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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. Maclin Reminds me of Steve Smith, He is the only WR I would want in the first round.
  2. I dont see it, Any old Vet would be a waste of money, and bringing Cassel on here would be a recipe for disaster. The system in NE is set up for QB's, He would never make it chicago. We would see another Rick Meir situation. I say if your go after anyone get it in the draft, let hanie start some Preseason games and let the new guy do the hanie thing like last year. I think Orton will do fine.
  3. That "less talented underling" is probably be starting very soon for someone. And we will regret not giving him shot. He was far superior to any 3rd stringer he played against, give him more then you will have a better idea of what he truly is, rather then calling him less talented.
  4. Completely Agree. Take a speedster/ST for a later round pick.
  5. Wow, reminds me of what New Yorkers were saying about Pennington
  6. Sorry I just dont think signing a Vet QB will solve anything. Collins is washed up now He has 2 big time runners and a line that can block for anyone. Garcia I would hate him here, I dont like his style of play and besides looking at his ugly mug all the time would drive me nuts. he needs to turn in to a Mountain Man and go back to the tundra of Canada for all I care. As for Free Agents. Get TJ and call it a great off season. Maybe pick up some solid OL and we have a great FA season. Anything else would not benefit anyone. Trade up or down to get a solid OL prospect , FS and LB, Thats it. Signing a new D Coord is priority right now. Mangini will Probably be in Dallas, He runs the 3-4 and would give Jerry J an out to release Wade Phillips. Make Jarret HC. I would like to hear one DC that is available we could get? I dont beleive there is one. So we are stuck again.
  7. Would rather have Marinelli then mangini anyday. Didnt Mangini run the 3-4? No thanks man.
  8. No need for 2 old farts that have no done crap in the last 4 weeks. Not thanks
  9. Garcia is not the answer. He will probably stay in TB. I dont want that guy at all. I would rather hanie be given a shot then another washed up running QB. I hate that guy. Rex is gone, Booker is gone along with Davis. I would keep Lloyd for another minimum deal. His height and catches he made were eye opening till the injury. And stupid head games by the coaching staff kept him off the field longer then should have been. Orton can hold the fort until the New guy is ready, but I say open up the training camp again to a legit competition and watch Hanie win it. There is just something about that kid that makes me think he is next big thing. If we let him go we will pay for it big time. Like Atlanta did when they traded Farve away.
  10. well, I think babich needs to go, There is no doubt in my mind that the guy can coach at this level at all. Rod Marenelli will be available after tommorrow, I would hire him immediately and put babich back at the line coach or better yet the water boy. Mistakes in order 1. Letting Rivera go 2. Letting Jones go 3. Letting berrian go JA needs to get it together and call lovie into his office and give him the buisness. Get rid of Babich and if you dont like it there is the door.
  11. No need to cut them I blame babich. get rid of his ass and hire rex ryan to coach the D or marinelli.
  12. Well I think they need to fire Lovie and babich, Get a new start that way. I dont see any lovie team being up for game. His attitude is getting real old real quick.
  13. FA- Hoosh, Bently. Hoosh would be big money, Bently would not But a definate upgrade. Draft in no particular order- FS, OT, LB No way would I take Garcia in FA pick up. One main reason, He is best a stop gap, I dont see him playing to much longer and I dont see him taking us to the promised land. Now if The Eagles would like to unload McNabb I would be all over it. He would be home and I think for next 5 years would be a starter. He now can take us to the promised land.
  14. Welcome to the forum 49Bear. I served in the Army. 23 years. Been in many situations much like yourself. But throughout the entire time, no matter where i was at, I always have been a Bear fan. Glad to have a fellow Military man among us. Lets just hope our Bears Soldier on Down to houston and kick some ass.
  15. Merry Christmas to to all Be safe and Hope all is great with your families.
  16. you sure your a Bears fan? Ill take the div anyday. Nice win!!
  17. well blew that all to hell didnt it Mongo.
  18. GrizzlyBear

    FB Davis

    Anyone else checked out this kid. Another Illinois product that seems to me is much better then Mckie. I personaly feel that if they dont keep this kid they will regret it. I was watching the replay the other night and he slams the line like freight train on blocks and pass recieving seems to be superior to Mckies. I was disappointed when they let Pope go, now its Davis turn, But somehow I think Mckie has naked pics of lovie. He keeps turning up like a bad penny.
  19. Dang I wish we had access to the old forum. I was touting Bently from the get go during that draft. He is road grader and tough SOB.
  20. Sorry But I dont see the whole in the dog house thing. It would be plastered all over the trib and times if there was any type of problem in the lovie land. I bet he returns next year with another 1 year deal. Davis sticks because of SP, Booker is a gonner. They will have to find 1 FA and that bode much cheaper by resigning Lloyd to another 1 years with incentives.
  21. Can i ask where this info is comming from? About the grateing? I heard nothing this year where is this being printed?
  22. I think he will be back next year. He has shown he can play with no mouth issues and we can still get him cheap for he really has not raised his stock with other teams. But from what he showed us early before the injury he can play the 2 very well. His size and speed are what is needed. Now Davis wont be back IMO, his days are numbered. Where i agree with you on is CJ not being within reach. But for the recieving core to get up to par there has to be some kinda stability. I dont see anyone currently on staff outside of Lloyd that can get things done. His knowledge of the offense and expierence in the system itself make him have some value to this team.
  23. I wouldnt mind seeing CJ on the Bears. With Hester, Loyd and CJ as our top wide outs, that would look pretty good. But IMO JA realizes the line is in need of help. With Williams back next year a new guard and back up center or tackle we could be set for many years. Beekman has looked pretty good this year, but garza needs to be replaced. And would not go so far as to say so does Kruetz. Getting a wide out like Johnson with Hester and Loyd I think would be pretty deadly over all. But not at price that would kill us. 2 thirds would do it for me. As long as we get our Line.
  24. Well for the first Time I ever seen it, Forte Da Man Is leading all Rookies in Rushing and is 3rd in recieving. If the kid does not get Rookie of the year award people are stupid. Link to show
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