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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. THIS! You're 100% right Mongo. To rule the ball uncatchable in that situation is to assume that the player being dragged toward the back of the endzone wasn't capable of adjusting his route. We aren't talking about an interception that took place 10 yards in front of a would-be interference call. This all transpired in the same general area. Not that I lost any sleep over seeing Brady lose. I hate that arrogant POS. And I predicted a Carolina win so I had that going for me. But the playoff implications for the beloved are clear. That's definitely unfortunate. So, despite what know-it-all Jason says, this was clearly a blown call.
  2. I have to wonder where they'd be ranked if they'd won every game they should've/could've this year. Imagine where we'd be right now if we had a defense! http://pro32.ap.org/poll Not that rankings mean anything, I just wish we hadn't lost twice to the friggen Lyin's so we'd be #1 in the division, two games ahead of the Packers with some momentum.
  3. Ha! Untrue, I only call you an idiot when you're being an idiot. PS. The new family photo you have up is cool. As to the "boys being boys" part of the story, I get it. I'm inappropriate with my buddies all the time. But when this first came up, the story out in public was very different than what's come out since. So Jason's revisionist take on what he meant by his first reference to Martin is horseshit, much like everything else he says. So, like I said, GFY.
  4. Only pure conjecture on my part, based on the talent we seem(ed) to have on the team right now. But with guys continuing to drop like flies, I doubt even that would help at this point. All I know for sure is he was trying to keep the D consistent from year to year with the guys we had in place and now all or most of those guys are on the sidelines watching.
  5. I agree with you at the high school level. Above that level, get the coach up in the box, IMO. When you're looking at a game on the field you can't see what the opposition is doing to you. Hell, with some of the crowns on the fields themselves for drainage, you can't even see the opposite sideline very well. There are clearly some benefits to having your coaches being with the players as well but I think they're outweighed. Just going to have to agree to disagree.
  6. Agree. The only question, really, is whether there's some team out there that might consider offering McCown a good deal with the potential to be a starter. Weirder things have happened. In which case, we'd lose him. I think most teams understand it's 1.5 games of results, there were odd circumstances and while he put up good numbers, not every team is going to have this system and this talent on offense (line, RB, WR & TE). So I think he gets signed back up at a reasonable price for a few years and does a good job for us, when needed. Cutler, despite his shortcomings as a person, is still the "guy" and will get his big payday, either with the Bears or someone else. You don't see QB's with his level of ability very often in the NFL. Now that the rest of the offense has been built up around him, it would be a shame to lose him because Josh Friggen McCown had a nice game. It won't happen.
  7. You prove yourself more and more ignorant with every post. So Martin is at fault there? And by your comparison I'm soft, eh? You're an asshole. I hope no female in your family is ever sexually harassed or worse or they'll probably get told by you that it's their fault. Everything I've heard about the Martin situation suggests the guy was mistreated and the Dolphins are going to get a huge black eye from this. But according to you, he isn't tough enough. I'd like you to say that to his face. It's great you can hide behind your keyboard and throw around bullshit like this. If he was ever standing next to you, you'd cower like a pussy.
  8. You and I don't often agree but we clearly do in this case. I love what I've seen from McCown and I'd definitely get the wheels rolling on signing him up for a 3 year deal as a backup if he's only got a one year contract right now. Not sure what his deal is.
  9. I think the only thing that'll improve Tucker's coaching is some better, healthy talent. And maybe a switch to the 3-4. I generally want my DC in the booth where he can see what the heck is going on.
  10. Oh, I got your analogy. I was just trying to be funny in response rather than saying... I've been a Bears fan my whole god damn life and I've never seen the Bears with a better QB than Cutler. He's an arrogant jerk but he's got excellent skills. And he's proven that this year, yet again his first in another new system, that he can be very successful. I look forward to seeing what he can produce going forward into the future, that includes the rest of this year and hopefully several seasons to come under Trestman. Because it'll only get more awesome. And anyone, ANYONE, who thinks it's best to go back to having a journeyman QB, no matter how well he's produced in 1.5 games, is a friggen moron. I may change my mind on this if Cutler comes back from this injury and has even worse happy feet or for other unforeseen reasons. So Jason, basically, go f*ck yourself. I'm sick of you calling me and/or anyone else here stupid. You go through this whole big long contrived bullshit story just to show what three other people above you have already said in this thread. Bravo, you're so brillant! Get over yourself.
  11. My dog is a digger. And he's a god damn fast runner. I'll bet he digs and runs better than Cutler, McCown and Jason's dad. Just sayin'.
  12. Gruden would know well what Gannon brought to the table. But he can't possibly have much insight into McCown. Gruden is one of those broadcasters who tends to exaggerate almost everything. I enjoy his comments most of the time but there's a lot of hyperbole there. And let's be honest, he isn't going to keep his audience if he says "Hey, we've got two backup QB's playing now and they both suck." Still sounds ridiculous to me. And I LOVE what I've seen from McCown. But dude, get a grip. He's played 1.5 games for us against a team that didn't expect to see him and a team that didn't have any measurable amount of film on him. I expect to see him play again this weekend. He isn't more accurate than Cutler but I agree, he had shown more poise. Cutler tends to get happy feet too quickly. McCown is relaxed with being in the pocket. All of the above is silly. You aren't signing Cutler as a backup. C'mon man... Frankly, if they see enough in McCown after another start or two, I'd expect them to try to sign him up as a backup for even longer, with the possible motivation of using it as a bargaining chip against Jay. And if they really like him, they'd let Jay go. But I doubt we'll know enough as Jay should be back very soon. Jay isn't going to change or learn anything from McCown that he hasn't already heard from the coaches ten thousand time. Jay's pretty arrogant. Don't know. I doubt they'll let Jay play this weekend unless he's 100%.
  13. CrackerDog

