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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. Let's dispatch with this fabrication immediately. First drive, a run, a scramble and a sack. Second drive never happened, Hester fumbled. Third drive, two runs and a one hop pass to Bennett who couldn't come up with it. That's one Cutler "bad" pass and we were down by 21. No picks. His scramble was him trying to make something happen. The sack wasn't his fault. Not that one. I don't want to be a Cutler apologist, I just want fairness. He's not my favorite Bear. I dislike him personally fairly often. But his team gave up 54 points last night! Jesus Christ.
  2. I stand corrected. The team did apparently take the week off.
  3. This D is brutal. Injuries can only provide so much of an excuse. I'd seriously consider firing Tucker. Say what you want about Lovie but this doesn't happen to his D. Or his ST.
  4. Everything you say above is 100% accurate. Tom Brady and Peyton Manning wouldn't have performed much better last night. The entire team deserves to be fired. Is Trestman all that? Not sure anymore.
  5. Don't waste your time with the haters here. In their minds it doesn't matter we were behind 21 before the game really started. Somehow Superman Josh would've put up 55. All that poor play on ST was Jay's fault. The O Line not being able to slow down the pass rush because they knew we were going to pass, also Jay's fault. The D giving up 54 in their minds somehow comes down to Jay as well. Tough to take this site seriously when our QB gets the main fallout after a 54 point game against us.
  6. Ha, but his knee was down. We need a drive here or it's time to get ready for the Packers.
  7. You guys act like a QB having a little rebel in him is a bad thing. Where would the 85 Bears be if #9 was a yes man?
  8. Obviously. And to Alaska, it's clear to me the dopes will never completely go away. Not on this site, others, or on talk radio.
  9. The "article" in question doesn't contain a single quote by Trestman.
  10. You probably should have checked the stats. Marshall and M Bennett for 6 receptions each. Alshon for 5, E Bennett for 4. I don't give a shit what the targets stat says, the receptions stat shows a damn good distribution. But all of this is irrelevant. The only people talkin about McCown being better than Cutler are dopes on the Internet. The professionals are singing Jay's praises for a reason. Sorry for being so blunt but I'm sick of this BS.
  11. Ha! Me too. But with that said, I did expect Lovie to get another job. He wasn't perfect, wasn't a great coach, but he was good at a number of things and Houston could do a lot worse. I wish him well.
  12. I think we can afford to go "Best Player Available" in the first round and then I expect us to go hard after defensive players for a while. So if a great center slips to the Bears spot in the first, they'd take him. More than likely we'll stay away from TE or QB and I don't expect them to draft a WR either in that spot. After that, you can expect D Line & D backfield. With that said, I don't really have a handle on what's available out there in FA in those spots. It's generally cheaper to find players in the draft though so I don't expect the Bears to break the bank this year on FA's unless it's Cutler's deal we're talking about.
  13. My ex-wife, a tiny gal, used to talk about her experience at a Lions game in Detroit. Lions fans were throwing beer on her and her girlfriend. Takes real class to throw things at a woman. I couldn't agree with your sentiments more. Assholes, all.
  14. I think he's been practicing all along but he's not seeing contact. So I don't think rust will be much of an issue. Unfortunately if he makes it back this week or next, he'll be really fresh. My hope is they continue not to get clearance from the doctors. our D is scary bad and Rodgers, even with a little rust, would be tough to handle. It would open things up for Lacy too. I'm just as worried about a revitalized Packers team in the playoffs as I am for that one game against the Bears. I don't want them making a run. We need to take them out!
  15. Don't. PS. It's OK as long as you root for the Bears.
  16. I think it's completely fair to compare his stats to those guys given the reason for the comparison. Those are the stats Cutler's agent will be bringing to the bargaining table. I think Cutler's team is hoping to improve those (pad them) a bit during these last two games. We'll see....
  17. Answer the question! Does Cutler get to decide who he has with him on the field? What patterns they'll run? What the blocking schemes are? My point wasn't specific to FB either. The guys who see the field and go out into patterns seem to all be getting their catches. How do I know this? Your hero Josh has generally focused on the same 5/6 receivers as Cutler in the games he played in. There were two games of his 5 where he hit more than 6 guys and they were always one offs like the reception Rosario got against the Boys or the one Kyle Long got against the Queens. Admittedly 7 total receivers got hit (including Bush & Fiametta) during the Rams game but we were getting our asses kicked so that hardly counts as a normal game. Face it, with this being Trestman's first year, it seems like he's limiting the offense a bit for both QB's. We don't see 9 guys getting involved like you might if Manning was playing QB. Maybe it'll be that in the future. This offense is just a baby and it's already wildly successful. So be a man and admit you're wrong.
  18. And horrible O Lines, coordinators and WR's. My point wasn't just about this year. Those things above applied to most of his earlier seasons with the Bears and the D this year.
