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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. yeah much better in the ground game, Pass game was as much Collins fault as it was line today. He was staring down recievers all day, Hence the 4 ints this I disagree with, Pace was huge on the rams and pretty much the entire OL of the rams was good size, I think you maybe thinking of Shanahan, Not Matrz.
  2. Agreed, It appears we are stuck unless a trade happens or some unforseen release. I am comming to resolve that this draft upcomming, is gonna be.... 1 Tackle 2 Guard/Center 3.Tackle 4.Guard
  3. Looking at this list there really isnt much out there. Some of the names were touted early on, but have yet to pan out. Maybe some kid off the street would be better. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/349453-...top-fives-guard
  4. Only time I see Collins is when Cutler comes to sideline he stands right next Martz during games. I think he maybe learning the coaching method of Martz and be the new deciple of the system.
  5. http://www.nfl.com/players/bobavellini/profile?id=AVE215950
  6. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/telander/27...-rick01.article I think many can agree with it.
  7. OF course I ment rake, LOL Geez type police. If you could assume it why ask?
  8. First lets talk abpout Url a min. He was very good with media till the whole Ex-girlfriend debacle. He was raped over the coals for that. Then the Berrian thing came out and his light was even more put out with Media. Then Sayers. The Media here defeniately will overstep thier bounds. I can understand why he is the way he is with media, But to paint him like that is not really the whole story. As for the Game. I could careless about woulda, shoulda coulda. It was played Monday night. Green bay lost and Bears won. Simple as that. DO the Bears sound like they are cocky about it? NO. Do they feel they have played thier best Game? NO. So please stop the if and when stuff. Lets focus on imprvement and if the Bears can keep pulling em out. resilliance is the key here not none that of that other garbage.
  9. As for Peppers, he was held on almost every play, It was totaly sick how many times he was held. But his persistence payed off by making Rogers move. Early they negated Peppers by the quick pass and wr screen. But overall Peppers was an effect. He was worth evey penny.
  10. Yeah it was always on the side of Peppers, At least from what I saw.
  11. Stats for yards never win games, Look at dallas, Detroit, Now Green Bay. Seems to me the Bears make them have penalties with the rush, recievers running thier routes and playing off defenders, Turn overs are a Lovie Pulpit stand. He been preaching it since he been here. Special teams got us to the superbowl in 06. So I guess Lovie and his coaches pretty much made this win. So your past is not our present. Maybe in your world we will have Cowher and run 3-4 defense , NO thank you!!!!
  12. Former scout bucky brooks breaks down the game monday night. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81ac...ight-in-chicago
  13. What I said better read again, I never said they were there, I siad reminds me of the days. Reminding and being there are 2 different things.
  14. you would hear me all the way from Arizona if the Bears tear up Green bay, I really looking for Marinelli to come out with some good stunts to rattle the bolaga kid that starting for the first time for them. His short arms on peppers will be something to watch.
  15. I think the running game will come with time, As teams realize that we tear them up on passing, 7/8 in the box are gone, Runs will definately be there.
  16. Take a look at this, Pretty awsome. Only have to get our pass defense in order and we are golden. http://www.nfl.com/stats/team
  17. All I know Mad is the Bears are laying wood on D. I have not hitting and aggressive play like this since Singletary was in the LB area. Its almost like Url , C Harris, Big Toe and many others have gotten the Butkus attitude. Maybe the Monsters are back.
  18. So far in 2 games he exceeded all expectations of this year in passing, Its phenominal to see this on a bears team. I never have seen this in 1/2 century of existance. Game 1. 108.3 Game 2. 136.7 If this persists we maybe in for quite a year.
  19. However Maybe we could add this. 1. The Bears totaly took away the running game from the cowboys. Made them one demensional. THis is 2 weeks in row that the D held rushing below 50 yards. But we dont hear anything about that. After rewatching the game last night, It was appearant that the D plan was to stop the run and they did that. 2. Chesterr taylor needs to be on the field more. Change up stuff, Make it difficult to determine pakages with personal. 3. Chris harris and Wright need to be safeties. Both laywood and have good ball skills. Manning i not a safety. 4 Activate Harrison and let T harris sit a game. I feel Adams, Big Toe, Harrison will be better then any line with Harris in it.
  20. When I said Hester turning in true reciever had nothing to do with Punt return abilities of now, 4 catches 71 yards and TD that was a national Highlight. He did well on his routes and runs after catch. He will never be a Hines ward with Blocking, But ILl take his speed and hands anyday after what I saw today. He played like a reciever.
  21. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...,6928755.column
  22. http://blogs.suntimes.com/bears/2010/09/ha..._blind_dog.html
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