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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. Welcome Bill, Well as a Bear fan for as long as you have been I to would be sick if the Bears loose this year to the Pukers. But to just clear things up nothing is stupid when it comes to feelings of the Bears. Halas started the NFL so it should be the Halas Trophey for the Super Bowl award. But I think he was approached about it and still being alive at the time , Iam sure Papa Bear turned it down. Nice to think that anyway.
  2. Here are vids you can add. just edit the the hits. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCjXJBCaas0...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jlqpthzwYM...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzg0XV1vaJU...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV8nIHaiTNM...feature=related
  3. It was Joe Ferguson Here is the vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VHtSavhvz8
  4. I can see that his comment was totaly taken out of context. He was refering to the Team and the locker room being excellant because of all the nay sayers the developed as a team and nobody really stood out from it. I got what he ment. But I can see the haters still live and nothing will change till they are gone.
  5. Classic Walter, He wore an "S" under his jersey.
  6. How is the offense responsible for calling a Time out? I agree the offense is playing bad but more to GB play on Defense the anything else.
  7. well how can you say Knox is bad? He is so close to thousand yards, he leads all recievers. I dont get you sometime.
  8. I bet they play the whole game, Starters need the rep as well as momentum
  9. Well at least it is a glaring need , not even the staff cant see it. At least I hope.
  10. They 1 Tackle (left side) 1 guard and Center
  11. For those that dont have it on TV it can be watched here. http://www.justin.tv/the_nfl_chat2012#/w/718110992
  12. I think its a great video. forgot some of those but thought I would post it here. http://www.chicagobears.com/multimedia/mul...clip=Y&rn=9
  13. GrizzlyBear


    JC had another game with over 100 qb rating. 104.16666666666667 was his score today. after the pick 6 I thought he would implode, but he stuck in there. good job.
  14. Well he did and Cromartie proved he can be had with speed. Knox had a nice game.
  15. OMG That game nearly gave me a Heart attack. I was absolute nervous wreck during that last 2 minutes. If they keep this up Iam gonna have to write my obituary for the wife. Great win , but my gosh, cant we keep it more like the vikings game , that way I will survive.
  16. Cutler again has 116.9 QB Rating, His play is getting better each week. Great job,
  17. Ill Take it, this was definately a dangerous game for the Bears. With New Englnad looming next week it woulda been very easy to be upset this game. Detroit is definately a dangerous team and the result was win, but it was ugly. ILL take it anyday. Go Bears.
  18. If they make the playoffs and win out the majority of thier games, Then take your sig down, its really not fitting the season so far.
  19. Jason your just one them fans that wont find anything good in anything they do. I am a beleiver that you make your own breaks and Luck. That type of Philosphy is far more beleiveable then doing nothing to get 6 wins. Get over it, your will probably eat more words this year then not.
  20. Overall good Game, Great special teams, and real good D today with balanced attack and we win, Nice Job Bears.
  21. From all I seen on DTV it regional only, they may change it tommorrow though. 3 int's? Vikings weak point is the secondary. If the line can hold for 2 seconds with game plan last week, we should rack up sopme passing yards. Ther eis nobody on the Vikes secondary that can cover, so we should be ok.
  22. Unbalanced line guys, he said he was in tackle position in unbalanced line, means he is eligable
  23. Boxer , Mad. Bears4, Now is the time to take a seat, pull up the chair, whip out the fork and eat some CROW. LOL
  24. My meaning was that last year and the first couple of game this year , they really had nothing of passing game.
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