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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. He needs to be a leader through adversity. I've seen flashes of it and I've seen the "Jay face" through it at other times. There is no adversity during the preseason. And I'll disagree with Jason a tad. I thought Jay was a touch inaccurate early in the game. I seem to recall a pass that was either thrown behind or ahead of the Black Unicorn that could've been a bigger gain had it been on target. But maybe I'm nit-picking. I want Jay to be the "man". I want him to succeed beyond our wildest dreams. But I'm not sticking my neck out for him anymore. As Mr. Grizzly says, SHOW ME. If we get through those first few games of the year with a win or two and Jay plays an important part in those wins, I'll be back on his side.
  2. Ha! I think you may have missed a few...
  3. I have zero trouble being happy when bad things happen to the Packers. Charles Martin, etc. Now I hope we break Rodgers in half on opening day.
  4. Good. I hope it's a really bad one. But then again I hope Lambeau Field is hit by a meteor while the Packers are playing the Cowboys. But that's just me...
  5. I don't know how any Bears fan could watch this game against Indy and not be encouraged. There are definite areas where improvement is needed but at least, unlike last year, they looked professional. Much better pass rush and special teams. Leno was BAD and our secondary needs work. RB looks deep and Bennett is still going to be a top TE. A balanced attack will keep opposing D's honest which will help our suspect OL and Jay. Better pressure on the opposing QB will help our secondary. I still say this is a borderline 500 team due to our brutal schedule but a W or 2 worse or better wouldn't surprise me either. We'll know more next week. I do wish we had some healthy WR's on this team...
  6. I wasn't impressed with either starting unit but it wasn't all horrible either. Cutler had a bad brain fart toss that could've been picked off and I didn't see him get outside the pocket at all, to my recollection. Wasn't that all supposed to change? It's the first game of preseason with a new o and d being installed by a completely new coaching staff. I expect to see gradual improvement and a professional looking team on the field by opening day. This was step 1.
  7. I like the list above but the fact is most defense is predicated on a serious pass rush with the threat of the QB getting clobbered. Fangio's D is no exception. Cutler tends to lose his poise when he's getting hit a lot. So, despite the fact that I'm optimistic, I want to caution everyone about getting too high on this stat in training camp. One disagreement with Jason: If Cutler fails, it'll most likely be HIS fault, not OT.
  8. CrackerDog

    Camp Fox

    Good! A throwback to Halas! Honestly, there's no way to enforce it and so little value to it anyway. It's just fun, I suppose. If Green Bay was really that interested they'd just send down a scout to watch an entire practice.
  9. Yep. I'm not a twitter guy but I figure if everyone of the youngsters here has all of the feeds, I'll get the news I need here!
  10. Thought we might share them all in one thread. Here are a few to get this started. Please add yours. @ChicagoBears @BradBiggs @ZachZaidman @Rich_Campbell @mikecwright @adamjahns @BobLeGere @bears_insider @ESPNChiBears @CSNMoonMullin @DickersonESPN
  11. CrackerDog

    Did you know

    Even more impressive given the general lack of an O Line and a passing attack for much of his career here. Dude is a stud. Would love to see him finish out here but understand the economics may not work out if he's looking for the big 5 year, $60 mil with lots of guaranteed money type of contract.
  12. The whole Kromer "experience" only serves to further point out the failure Trestman was. That debacle with him leaking his disappointment with Cutler was the ultimate in unprofessionalism. Now we find out the guy is nothing more than a bully and capable of punching kids in the face over a beach altercation? Insane.
  13. Spot on. He's got his timing down with Jay. Those other guys benefit from the dedicated time and extra reps as does Jay. I think Fox probably endorses this 100%.
  14. I think Cutler has an excellent year. What you mention above and the fact that Marshall is gone so he won't be as tempted to just chuck it up there and hope for the best. And the O Line should be improved and with an inside running attack the linebackers will be focus elsewhere other than rushing the QB. All of this spells a much better season for the team as a whole and Cutler in particular. If he doesn't produce, count me as one of the guys who won't give him the "first year in the new system" excuse. Under these circumstances that just won't fly.
  15. Under the circumstances, I care. And I think Fox and Pace care. If you're a member of this team you commit or you should be gone. Compare these NFL prima donnas to the guys we saw on the ice last night. If you're not here when your teammates are, you're a selfish prick.
  16. Amen brother. Now I switch my focus exclusively to the Bears. No need to waste too much time on baseball. Bring on training camp!
  17. I think they want to cut his ungrateful ass. The guy did a contract, what, last year? Now he wants more? $6 million a year ain't enough, I guess. I'd let him hold out, fine him, pull back some of his signing bonus if possible and then dump him at the worst possible time for him to get a new deal elsewhere. I'm sick of this shit from him.
  18. Et tu, Kristen? While her hubby draws a paycheck in this city, she should STFU. Dumb bitch.
  19. I think many here predicted this. And I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't lead to Long getting injured in the first game or two of the season. These position switches can be tricky. Long should be able to move his feet well enough to stay with the edge rushers and keep his legs out of harms way.
  20. I agree 100% with both of these statements. And with the new blocking scheme (I assume) we should have good success with whoever we plug in back there.
  21. Sounds like a winner. LINK
  22. Link For those who have never made it, give it a try! I've always found it fun. And if you have young kids they'll love it.
  23. I agree with the OP almost entirely. I may be the only optimist here about Cutler being able to step up and be a top 10 or even better QB this year but that's OK. If he doesn't, with this OC, the improvement of the OL and this set of receivers, I'll want him GONE. I think despite our difficult schedule I now expect this team to be respectable.
  24. Yep. But seriously, 12 to 15 sacks puts him anywhere from the top 10 in the NFL to the top 5 (based on last year's regular season) so I'd say that's pretty studly. And I'll take it!
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