biggest assett is his speed at the position, He looks good for a rook Podlesh sucks - has a look that makes u wanna smack the smirk off his face, let that rookie play. Hell, Podlesh makes more then most of our offensive starters.He was absolute dynamite for the jags last year. Give it time I hope that kid Sanzenbacker makes the team... I still think he looks too slow.Slow ? Maybe it was the beer, He totaled that corner on that slant and go. He nailed em to the turf and was targets how many times? 1?
  16. Here is a total counter to your assesment Terra. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...,6762783.column
  17. Origianlly from Griffith Indiana, Joined the Army nd retired in Phoenix Arizona. Been here since 1994
  18. I also include Adams looked good in the slot Bell is real NFL back Barber is ideal back up for Forte Unga needs another look Gholston flashed tonight , want to see more Garza excahnges were good Overall line play was as expected , with the changes and hardly any practice it can only improve.
  19. Bear win 10-3, Defiantely a good game for film and coaching.
  20. you can tell Podelish still not used to holding for gould
  21. That was bad Center got worked on that one
  22. Jason you Make a meaningless game Feel like a Rotten regular regular season getting beaten by the Lions, Dude, Lighten up please. and think positive. For no practices till camp this was expected.
  23. Umm. I dont think its any matter of sucking, I think its amtter of knowing eachother. With Garza on center and what else has changed I think by the end of camp you will see a whole different play from the line. They are very young and will improve greatly with the right teaching. Also Buffalos line was pretty intact from last year.
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