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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. I think Cutler is a tool but he's far from sucking. Whether he deserves the money he's being paid has yet to be proven out, which is unfortunate given his age. But at a minimum, he's an overpaid, very talented, mediocre QB. If he plays up to his potential this year, which is what the bears were betting on when they gave him the new contract (second year in the same offense, good offensive line, yadda yadda yadda) then he'll be far and away the best QB in Bears history. But he's got to do better than he did last week because that honestly did suck.
  2. I always thought Harbaugh was arrogant even as a QB. Never liked the guy. But he's one helluva coach. Ditka was the worst when it came to having a huge ego. Harbaugh learned from the best, in that regard.
  3. CrackerDog


    To address your point directly, I'm a little hopeful we can see something out of Conte this year. He'll never remind us of Mike Brown but he might remind us of the Conte we saw two seasons ago... And that's OK with me. If he plays well enough, we get more pressure up front and our linebackers are better than last season, with decent play out of CB (assuming Peanut doesn't blow out a knee) we might have a middle of the road D which can be enough to get us somewhere this season.
  4. CrackerDog


    Julius Peppers was in on a few plays last night but he certainly didn't make me miss him. Could be that he's just learning the new position or it could be that he's well beyond his prime and needed to go. Time will tell.
  5. All I know is that the panic we saw here after the preseason loss to the Seahawks appears to have been a little overdone.
  6. New England $122.00 San Francisco $117.00 N.Y. Giants $111.69 Dallas $110.20 Chicago $108.44 N.Y. Jets $105.66 Washington $102.00 Baltimore $100.19 Philadelphia $98.69 Houston $88.98 Minnesota $88.53 Denver $87.96 Indianapolis $86.32 Green Bay $85.61 New Orleans $84.87 San Diego $84.55 NFL Average $84.43 Pittsburgh $83.97 Arizona $82.15 Seattle $80.77 Atlanta $78.58 St. Louis $73.86 Detroit $72.98 Carolina $72.44 Cincinnati $71.26 Kansas City $68.38 Tennessee $67.15 Miami $65.16 Oakland $64.80 Tampa Bay $63.59 Buffalo $62.01 Jacksonville $57.65 Cleveland $54.20
  7. Terra is an ass but he's right about our back 7 to a degree. It'll be tough to get teams off the field on 3rd down with this crew. Our only hope is a major improvement with the pass rush which could cause a few turnovers. Otherwise, this D will be on the field a LONG time each game, giving our excellent O less time to score. Not a good combo. And if this is the result this season, I'm all for shitcanning Tucker and Emery will have one more season to get some damn players who can play on that side of the ball.
  8. If this happened when they were on a bye week, or three weeks before the season opened, or maybe even a little later in the season... I'd feel the same way you do. But I'm sorry, you don't take a day off when you're a team leader on D and your guys are preparing for Opening Day. That's bullshit and like I said, one more reason I don't see Briggs as a leader.
  9. CrackerDog

    Not news

    Takes a "Personal Day" off from practice the week before Opening Day to go to his restaurant's opening in California? Not surprising from him, a guy I never really thought had much character. Not going to hang him over it either but I think it's just one more nail in his coffin. He'll just never be a leader.
  10. http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2014/8/28/6065...bowl-prediction
  11. Nope. I mostly ignore Terra. Just wanted to lighten the mood.
  13. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/chi/1984.htm
  14. Probably true in the modern NFL but I remember a season under Ditka we played like 5 QBs in a season, including Payton, and we went 10-6 that year.
  15. Please note, once again, I had nothing to do with this. Everyone needs to apply the "Don't Be a Dick" rule and get back to worrying about our Bears.
  16. We're being outclassed in every aspect of the game. Super Bowl champs tend to do that to opponents but we're not even close to Seattle's level right now.
  17. CrackerDog

    NFC North

    I'm done with saying "This has got to be the year Detroit lives up to their talent." I've been saying it for so long and I've NEVER been right. I guess maybe I'm a jinx? OK, in that case... THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE YEAR DETROIT LIVES UP TO THEIR TALENT! Our division is tough guys. Splitting with them all is a distinct possibility.
  18. CrackerDog


    He's certainly handed out more big suspensions during his terms than anyone on record. I guess here's how I see the good and the bad... Good Got a long term collective bargaining agreement with the players that puts a little more balance in the negotiations between teams and players. Seems to have gotten players attentions with all of the suspensions. I'd say the league has cleaned up its act pretty well. Obviously there's always going to be issues just like anywhere in society but overall, I'd say the douche quotient in the league is down from when he took over. Set aside more money for retired players via the last deal. Is dealing with the concussion problem better than anyone before him. Games on 3 night a week! Thursday, Sunday and Monday. The more the better, IMO. Bad Personal gripe, I hate the BS rule changes he tests out like the extra point from the 15 yard line. DUMB. I think he's legislating out the violence in the game, thereby changing it, for the worse, forever. He screwed up on the Spygate thing. I think the Pats should've had those championships reviewed and taken away much like we've seen in college ball. In opening the can of worms regarding older players and injury settlements, he's succeeded in possibly having even more lawsuits hammer the league. Listen, I love Jimmy Mac and it's tragic what's happening to him, but I don't think he deserves a dime of compensation for his situation. Every player in the league knows injuries are going to happen and that constant blows to the head aren't good for the brain. This isn't news. OK, that say you? I'll probably think of ten more on my home from work today...
  19. Good article but mostly could've been written by us. I don't share their worry about backup RB at this point because I think we saw they had promise last weekend. We'd miss Forte if here were injured for lots of reasons and you aren't goinng to have someone of his caliber backing him up. But I think the guys we have can spell him enough to keep him fresh.
  20. HA!!! Wasn't Jimmy Mac on Johnny Carson a few months later and he was asked to respond to criticism from Theismann and McMahon just said something like "I don't take guys who can only punt one yard seriously." Those were the days!
  21. Wait a cotton-pickin' minute there fella! I seem to recall a certain QB from Washington who was a helluva punter! Video proof here! UPDATE: The video doesn't actually play but the guy does a GREAT job of describing the 45-10 ass-kicking the Bears put on the Skins that day.
  22. Regardless, I would assume the Bears have the right to limit this type of work and/or travel. I would if I were them but they aren't. Therefore they must be taking the "this is your day off so do what you want" approach. As others have stated, he knows this offense really well and his timing with Cutler is second to none. I expect his work won't be affected so... As long as the Bears are OK with it for now, so am I. Also, I'll just say, with modern technology I have no idea why he even needs to travel. A remote could be done where he's just as much "there". That might be something they'll have in place for bad weather travel days.
  23. Bears haven't officially said anything on Fuller. Here's the latest which doesn't sound as promising as I'd like: http://www.nbcchicago.com/blogs/grizzly-de...-271339281.html
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