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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. I don't like the arrogant prick any better than anyone else around here... But he'd coach circles around Turner.
  2. All I know is Kitna has averaged 4,000 yards and 19 TD's over the last two years. KITNA! He must've been throwing the ball to someone.
  3. We'd sure find out what out recievers were capable of if this happened. You think Berrian and Bradley would be happy? Martz would be an excellent move. It'll never happen.
  4. Pardon me for bringing a little joy into this den of gloom and doom. But I had a little sip of kool-aid after our sweep of the Packers... Given all the damage done to this team: Losing a DT before the season started to his continuous run-ins with the law, another starting DT to IR and another having health issues all season. Losing pretty much the entire OL to age. Losing the better of the two RB's to FA and having little depth at the position. Losing BOTH starting corners for chunks of the season. Losing your starting safety to IR early on and having another guy on the team acquired via FA who just plain blows. Losing your starting QB because he decided to regress rather than step up like everyone expected. I mean, that team under Wanny or Jauron wins 4 games max. This team has a chance to win 7 and frankly, with a little luck, could've won more than that and been in the playoffs. I mean, there were at least three games this season that could've gone our way with just a little luck. We came out of that Cowboys game decimated in every way possible. I guess what I'm saying is, on this Christmas, have some cheer and count your blessings. Our football team can turn this arouund next season. We beat a 12-3 team TWICE this season and that team just happens to be the scumbag Green Bay Packers. I can't help but smile from ear to ear knowing THEY have to live with that all off season. Of course, they'll get to play in a playoff game but I think we all know how that's going to go. ONE AND DONE. Merry Christmas!
  5. I selected OTHER since I think it will be a vet but don't think it will be McNabb. I just get the feeling the Bears will find that next great Kordell Stewart gem of a pickup this offseason that'll have us all scratching our heads while McNabb is kicking ass for the Vikings or some shit. Sorry, I'm down on these guys now and our QB play is inept! I know it wasn't all Orton last night since the line couldn't block my 9 year old son but damn... If anyone thinks Orton is better than Grossman based on this effort they're blind Orton homers. I think the Bears let Rex go this year. I think Griese comes back in a #2 role. I think we find some stiff to come in to be the savior and he'll SUCK donkey balls. I think Griese will then be forced to start for a while and then Orton will mop up the season. Grossman will develop elsewhere. Meanwhile the Bears will draft the next great Cade McNown in 2009. Damn... I just wish this team could hit on a QB more than ONCE in my lifetime.
  6. I think he'll have a solid game... About 200 yards throwing one TD pass, maybe more. We're indoors and the Vikings defensive backfield is suspect. The pass rush could cause him to make a few rookie mistakes so I wouldn't be surprised if he looks a lot like Rex... What does it mean, it's the first step in the process of determining what we do in the draft and what we do with Rex. If Kyle has three excellent games to end the season, you can forget about Rex and you can forget about going for a QB early. With our horrendous O Line I expect he'll look like a Bears QB, nothing special. He can't move outside the pocket all that well. I expect we'll see Kyle produce a few decent plays tonight but not enough to pronounce him our starter for next year. If he continues to progress, he'll be in the mix during camp next season. Anyone?
  7. Can the threads be set to show the most recent posts at the top? Having to click to the second page to find the more recent posts takes time. And now that NFO got his head outta his ass, I'm sure we'll have some 400 page threads around here real soon.
  8. To get that bad taste out of my mouth... There... that's better!
  9. I just wish we had something to argue about. I guess we're both in agreement this team is in serious need of an enema at this point.
  10. You're lucky one of them wasn't a Packers fan. Welcome to the new board ya big loser...
  11. And some never DIE. AHHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Where is that guy? NFO... Yoooooo Hoooooo!!!!
  12. Big dummy! PS. If you're new and think I'm being mean... Well, I am. But that's just between NFO and me!
  13. >Good to see you made it, Yes, it is good. >Cracker dog That should be one word with the D also in Caps >Now I want to see a point by point retort to something Will this do? LOL
  14. LOL! Well, good to be back in the fold, anyway.
  15. CD is BACK in da HOUSE! Hey guys! Sorry to hear about the SNAFU but this looks OK to me!
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