  19. Honestly I'm tired of the McCown/Cutler war and I'm going to refuse to fight it, at least tonight as I've got to run. But to answer your question, I'd say the swap was just that, the two of them got approx the same number of throws to them as a group with Josh favoring Alshon and Cutler favoring Marshall. I don't think you should make anything more of it than that to be honest. There could be dozens of factors influencing that including practice time experience one has with the other, coverages and personnel the opposition had on the field, etc. We know Cutler favors Marshall because of a significant amount of experience with him and the trust they've built up. That CERTAINLY isn't a bad thing. Imagine Marshall next year on this team if they're unfair to Cutler in his eyes and his "boy" is gone. As to Josh/Cut, the team will make that decision and as long as it isn't blatantly based on bullshit, I'll support it as long as the money potentially left over from not signing Cutler is immediately plowed into free agents to rebuild the D. I'm pretty confident we'll see Cutler out there in orange & blue next season but there could be a lot of behind the scenes stuff that Trestman and Emery know that we all don't that will factor into the decision. I do assume it's still an open matter and that it could go either way and that money and talent will be balanced when the final decision is made, either way.
  20. By the way, I've been meaning to say this ever since the thread was opened but haven't. It isn't all on Jay. I disagree with the supposed premise of this thread based on the title alone. And it isn't because of the original post because Mad wasn't saying "It's all on Jay" as to whether the team succeeds or fails, he was saying it's all on Jay in terms of pressure because if the Bears succeed despite the obvious problems on this team, it'll benefit Jay directly. And a team failure could impact Jay negatively whether it's fair or not. But the point I'm trying to make here is that there are folks who are looking at these two games and will be jumping up and down pissing their pants if the Bears don't win. They'll blame Jay even if he and the offense puts up 38 points but the D gives up 41. Watch for it. Fortunately, our coaches and front office will know better. If Jay really is to blame, I'll be happy to join you in shitting all over him. But if he isn't, or better yet, if he's the reason for the team winning, you can bet I'll be on his side. I hope to do a little grave dancing here on some of you Benedict Arnold types. You know who you are.
  21. No, it isn't. That single stat (and according to you it's only .33) reflects exactly that Cutler is fairly close to "Joe Cool" when it comes to what he's most accused of being bad at, brainfart picks. I realize you'll never admit to losing an argument so I'll just leave it at that. I never said Cutler was a good as Montana. You like to argue with people based on things they never said. That's generally considered not cool. All of this is horseshit. I assume this year he hasn't "had to" as you blather. I'm sorry, hitting your RB with 10 passes in a game, helping to create a new young WR superstar in Jeffery this year, hitting both Bennetts when that's what the defense was giving him... Are you off your meds? Does Cutler call his plays? Does he decide the personnel groupings? Is it him who keeps the FB in for additional blocking on the rare occassion the FB is actually on the field on a pass play? Shit man, even your newfound "wanna humpy hump" stud Josh McCown topped out at 2 passes to the FB this year, that's a full reception more than Cutler! JESUS MAN, YOU'RE RIGHT, THAT'S 100% MORE!!!
  22. LOL! There's that reading comprehension thing again with you. Read my post again. Or should I say READ IT. I said Cutler throws .5 more picks per game than Joe so I'm actually rounding up to his detriment according to your calcs. I know he throws more picks than Joe, the point being that given all the coordinators he had to go through, no offensive line, shitty receivers, and this year a D that can't help but put pressure on him to score every single series... THAT AIN'T BAD by comparison. So in comparing Cutler to an all time great, a guy everyone mentions as their example of cool under pressure, given the circumstances, he isn't playing wildly out of control like you and others pretend. LOL! So is Jay spreading the ball around or not? I realize those guys have had some good games under Josh (your hero) but they've done pretty well with Jay out there too. I mean, this week alone, Alshon for 72 yards and a TD. E. Bennett for a TD this week. In fact, three receivers over 70 (including M Bennett) and three passing TD's to different receivers against a decent defense, not the patsies Josh played against. Add Alshon for 218 yards and a TD against New Orleans. Over 100 against Detroit with another TD. Both also good D's. We don't have a fullback on the field 90% of the time (almost never on passing downs) but that's a nice straw man. I LOVE the pass to a fullback but when he isn't on the field, you can't expect Cutler to hit him, can you? Our TE is catching plenty of balls. Etc. I would like to see him check down to Forte more than he did this week but 38 points is OK with me. And Forte's best receiving game of the season (10 catches) was under Cutler, not McCown. In short, one of the biggest criticisms of Cutler is being blown out of proportion by the talk radio types and internet football experts out there. There's certainly room for improvement but he's already improving and has shown me enough to not want to jettison him just when things could finally be getting interesting.
  23. Good post. Particularly the "Cracker's right" part. I think we agree more than not on this. I'm a little more optimistic about Cutler being able to adapt to the system because I think he has the tools and it's just a matter of time. But as you say, Trestman is in those meetings, knows exactly what Jay should of done on each play and how Cutler is responding to constructive criticism. Nobody on this board can be sure one way or the other because what we see is the public Jay, who I think we all can agree is a bit of a tool. Maybe less so now than in the past, but still sort of a tool.
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