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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. Yep, and we'll have to take risks on guys like Willis where the reward will be high if there's a hit.
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  3. CrackerDog

    Gase is OC

    Me too. And it's exactly why I'm not sure Pace gets 100% of the credit from me on this whole thing, which, admittedly went WAY better than expected. Look, I'll take it, to be sure. But if Elway doesn't lose his mind, I wonder where this would've ended up. I'm glad we'll never know. Now let's pray for a great FA and draft season and a return to at least respectability in 2015 at Soldier Field. Amen.
  4. CrackerDog

    Gase is OC

    Well all I know is that diva blocks the hell out of his guy downfield on running plays. Marshall is the complete player at the position. Unless he raped Virginia's cat or some shit, he belongs on this team next season..
  5. CrackerDog

    Gase is OC

    I like it. My only concern would be if he harbors some ill will that he wasn't chosen for HC.
  6. I agree except for that 2016 guarantee that kicks in when March 13 rolls around. So your GM needs to make this decision, not the coaching staff. And that's when it gets interesting.
  7. I've heard the same and agree. But then again, I'm not the GM so we'll see.
  8. Well, except that he might think "If the Bears are still paying me for 2015 anyway and my name is mud now so I'm not going to get the next 'big deal' from another team unless I play well this year" in which case he might have some incentive to think about it. I just don't know what the ramifications of changing that date would be on other cap calculations.
  9. I doubt the Bears will have the kind of success next season that would lead to him being considered that quickly. I know he was on various radars this year but the blush will be off the rose once he's on a team that goes 8-8 or worse. Once the team is again a playoff contender, sure.
  10. Yep. I probably should have said "positions we plan to target in the draft" rather than who we get. The pressure is clearly on to make these decisions quickly. Does anyone know if they could go to Cutler and ask him to give up that guarantee in his current deal, maybe move that date back until September or something? That way he could prove himself to the new coaches while not killing the 2016 cap.
  11. I don't think we can say for sure, one way or the other, which way thing will go with Cutler or Marshall. I suspect it'll be determined by a lot of factors including who we get in the draft, money available, free agents we may be targeting... And how much either player really pissed off the McCaskey's and/or Gase/Fox in the past. I'm sure of one thing, none of those details are available to anyone here. Rumors are not fact. And whatever their sources, the guys on the Score have been wrong at least as often as they've been right. So I won't give what they say any special credence since they're just flipping a coin.
  12. I think Elway is going to learn a big lesson here. His ego got in the way on this one, I believe. Only time will tell. I do wonder if Manning hangs 'em up now, not wanted to start all over again with a new offense. And it's possible the Broncos lose some big name starters on both sides of the ball. I'm not saying they'll be a bad team next year but they won't be as good as they were this season for the first ten games of the year. Of that I'm confident.
  13. I think I heard somewhere this weekend (one radio show or another) that Fangio isn't married to the 3-4 and could run whatever he thought was the best fit for our talent. So while we're all assuming it'll be a 3-4, there's no guarantee.
  14. The last great QB I recall being a HC was Bart Starr. And while he was a great QB he sucked as a coach. Harbaugh was an average/good QB and an excellent HC, IMO. Seems like you have to be mediocre as a player to turn into a solid coach. I'm sure there are examples to the contrary. Regardless, I don't see Manning doing the coaching deal. It wouldn't surprise me if he ended up a GM down the line. PS. This off season has sure been a lot more fun than the season was!
  15. He'll need to be awesome given the talent we have at DB.
  16. Thanks for the summary. Still haven't had time to watch it myself. I'll be a little contrary to you on the items listed above. I think you make nice with them all but I simply don't want Urlacher coaching this team in any way without experience at coaching. And I want Briggs GONE. Peanut I'd love to have back but only if he's got another season in his legs. I don't think he does but would love to see him give it another go if he can.
  17. Does that leave anyone from the old staff still being evaluated?
  18. Things are coming together nicely.
  19. Maybe so but the raw emotion he showed on the sidelines and after the game is something I've never once seen from Jay. The kid cares and that's pretty important.
  21. Ha. I think even God got tired of watching his favorite team blow chunks and put the idea in Elway's head to fire Fox just as the Bears were getting ready to hire another chump.
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