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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. Defensively we look very sound, I like what I see there.
  2. Yes I agree, Okoye is beast from all seen today, Him and melton with Paea and adams subing them would be a potent line.
  3. One thing I do know Lovie hates Penalties, He will be on his pulp[it after this one.
  4. OMG he is rookie with no camps to speak of, Common guys this is not the regular season its the first game.
  5. You see that move Sanzenbacher put on the kid Williams, Man he run routes. He sold that slant big time.
  6. At least until the line gels, once that happens they can open it up a bit.
  7. Ok one thing good about todays game is the run blocking is much improved and the screen plays were right, We just need to get the pass blocking down, But overall not bad at all for not practicing at all since january.
  8. Oh man nathan , throw the ball away dude.
  9. I see Chester being traded or cut
  10. Barber living up to name, Man he is a load.
  11. Whoa have never seen a back carry players like that except for Walter. Marion living up to nickname.
  12. http://www.vodkasports.tv/Buffalo+Bills++C...o+Bears-832.htm Try here
  13. OMG This is uch a Non=issue I cant believe someone is bitc-ing about this. Lets see, JA's tie did not match Lovies sox. Holy crap Iam gonna stop watching the Bears.
  14. Same here bud. If it dont then off to justin TV
  15. Bears will be televising the game tonight on thier site. http://www.chicagobears.com/cbn/PreseasonTV.asp Enjoy and see ya there.
  16. Yeah its strange that he is not preforming to expectations, Maybe being beaten down by the NY press and Rex made his mind think small.
  17. As for Diabetes, MY wife has it, Although she control hers by diet. After going to the Seminar on it, If your a type 1 You have to have a continous flow of insulin that monitered quite often throughout the day, Why Jay had a Pump implanted. When he was at camp he was tired and loosing weight like crazy, After the insilin he balooned up a bit which is normal according to our brochures. Iam sure after a couple of years with this condidtion he found a very happy medium with diet , excersise, and insulin intake. Bobby Clark went through this with the Philly Flyers in the 70's he had the same problem early oin his condidtion. I think its more learning about his intake versus insulin and workout regiment. From all accounts he is looking great in camp.
  18. Dont forget Bortz was defensive draft, He was moved to Guard and Played there
  19. Welcome to the board, Its fun here.
  20. As for knowing the Politics of Chicago is why I think Rahm had this done on purpose, Make an issue of a situation or emergency and then at the last minute get what you want as Mayor. Thats Chicago Politics. I think the best Field we could have is the ones that the Packers have, A mixture of real grass and turf. Its also the cheapest.
  21. I got real good feeling that you will eat crow. Enjoy the sauce as well.
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