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Everything posted by GrizzlyBear

  1. he changed his username, had one post on left again. Guess if ya cant take the heat stay out the locker room. I guess he is being his old self remaining in the weeds till Rex becomes MVP (snicker)
  2. No way Pat White goes in round 4, He will be 2nd for sure.
  3. Yep sweetness is Bears88 only one person can turn to a tool on his first post. Welcome back Rex lover!!!
  4. I really would be surprised to see Rex anywhere next year. With his preformances being so erratic I doubt any team would have him. He has the tools but the head is weak. Coaches wont want a Self doubting QB on thier team.
  5. I know it was a ribbing, Just had to vent somewhere.
  6. the one tipped? He should had that if he kept his eye on it.
  7. I hope your joking Brian, Or is it Bears88 talking now?
  8. we blew it to many times today with Harris Fumble, Bookers drop in the endzone, Mckie on 3rd and short, And piss poor ST coverage. To be in that game with 11 secs left was amazing really.
  9. GrizzlyBear


    Playoff will be a luxary, I dont see it this year. But a better then average year I see, They will probably win better then 500 ball this year, However I see a mass draft in the Offensive line category for sure.
  10. Agreed the prevent prevented nothing, MY word 11 secs left they shoulda had plenty of juice left to stop that retarded play.
  11. agreed , Forte needs a line to run behind, they are getting pushed back into holes. It was evident in the philly game, and detroit did it as well. They seem to do well against the cover 2 D's, But when they go against weight in the front four, they seem to buckle. MY hope is Williams gets into playing shape and St Clair goes to guard on the left side. That should help.
  12. he is actually the type of reciever that Al davis covets. Long ball Reciever. In a west coast he dont fit plain and simple.
  13. Well him being so high in the enviromentalist world, he just do his part in recycling hopps. You have to love the fact that somebody , anybody is hyping him now. Even to 88's demise.
  14. check this stuff out. http://www.nfl.com/partner?partnerType=pla...-air-and-ground Tell me they are not haters. What a crock. Never seen such biased vote in my life. Write them here tell em they are crap. http://www.nfl.com/contact-us
  15. and you have to love this Suntimes artticle. Quarterback Kyle Orton says the Bears' offense is ''so close to being a legit offense in this league'' for one very good reason. ''We practice so well,'' Orton said. ''This is the best practice team I have ever been involved with. We show up and work hard and take a lot of pride in it. You are going to get better if you work that hard. It's great.'' Center Olin Kreutz, who is known to spend long hours breaking down tape, said Orton sets the tone. ''You hear other teams saying: 'Our quarterback is the last guy to leave. Our quarterback studies the game.' Well, Kyle is that guy,'' Kreutz said. ''He's in the building all day studying the game, and guys like that are going to be rewarded by playing well.'' http://www.suntimes.com/sports/football/be...mully08.article
  16. The main thing is his progression throught the season so far, he is developing right in front of our eyes. His reads are way better then Rex's anyday, and have you ever seen Rex read before a snap like Orton? I doubt it, I been watching Rex since he started, He would always stick with whats called, And let his arm strength try to overcome his reads. Orton on the other hand seems to have a knack for addressing what the D gives him, and if the play dont fit he changes at the line. I like this style much better then rex's anyday. But there will be wrong audibles iam sure as we seen already, But its a learning process that has to be done.
  17. Proved everyones point, Rex backer to the end. Sad for ya here is another for ya tool!! Check this out 88 and cry.
  18. I feel that Atlanta will be competitive, But we will win, Prediction? 30 to 22
  19. would be nice if we can just order em like that. Ill take 350 yards hold the INT's
  20. That my point, They can be beat no problem and Romo Iam not a fan of at all. But the D is what is gonna kill em in the end.
  21. The catch by Booker was amazing. I forgot how big a hands he has. Man if that dont bring more balls his way I dont know what will.
  22. His drops is what causes all the problems to begin with, We dont need him. His locker room attitude is to scary for me.
  23. They did get pushed back but the result of Orton throwing it was never in jepordy.
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