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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. Yep could not agree more. The guy never goes and causes any trouble like marshall, Holmes, rothlesburger and Lewis, but he gets more press and hammered for more stuff then any of them. It wrong absolutely wrong, then to suggest his manhood in question is pure hatred. I dont get it and never will.
  2. Real class, and what true Bear fan. I hope jump off the bandwagon you hater
  3. Bears safety Chris Harris criticized the media storm surrounding Cutler. "Watching ESPN. To all of u IDIOTS including current players questioning Jay's toughness n fans burning his jersey need to chill out," Harris tweeted Monday, and later added: "Its easy to talk (expletive) when you're at home on your coach with 2 good knees watching us play on your couch." http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81de...P_headlines2col Says it all
  4. Simple for someone that has no idea of what that type injury does, Ever wonder why his passes were shgort? It was the MCL. Ever wonder why they were high, MCL. He would had 7 picks with that D if he stayed in. Then all you nay sayers would say he shoulda been out if he had MCL. The guy cant win.
  5. TD ever try to plant and throw or turn with torn MCL? Can not do it, I know I had one. You have to have one to understand. Rivers is in entirely different situation then Cutler this year, Rivers is stand up QB, he stays in the pocket. Cutler had no pocket . If he stayed in with a torn MCL and no wheels to get out of stuff, he woulda been killed. Also Leftwich is not a mobile QB 2 different senarios.
  6. Ya know hind sight is always 20/20. But to tell the truth who woulda thought Cutler got hurt, The kid has been durable as hell, Collins knew the offence. But looking back at it, after the Carolina game he shoulda been gone and Hanie shoulda been 2, I cant sit and question the thought process. But I always liked Hanie, he showed moxy in the preseason work he did, But to say they botched it? Nah they realized quickly Collins was through. Lets move on.
  7. Dont let the door hit ya the ass collins.
  8. Yeah talk now all you nay sayers, Torn ACL, it shows me one thing, he stayed on the sidline to support his team and help Hanie or Collins. Anyone questions him again would be stupid and a jerk.
  9. Leave the game prematurely with torn ACL. Are you kidding me?
  10. Internet tough guy? LOL you crack me up, Your bailer on Cutler just like alll the people that develope an opinion on Body laguage, I sure like all the frueds out there trying to pitch thier crap. If Kruetz (probably one of the toughest people in football) said what he said, then you should keep your mouth shut, And Ill meeet anyone anywhere I dont need keyboard to hide behind.
  11. No on Smith , Ill take Cutler and Hanie and draft or sign another FA out of college. As for O line, I dont care how they do it, just get 2 guards, 1 that can play center and a left tackle. Make em live together for the off season and then we may have O line that can keep Cutler in the game.
  12. You wouldnt know it by the way this board is treating Cutler. Its shameful
  13. and what did he drop in the end zone. Ohh a pass.
  14. I think you better read Kreutz's statement before you dis Cutler. He was surprised he came out of the locker room. He stated "Veteran center Olin Kreutz said he saw Cutler's knee shaking when he returned to the huddle after taking a hit to the outside of his leg and knew the quarterback was in trouble. He was surprised, actually, that Cutler stayed in the game and even more stunned when he came out for the third quarter. "It was shaking right after he took the hit and walked back into the huddle," Kreutz said. "It was swinging. I knew that one of his ligaments probably went." http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81dd...le=HP_headlines And I cant beleive you guys, bunch of jerks ragging on a guy that took a beating all year. worst sack total in the league and played every game he could. The guy has reaptedly got back up and played after worse pressure then that and all you guys , every one of you said we need O line or Cutler will be in a Body bag. Well it happened, and you all jump on him with no hesitation, you all should be ashamed. Bunch of no good wanna be wrtiers and GM's.
  15. Ill never forget Mel Kiper on Hanie. "he will be a starter for the Bears in the future, Best Qb on thier roster" That was when he first joined em. Great to see success.
  16. I love the fact that this thread was bumbed, it truly shows how many were off the bandwagon in November. It could have been a bad season, but good coaches adapt and it seems to me that has happened. Martz, Marinelli, Tice, and Lovie have all adapted and coached thier ass off. Its been a good year and if there is a season next season I expect for the Bears to be at the top again, it can only get better.
  17. Great video, the link takes ya to marenelli but hit the pump up, its a good video http://www.chicagobears.com/multimedia/mul...clip=Y&rn=2
  18. thats a classic, good find Mad Lmao
  19. thats your opinion, your welcome to it, but I see it differently. No biggie. Not everyone can be Brett Favre with the Media or fans.
  20. http://www.chicagobears.com/news/NewsStory.asp?story_id=7501 Cutler has developed a friendly rivalry with Rodgers. While they’ve battled on the field, Cutler has helped Rodgers’ younger brother, a junior quarterback who transferred from a junior college to Vanderbilt. “He’s a guy who’s been great to my little brother,” Rodgers said prior to a Bears-Packers Monday night game in September. “As a big brother, it’s much appreciated the way he’s made my little brother feel comfortable down there and get the lay of the land down there in Nashville. “It’s only helped to strengthen our friendship. I pull for him 14 weeks out of the season, and hopefully he throws us a couple in those other two weeks.” Asked Sunday night whether he plans to text Rodgers this week, Cutler said: “I texted him after the [Packers beat the Falcons] and told him ‘good game.’ I’ll probably have a few text messages from him, so we’ll have friendly banter I’m sure. It was an impressive win they had [saturday] night. What they did on the road to an Atlanta team is hard to do, so we’ve got our hands full.” I found this kinda odd, however it is kinda cool and shows Cutler is a good dude. At least to me.
  21. Jason I served 23 years in the Army. At first I found it the same as you. But it is unique to Chicago sports. As a former Chicagoian I find the initial reason very cool. But after hearing it so many times, it does grow kinda old on ya.
  22. Well to me its appearant that the locker room like him quite a bit, Olsen, one the most vocal bears is his best friend. Saying that tells me more then a idiot columnist. Most times , personalities of opposite attract. Olsen being the out-going type and Cutler being the shy type. I think Jay is quite the outspoken person with Olsen but with the Media he may have shyness that makes him look defensive. As he gains more time in front of the camera and realize that reporters are not all out to critique his talk he will loosen up. But from all I have read prior to his arrival in Chicago, his was constantly being hammered by the press in Denver for his personality without ever realizing it maybe just shyness. Being thrust into the spotlight like in Chicago can be a daunting task. Remember he came from a small town, went to a college not really known as powerhouse school. Then to Denver a relatively small market team. It shows a pattern of personality that can be said is shy. People that dont look you in the eye, talk very soft, show defensive stance or eluf manner are generaly shy. Not everyone is Jimmy Mac or Ditka. Personality like Jays (if shy) would stay away from media endorsements. But like it was said already: who cares as long as we win the superbowl.!!!!
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