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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. Terra, I think is hopeful more then earning his spot. With a low QB rating how can anyone earn a spot to start. I just hope (like Pixote) that good Rex shows up and turns the Boos to cheers. A win tommorrow will be a Blessing , then let Kyle take us to the promised land of the playoffs.
  2. Well if they cant get up for this game then thier lost for the season anywa. I will not call it a bad season if we lose this game, but if the D comes and hit em in the mouth then the rest of season will be successful.
  3. or its so heavily incentive laden it something he would never reach.
  4. Brown was at Practicing today , reported by Suntimes. Brown practice
  5. Go with steltz, he is a real tackler and not afraid to get into the line. That would make 2 heavy hitters in the back, Like Fencik and Plank.
  6. Video Its really cool the breakdown he has, I enjoyed it.
  7. Mora said on Nfl network it did not surprise him at all, that hall is a cancer in the locker room. Dont know if its true but Mora sure would know being his kid coached him.
  8. Well when I linked to it was gone, I think they might have a glitch. Either way, Url is not the same player. He was here in Arizona this off season seeing his kid. Friend of mine saw him at the kids soccer game. Said his neck injury was minor, But Iam beginning to suspect it was little more major then he let on. Maybe more on his psyche. Seeing that fullback from Detroit make mince meat of him was terrible. The old url would have blown that guy up. I just dont think he has it like he did. Hard to believe but its true. I susupect if not this year comming or one after, we draft a middle linbacker.
  9. I was watching NFL network this week Eisen and Charles both made snide remarks about Ortons season. Eisen when Schefter was giving him Props and bears Props, and last nite with Lombardi talking about Ortons Injury. T.D. also gave a smirk. I dont get it, The guy been playing lights out and NFL Netork never talks about it.
  10. He beat em both in yards total and YPG, He should win it
  11. Orton Earned it so yes, But if you notice what orton did on his running TD sunday He gave the ball the ref. and it was his first ever. Shows class!!!
  12. Wow I really can not beleive this is even brought up.
  13. I been saying this for weeks, He is not playing like Url last year, I think the neck injury was more weight on his mind then anything else. Scheme is not his problem. But if he dont pull it out of his arse soon, He should be replaced.
  14. Brian I have agreed with most of your posts, But Brown is by far no Pussy. I would say this he was not ready to start his play looked rusty in the first 7 games, But it has improved in every game. And Ill say this as well, Steltz looked good as replacement.
  15. If Rex starts looking like the Magic Mountain Rex. Maybe Hanie will be a breath a fresh air? Who knows.
  16. Mad I feel tha same way Bro. I can only Hope Good Rex with 125 QB rating shows up. And the D plays like 2006. I think Ill get out and buy a Voodoo doll and stick pins in it when Rex starts looking like the QB rating of 6. Maybe it will rid him of the demons he shares with all us Bears fans.
  17. Sound like a fantasy owner who has Forte on his roster. LMAO, Iam one too, But will take Bears win over Forte scoring anyday.
  18. well Hampton has more right then anyone to critisize a player. His super bowl ring gives that to him
  19. 88 I been a bears fan longer then you been alive Iam sure. I suffered through the Abe Gibron era with Douglas at QB. We booed then and if the QB sucks we boo now. Rex has the tools to be a good QB. His down fall is is the mental part of this game. Why we are so frustrated with him. If he got his stuff together he would be a Good QB and be starting and this convo would never had happened. I will root for him, But it will be with good dose of running and on a very short leash.
  20. after watching his post game interview you have to say he gives all the credit to Orton for us being in first. Kinda wierd seeing give props to a QB in front of him, but it was cool. Lets hope he can rally the troops to more victories.
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