    Bears Win

    I like the balls he's shown on several occasions. This D still basically sucks though. Need to give props to the pass rush last night though, it made a huge difference. Not sure if the Packers O Line is poor or what. But we can't be getting gashed for huge yardage on every damn running play. We can't tackle, etc. And the ST's need help too. Two huge negative plays last night that simply NEVER happened under Lovie Smith. All three phases of the game need to work for a championship caliber team. Under Lovie we almost always had two phases working well. Under Trestman, at least thus far, it's only one. I don't mean to be negative after a W against the Packers on MNF in Lambeau! That's awesome and I'm so ferkin' happy! I've been in a great mood all day. But when you start thinking about the actual results last night, and analyze everything without bias, this team has a long way to go.
  14. CrackerDog

    Bear Safeties

    Ha. Here kitty kitty kitty...
  15. The main reason for that would be that McCown seems like a genuinely nice guy while Cutler is kind of a douche. Cutler has a lot more pure QB talent, clearly, but McCown is looking solid in this system. I think the coaches will need to make a call on Sunday as to whether Jay is really healthy or Jay is trying to come back early just because he wants the big contract and doesn't want anyone stealing his thunder. I'm pretty sure this staff will make the right call, one way or the other.
  16. I saw blatant holding penalties on the Packers multiple times that didn't get called. One on one of their two big runs, can't recall which. Lacy ran right past the hold too so it wasn't like the ref couldn't just follow the play and see it. Ridiculous. But hey, we got the W anyway.
  17. Thanks. Is that "out there" in the news somewhere? I was just wondering if this was the official highest scoring game the Bears have ever had and lost.
  18. The D was suspect at the beginning of the year and has gotten progressively worse with every injury. I think they would've been servicable on D but now it's broken and can't likely be fixed without a major overhaul in the offseason. Can anyone remember a Bears team scoring 41 and losing?
  19. Let's not turn this thread into a pissing match about Urlacher. That's water under the bridge and I'm disappointed I even mentioned his name at this point. THAT doesn't solve our problem in the line. Peppers is hobbled, McClellin is just plain weak and our tackles are all in the hospital. Meanwhile we have Briggs with a hodgepodge of rent-a-players at linebacker and Nut sipping iced tea on the sidelines. This isn't how you run a god damn lemonade stand let alone a ferkin' NFL defense. McC was seen running behind the QB by like 10 yards on multiple plays. Does the dude know a swim move? Can he swivel his hips or twist his torso of is he one of those players in Tecmo Bowl? Someone get Peppers a cane and sign him up for AARP. The guy is done. DONE! Sad day when Wright is one of the best players on the field. Not one of these guys could tackle. Brutal shit.
  20. Alright, let me start by saying I realize we went into the game banged up on D and we took even more injuries during the game. I get that and it's a reasonable excuse. But it's an excuse nonetheless. I also realize we got three turnovers and the win, which is all that's important. Most importantly, we now have a week and a half to get healthy which should be extremely beneficial under the circumstances. With all of that said, I'm downright pissed off about what I saw last night while the D was out there. We got ZERO QB pressure without sending extra guys and our front 7 couldn't stop Jacobs at all. Third down was like taking candy from a baby. If it wasn't for Eli's continued meltdown, we'd be talking about being 500 today. What I don't yet know is if this is Tucker's fault or the aforementioned injuries. If we just don't have the horses in the D line to be effective with all the plug-in LB's we have. If we really miss Urlacher this much. These are the things I ponder. I hate being the wet blanket. I'm very happy we won. But we tried really hard to lose to a shit team at home. And we probably should've if their QB played reasonably well. I don't feel good about this team playing Detroit or Green Bay, our division opponents much less the other tough teams on the schedule. Thoughts?
  21. The man almost single-handedly lifted me to victory this week in fantasy football. I was going up against the guy with Tony Romo and still won! LOL! This week wasn't all bad football-wise, for me. Thank you, AJ!
  22. Very true. But then again, Jerry Angelo drafted a DT in a high round pretty much every year for damn near a decade and... Poof! (Yes, I realize I'm exaggerating.)
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