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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. In All fairness Flea, Pisa really had not missed many games prior to that injury. or did he?
  2. Funny as well being it was Turner as OC. Well thing change I guess.
  3. The thing that botherd me was all the reports that Martz does not use TE except to block. Well then after plenty of articles refering to Martz's system is a take off of Don coryells system he used in SD. Kellen Winslow is a HOF inductee due to that system. Maybe its just that he (martz) never has a TE available to put that system in. Hence Olsen and Clark are benefiting from it.
  4. What a Crock, If Lovie has any fault it is being way to loyal to his coaches. Turner being the one major failure, but his history showed he was quite successful in running a NFL offense. ie...Kramer passing record as a Bear. But it became quite perdictable. But to give him credit Martz pick up was brilliant at this point, And if Martz does the same for the Bears as he done for all previous teams we will call it a success for Lovie. I have said this before and still feel it holds true, With the Hiring of Tice, Martz and Maranelli it will give Lovie a pass for at least 2 years. You can not expect a total change in offensive philosphy in one season. They wont put a franchise QB through that and sign Chester Taylor to multi million contract for this offense. 2 years and of this does not change things then Lovie and all them will be gone.
  5. http://www.chicagobreakingsports.com/2010/...ith-injury.html
  6. Lets say Good karma bounce our way , we have has enough of the bad already.
  7. The only Problem I see is Lovie is a glass half full guy and most writters are glass half empty. No matter what the status of team is they will find something to tear down someone that do not give sound bites. So with all that negative talk and people that read into it, your gonna have opinions that are from one end of the spectrum to the other.
  8. Yeah he was , But it was for Porking his fiance while not married.
  9. Drive Blocking is why Tice was brought in. Its probably going to be the biggest improvement in camp this year. The line play on both sides of the ball. But more noticable from O line. If things pan out like I hope you will see holes big enough to drive a truck through.
  10. House cleaning? It wont happen at least for another 2 or 3 years. The hiring of Martz and Tice pretty well determined a extension on Smith. No coach out there would take a OC and OL coach already in place. to be just a figure head on a team. A team has to be given a chance to learn the new and play in the new system. Smith will be here for next couple of years, and if the Bears win I could careless who is head coach.
  11. That is the one thing that really has not been discussed much , is the impact of Tice. I never knew of Tice mincing words or one to exagerate players abilities. For him to say Louis and Asiata are pushing for playing time is something Iam really not used to seeing from a Bears coaching staff. If by all chances this is true maybe JA will get some reprieve on drafting of OL>
  12. Nah let him sign footballs for Nike, B ut play for Bears? No Thank you.
  13. http://www.chicagobreakingsports.com/2010/...rs-defense.html As the Bears concluded minicamp Sunday, coach Lovie Smith walked away impressed with the overall progress made, particularly on defense. "I'm excited,'' Smith said. "There's nothing to not like about what we did. Getting Brian (Urlacher) back at his position and seeing Brian and Lance (Briggs) back together, and Pisa Tinoisamoa also coming back. Then seeing Chris Harris back on the field and hearing his voice, along with seeing Julius Peppers. I see Tommie Harris in the best health he's been in. Mark Anderson ... seeing Zack Bowman continuing to make progress ... it kind of goes on and on. We like what we saw out there.'' Urlacher was pleased with the defensive efforts, too. Bowman had another interception Sunday, his third in as many days. Craig Steltz also had a pick. "Exciting man,'' Urlacher said. "We're fast. We get to the football. We fly around. Guys know that if they don't get to the ball, they're not going to play, so dudes were flying around. Lots of talking, lots of chatter, which I like. Just a lot of fun.'' Urlacher praised the play of safety Chris Harris, although he gave his teammate a hard time about dropping a couple sure interceptions during the three-day minicamp. "Hell yeah I gave him a hard time,'' Urlacher said. "He dropped two, right in his chest. Pep (Julius Peppers) works. Tim Shaw did well. Pisa. Zack. I could go on and on."
  14. http://blogs.suntimes.com/bears/2010/05/mi...port_day_3.html Here are some observations and not-so-deep thoughts from Sunday's session. --- Roberto Garza pushed Brian Urlacher down and on a running play and then playfully drove him into the ground. --- Fullback Will Ta'ufo'ou made a diving catch deep downfield. There haven't been this many passes thrown to fullbacks, by the way, since Matt Suhey retired. --- Craig Steltz made a leaping breakup of a Caleb Hanie pass intended for Desmond Clark. Steltz intercepted Hanie again and later drew praise from coach Lovie Smith. --- Chris Harris dropped a sure interception on a Jay Cutler pass intended for Devin Hester. --- Johnny Knox is devastatingly effective on the 15-25-yard button hook. He stops on a dime and defenders struggled to catch up to him. ---- In the best shape: Israel Idonije: If I had a body like that I'd never wear a shirt. --- Rookie defensive end Corey Wootton is quick off the ball. He was beating rookie free-agent tackle J'Marcus Webb on several plays with pure speed. --- Frank Omiyale, playing right tackle, put Julius Peppers on his back. Don't read too much into this. There were no pads. But he looks more comfortable over there.
  15. Well Personaly Tank johnson is more the result of ignorance then Stupidity. Tank came from Arizona I watched him in high school play, Here guns is the norm , Anyone can carry concealed now as long as they have a liscnce to own. You see it all the time here. Side arms carried openly or concealed. Tank just didnt get it that Chicago is anal about carrying weapons. As for Url and Briggs. I can sense your not a very forgiving person. He is taking care of his son very well. and for Briggs one mistake makes not bad character. I just think everyone(including you) deserve a second chance.
  16. Remember though that was without Url. It will work itself out this season for sure.
  17. Thats good, common Wright sign.
  18. Well Ya gotta love Gale and Butkus. However to say Briggs and Url are questionable character for? Doinking and Idiot chick? We all done that at some point in our life, and for Driving Drunk? A whole bunch of people did that as well. The result is what they learned from it. Briggs has been stellar and Url has Supported that Child well. So where is Character an issue here. Are you so rigid that thinking some people learn from thier mistakes is not possible? I am just asking.
  19. You can pretty well bet that with Martz signing as OC it gave Lovie at least till his contract end. I dont see him being fired for one season with whole change in offensive philosophy. If they make the playoffs first year with martz running the O, I can pretty guarnatee that Lovie will be here for his final year.
  20. most wait for the market to be set by other teams, It seems to me the Bears have been very good at setting the market by signing all thier picks early, I would hope it helps them adjust quicker but lately it seems to have no effect and even if it does Lovie wont play them over his starters even if they are beat out by a rookie.
  21. With the Draft at end and Virtually all the FA signings done, This time of year is the worst for news and Bears info. It begins the long days of summer till Training camp. I hope it goes quick.
  22. Agreed , I found it better then any of the round ups after the draft. Good going Jay, Keep it up!!
  23. Most loved? Without hesitation Walter, with Butkus 2nd and Sayers 3rd Most hated? Stan Thomas for sure, with Cade mcnown 2nd, and Rick Mier 3rd
  24. well there goes a guard, http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true
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