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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. Sorry guess i been out of it awhile, But I dint find onething funny, Maybe it is my mood today.
  2. I know your joking terra, But dang can we get anymore negative?
  3. LT: The bad Frank Omiyale or rookie Carimi. Most experts project Carimi better suited to play RT.Experts have been wrong and the result is still out till Tice gets a good look LG: The bad Chris Williams or the bad Lance Louis.Mostlikely will be Spencer till he gets all the calls down C: Spencer: Most consider him worse then Kreutz.Edwin Williams will most likely be center Keeping the middle solid, Wont know till he is able to practice RG: Roberto Garza: I hope his age doesn't start to showWill stay at right guard RT: J Webb: He's a great story but I have never been impressed. For rookie he did well enough to put the bloodline on his ass. So improvement is due Your assesment is defiantley skewed. Spencer is stronger , Bigger and younger then Olin, I loved Olin play early on but do you honestly think they are better off with him? I dont think so. Edwin Williams played Center for Baltimore, He best suited for that position early on, once Spencer gets all the calls down, It will be vast improvement in the middle, Running the ball will be the real tale. The way I see it: early on alignment Left tackle Carimi, He will win the job outright because of his nastiness and mauling attitude Left guard Spencer, he is an upgrade for Williams and will learn calls while playing there. Center Edwin Williams, Cant practice till 4th of August But will best option because he knows the offense and is a better center then garza Rigtht guard Garza Solid player which will help Williams in the middle if needed. Right tackle Webb Did a nice job as rookie, Will improve his hold on the Right side. As the season rolls on Left tackle Carimi Left guard Edwin Williams Or FA Center Spencer Right Guard Garza Right tackle Webb Iam much more comfortable with the lineups this year then last C Williams will be a swing tackle In case of Injury, Look for him to be released after this year or traded because of his cap number, But I would feel much better then Omiyale being back there with this config.
  4. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...0,1228472.story Class al the way.
  5. Well according to Tice, the plan is to have Spencer and Garza at guards and Edwin Williams playing center, that appearantly be his preference, but if Williams does not pan out Spencer to C and C Williams or E Williams or Louis will fighyt it out for the left guard spot.
  6. Istead of Blalock now garza or Spencer just switch em up Ed williams is also there,
  7. I think it was appearant that Olsen wanted out of Chicago. It became clear as soon martz signed as coordinator. He was disgruntled till Martz assured him that he would use him Which he did. But not as Olsen wanted. He welcomed out of Chicago, Spaeth is the typical TE in martz system, I welcome the move, It also puts Cutler in a position that his roommate is now gone and no longer in his ear. Cutler is going to have to step up and distribute the ball in different way.
  8. Sorry have to disagree, Other have to step up. Cutler, Url, Peppers. There is plenty to take his place.
  9. With Blalock next to him Carimi would be more then adequate at the left, I dont see light as stop gap he was a turnstile in New england, Webb now in his Second year should have leap in productivity, At least Tice is really high on him, I could live with unit looking like that I posted, Anyother moves would have to be interior rather then edges.IMHO
  10. At least IMHO. Cut loose the following C Taylor, Omyale, Harrison, Sign Justin Blalock Line the looks like this Carimi, Blalock, Spencer Garza Webb Swing tackle C Williams I would fell much better about that then anything we got now.
  11. Yes , the man who anchored the line for so long will be missed, But it had to happen, He was just loosing more battles then winning.
  12. Yes but after watching alot of tape it had to be done, Olin was degrading fast, Watching him get blown up painful.
  13. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...0,1796142.story
  14. Whats the word B 4 ever, I heard nothing so far.
  15. Great move on young DT that was just comming into prime, when Texas went to a 3-4. He was not cut because of bust, he was not resigned because of scheme change. Love this move, 24 and still going up.
  16. Love this move, But only if we cut Taylor. We need someone who can truly spell Forte in a game. Not the 2.4 YPC Taylor produced. Get rid the Taylor Cap and sign another Guard, we are in buisness.
  17. Yes, 2 year deal with option to keep him for longtime, Young , Mauler, Smart, Good replacement and definate upgrade over Olin in his current state. Could not be happier.
  18. I agree, Tice can get Linnekohl up on calls, He is another Kruetz type center. if you watch him he reminds me alot of Olin in his earlier years. Pretty intersting. 31 reps on the Bench
  19. Appearantly not as bad a shape as 2009, But still a problem. I think he is couch sitter during off season, Doughnuts and ho ho's, Bet this is last chance.
  20. GrizzlyBear

    NFL Network

    Dukes has hard on for V Young, I truly think he either on Youngs payroll or little balckbook for those late night visits we hear about on True TV. Eisen can be right on sometime but his woody goes to Farve.Greer not so bad and laconforta is ok sometimes, Dukes is my biggest pain, He is the one always bringing up the cowgals Or the Patriots .
  21. Eh, Williams is better at reciever then Arameshadu, Hurd is as good ST'er as Davis but a better reciever, he was scheduled to be the number 3 in Dallas. Knox, Bennett, and hester we all know. So yes for Lovie, I bet they do look like #1's compared to what we had.
  22. GrizzlyBear


    It seems with all these signings, that Kruetz is not on the Bears list as a need. I wonder if they plan on Moving Garza to Center or hoping Linnenkohl is all they thought he was. This will make a very interesting time , that for sure.
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