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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. CrackerDog


    I love the Bears. Been a fan for most of my 50 years on this planet. Seen it all, basically. Went through worse periods than this for sure. Times when we only had one player worth watching. And I will say I've never seen an offense on the Bears like this one. Capable of great things. But I'm also incredibly disappointed. I never thought this team was a sure thing. I never thought they were destined for the Superbowl. But to have a team that consistently disappoints, losing to teams they should beat, getting blown out in games they should be competitive in; blowing big leads... it gets to you. The one thing you could count on with Lovie, Ditka and maybe even Wanny... They were going to slow the game down to a pace where it might be boring as hell to watch but they'd find a way to stay in it. Sure, they all made mistakes but Trestman seems not to be ready for this job. It's a short time to judge him on but I'm damn close to saying he's a bust. Emery maybe should've hired him as OC, I just don't see him having the leadership skills to be "THE GUY". I hope I'm proven wrong. Cutler isn't the only reason this team sucks. He's a tool. I dislike him. I'm starting to think some on the team may feel the same way. Depends on who you want to believe, I suppose. Anyway, I'm not going to get depressed about this. Won't let a football team make or break my day on Sunday anymore. There were times when I was a younger man a Bears loss would bum me out all damn week. I've got bigger and better things to keep busy... But this sucks. This really sucks.
  2. Being blown out AND he knew that exact move had already injured the stupid Lion! Fool me once...
  3. I don't think there's any doubt Cutler possesses the "tools" to be the better QB. So there's no error in your ways. Or mine. The unfortunate truth is, however, he may not possess the leadership qualities the teams needs in it's QB. We should be seeing more from him by now. The excuses on offense are gone. They need to produce.
  4. That's why the games aren't played on paper, as they say. I'm not giving up. Obviously things don't look good right now. It's likely the pessimists are right. But freak it, I'm going to hope for the best until it's no longer sane to do so.
  5. I think they should give him a few series at the end of games that are decided, one way or another. Experience like that can only help if/when he's needed. Ditka used to give the #2 some time out there. But no, Jay is clearly "the man" until his contract is up.
  6. CrackerDog

    McClellin. ..

    By the way, not that there's much positive to say about the game, but McClellin didn't blow a coverage. Per the announcers the Bears were in zone and the safety or corner didn't cover the area behind the linebacker. And McClellin fell down. Which everyone else seemed to be doing, particularly the Dolphins. So... Not often I'll defend Shea but in this case, there's reason to.
  7. Over? Did you say OVER?!!!! NOTHING IS OVER UNTIL WE DECIDE IT IS!!! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? HELL NO!!! AND IT AIN'T OVER NOW!!!!
  8. Something has to shake this team up. I now understand why Jay singles in on Brandon though. Seems like whenever he tries to hit someone other than Marshall or Alshon, there's a "miscommunication" and the ball ends up heading back the other way via an interception. I don't blame Jay for his fumble but his leadership needs to step it up 10,000 notches. This is absolute bullshit from a guy we're supposed to be able to consider our "franchise" guy. I’m done with being supportive and sticking up for Jay. Either he gets this moving in the right direction ASAP or the whole thing needs to be blown up and we start over.
  9. And his issues, I believe, we're due to a mental health condition. Not sure exactly what it's called off the top of my head. But treatment, the right drugs, etc have helped him. And he speaks out on the topic of his condition in an effort to help others in the same boat, I've heard. Human garbage doesn't go the extra mile like he seems to have.
  10. LOL! Good to see him have a bit of fun. The concerns about this being a distraction seem to have been unfounded. TD - Lighten up, man. The guy has seemingly turned his life around.
  11. CrackerDog

    SMC is back

    You're not alone, I think SMC has made strides this year and he needs to be on the field to continue to grow. He'll probably get some work on 3rd down in obvious passing situations. Miami is down a few RB's too so this is a good opponent to get him some work against. If we continue to get pressure on the QB and have decent success against the run, this team will win some games. And SMC can be part of that success story.
  12. It's glaring. And if it isn't coaching, we best figure it out. I root for us to take a knee on every kickoff! And I think we still ended up starting from the 10 on one of those last weekend! Maybe that was two weeks ago... Hell, you didn't even mention the blocked extra point! The Bears ST blows across the board. BLOWS.
  13. CrackerDog

    Bears Win!

    Ha! I have two dogs, a pit bull and a Jack Russell. The Bears seem to do best when the Jack Russell is sitting on the sofa with me. Can't seem to keep that little fucker in one place for very long though, LOL.
  14. Your memory is a bit faulty there. Alshon had one awesome game under McCown and a bunch that were, on average, much like the games he had under Cutler. He also had one awesome game while Cutler was QB and that happened earlier in the season before McCown took a snap. New Orleans, I believe. Yes, there were games where Alshon got only one catch under Cutler but that happens. Marshall has had a one catch game this year already. So Cutler didn't somehow "realize" Jeffery was a blue chipper after McCown showed him the light. Hell, I remember opening day of 2012 when Cutler hit Jeffery with a perfect TD pass of over 40 yards against Indy. I was there, in the opposite end zone and when Cutler let the ball go I said "Touchdown". It was a thing of beauty! More likely, I think, is that Trestman may have opened the offense up more and more while the season was progressing last year, his first. They needed to make sure the line was improving, design more plays where Alshon was the primary, etc. I'm not saying Jay didn't learn anything from McCown but I'd bet McCown probably learned a thing or two from Jay, as well. Unfortunately he didn't learn enough to be successful under Lovie Smith, it appears. Something Jay was able to do with a bit more aplomb.
  15. Here is one area I sort of agree with you TD. But I'll tweak it a bit. I don't think Cutler generally stares down his receivers but he does tend to do so, obviously, with Marshall at times. And the result is often either a dump off to Forte or forcing it to his "guy". I think we've seen less of this the last few weeks and I'm sure I saw less of it this weekend. One game doesn't make a career, however, so he needs to improve there. He does seem to find his TE's nicely as alternates though too. And you're not giving him due credit there, IMO. The dump offs to Forte are, it seems, a critical part of this offense. Even the greatest QB ever, Josh McCown, threw the ball to Forte the same number of times a game as Cutler did last season, about an average of 5 receptions per game. So perhaps this criticism isn't totally fair either, even though I agree with you somewhat that there's got to be another available outlet sometimes.
  16. Interesting angle I hadn't considered. I'd still fire Joey D immediately but you have a point.
  17. "Imply" Only everyone I know would agree with you.
  18. I'm 50 in December. Cutler is by far the best QB the Bears have had in my lifetime. I liked Jimmy Mac a lot better and was probably more enthusiastic about the club when Kramer and Miller were QB'ing them, but on all measurables, Cutler is better. For some reason, some of the "haters" here expect perfection because he's paid well. Foolishness. But that's just my opinion, although it's backed up by the numbers, facts, etc. Most don't want to take into account the constantly changing offenses during most of Cutler's career here, under a defensive minded coach, with no O Line talent, and a GM who absolutely SUCKED at picking offensive players. They're entitled to their flawed opinions too.
  19. Don't care. Anyone who swings from one end of the spectrum to the other in that short of a time, like some of the gals here, ought to have their opinions discounted.
  20. He also said... https://twitter.com/CoachBillick/status/508017734299693057
  21. Was Gould's missed XP this weekend his first ever?
  22. Very concise. I agree. I wanted him when we drafted him... And then he cried. And I knew, right then, I was wrong.
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