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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. She is liar and it has been proven in court during the first battles he went through. She is a nut. And I lay ya 2 to 1 odds its Urls new GF doing the nails. If he has his daughter there and she does the daughters , how much ya wanna bet the kid says "me Too!!!" So the GF does his to shut him up. Sounds like the Mom has Homophobia to me.
  2. Geez now KJ is the one huh? Its appearant that AP is the better all around player. So why activate someone who can not play special teams? I wouldnt.
  3. Actually If the bears wer smart they would move the kid a 3-4 team. he would make a good outside rush LB for a team. I dont think he will ever wait on tables.
  4. At that lead I woulda put hanie in. Why not? Give the kid some play time. I woulda loved to see him.
  5. got tired the last few weeks being in there and nobody else was there. At the old site it was a staple, But appearantly it now is a enigma.
  6. 2 years ago Rivera was the DC. But proved more popular then Lovie so off he went. He was labled as not good enough for lovie, well he was so bad San Diego fired thier DC and moved Chico into it. Give Chico next year in camp and I bet SD has a top 5 D.
  7. Well I played FB and LB in High School and for the Big Red One Army team. I been on pass patterns and if a pass missed me it was his fault. (joking) The problem is you look at Rex and then look at Quinn, Both had strong arms and could not hit target. Rex had a couple of incredible games with passer ratings above 120. But those couple games dont give him pass on missing recievers as bad as he did. Orton plays within what the defense gives him with gambles limited to minimal risk during a game. There is no adjustment that recievers do with him, why the critcal finger pointing at them. I think we are the only team right now with all of our recievers over 200 plus yards. We rotate them like underwear.
  8. well ya know Gant wont have a good day. If Rogers starts ( questionable at this point) lets hope he has one them patty feet days.
  9. Well stoneface would never give up his feelings at any moment and to have him talk on the sideline I think would be a big effort, or his face will crack. To have him call plays would be stupid , cuz it would be the same crap as we see with Babitch.
  10. I hope the ankle is sound, GB will be tough.
  11. Well whatever it is they are playing they need to wipe thier arse with it and flush it. Lets get after the passer.
  12. Well I think a storm is comming and its named Jerry Angelo. NFO has it right, If anyone thinks for one minute that Angelo will go down without a fight they are mistaken. Babitch will be toast and look at marrinelli or Leslie Frasier as our next D coord.
  13. I think the tell tale number of QB is the number int's, With 4 over 8 games compare that to Rex and see what comes out. Oh, But that only means Rex is trying to make plays by throwing into dbl coverage.
  14. Yeah Terra you have not heard? Missing recievers sets you up for the hall of fame.
  15. Cant argue with the Doctor. He must read this board.
  16. If you would had that attitude from the get go, a lot of this ridicule you get would not happen, Slamming Orton does not help , But that comment was best served for all here.
  17. anyway to Ban this idiot? All he likes doing is stirring the pot.
  18. Ill tell ya what Orton would have different, First off he would checked off the line a lot more to the run, Secondly he would hit D Clark and Olsen a lot more. 3rd he would have not forced balls into double coverage. This is the Difference between a QB like Rex and someone who can command an offense. Our bad field position in large part was due to Rex not moving the ball. Most of the time he threw behind Davis more then in fornt. His accuarcy blowed.
  19. I can not believe he just said that.
  20. Why be a putz and say a guy sucks who has guided the 4th highest scoring offense in the NFL? Your just sour grapes about Rex sucking. Show your true colors and Stick with your choice at least then your not a hipocrite.
  21. Lets see Hanie for crying out loud, he cant do no worse.
  22. 1. The Bears D has looked good for the most part except on passing downs, Thier not getting to the QB is really killing the game. 2. Grossman is not the QB and today proves it. It almost looks like thier is no game plan. His inability to adjust is proven once again and not adjusting the plays like Orton does has hand cuffed this team. I dont see us going any further in this game. Now pass rush like a mo fo and maybe we can get back into it.
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