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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. True. But I believe per rules, since the ball had already been touched by the kicking team, the worst that could've happened would've been that he got dropped in the end zone for a touchback. Even a fumble and defensive recovery there would've ended up that way.
  2. Don't get me started on announcers, Fox and otherwise. My girlfriend just sits there and laughs when I correct them all game long. I mean, it's only their f*cking job and they can't get the basics down? Drives me crazy. I wish the NFL would go back to the days where we could have homer announcers cover the games. It would at least be entertaining, both teams would get their call (like baseball) and it wouldn't cost the NFL or the broadcasters anything because I'm sure the local guys would be cheaper than the national guys. Anyone else here old enough to remember Johnny Morris and Tim Ryan calling the games?
  3. Here are the details: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/play...player=CutlJa00
  4. I swear I heard one of the Fox announcers say something like Cutler has had a terrible record of bringing his team back in the 4th quarter historically and that he's really come around this season with the two big W's. Maybe I heard them incorrectly. I was giving Trestman and his staff a lot of credit for the improvement but now I'm hearing, based on this thread, his Captain Comeback credentials are better than most QB's? Did anyone else hear what I heard and can help me understand the disconnect?
  5. Despite Pepper's contract renegotiations, I'm not convinced they won't just bite the bullet and take the hit next year unless he bounces back strong the remainder of this season. I think he will but his future in football, based on the last two weeks only, is now in doubt. We need to replace the rent-a-players we have on one year contracts. Positions, I can't recall. Nut is getting up there in years and he's got a future in broadcasting, I'm sure. So we need to find someone to fill his shoes, which won't be easy. We'll have to see how Mills develops, I'm sold on Long but want to see more of Mills before I'm certain he's the answer there for the long term. Same goes for Bostic. I think he's a stud but he's not starting yet. We'll see. I hope we hit on this kid so we don't need to hunt for a MLB in the near future. Backup QB? Hell, we may need a K. I love Gould but he makes too much money and they probably will need a concession from him if he's going to get a new deal. Hester looks awesome out there but if they find someone who fills that role in the draft and is a bunch cheaper, you can bet his days are numbered. We'll need lots of cash for Cutler and others after we win the Superbowl this season.
  6. CrackerDog


    I think Ditka used to tell a story about his first year. He went for it 4 times from the goal line and tried to run all four times. They got shut down. On Monday when he came into the office he had a sheet of QB Sneaks in his inbox from Papa Bear. I think he said it was the only time George interfered or meddled in his coaching. Maybe Virginia needs to send down a few goal line off tackle runs to Trestman.
  7. CrackerDog


    Hell BTwig, even the announcers made the comment that the run was working well for the Bears all the way down the field. I have no problem with a pass in that situation, just give the run a try or two first. Run behind that animal LONG all day! If he can't get you a ferkin' yard, nobody can!
  8. And I agree with you 100%! I think we need to chill out a little bit. If we all start chirping about how the Bears are destined for the Superbowl we'll sound like nothing more than talk radio idiot callers. I think we're more cerebral around here. At least some of us are.
  9. I think we'll have to wait and see. Two games where we had to overcome major gaffs doesn't have me convinced. It looks like a good hire but his team has played pretty sloppy football so far. And the D has been mediocre at best. I think I'm going to agree with you in the long run and I sure as hell want to right now, but I'm reserving judgment until I have more evidence.
  10. I see game threads as the same type of conversation that might happen if you had a bunch of buds over to watch the game or if you were watching it at a bar. Someone is always shouting about yanking the QB after he makes a mistake, firing the coach, whatever. And most likely it has something to do with the amount of alcohol being consumed as well... I don't often participate in game threads because, well, I have friends over or I'm out somewhere or... I'm focused on the game! I agree with you Mad, I wouldn't hold anything against anybody that was said in the heat of the moment. You boys should just chill but I'm glad you're doing this in a thread I usually skip! I only noticed it today because it still has activity two days after the game.
  11. Based on your recommendation I installed the app just now. I'm impressed. The photos are cool and the content in general is well done.
  12. LOL Also, just to add, it appears Peppers is still dealing with illness and Melton is getting his legs coming back from the concussion. If we can get those two back to near full health, things will look a lot better in the pass rush.
  13. OK. I just saw his overall game 1 as a net positive so I never really thought he was off to a slow start. I stand corrected.
  14. No question. If they shutout the Steelers next week they'll be on a 17 point per game pace. I'm purposely looking for something negative, as I said in my original post, because I think we're getting a little too giddy. I don't accept the argument that only points scored against the D count. There were points scored on turnovers against us last year too. Apples to apples.
  15. That really is crazy, isn't it? I noticed that as I was looking this stuff up. Numbers are high all over! Although Seattle put the smack down on SF last night in the rain. 3 points for ol' Sourpuss Harbaugh.
  16. I took this a step further. The teams remaining on our schedule have averaged scoring about 24 points per game so far this year. If you take that over the 14 games remaining, this means we'll give up another 336 points. Adding our current 51 would yield 387 which is only slightly better than the number I posted above. Now you may say the Bears will give up fewer points than the average because we have a better D, but has that been proven yet? I haven't seen it. Maybe the offensive numbers decline as the weather gets worse. Maybe the offenses have been ahead of the defenses early in the season this year which is the reverse of usual but perhaps it's true. I don't know. But as a fan of the Bears I've been able to count on a stout D for most of my life. I'm not sure how this all pencils out in the end, but I can't get comfortable with this team going a long way in the playoffs if we continue to give up a large number of points.
  17. To get myself to chill with all this 12-4 talk, I took a look at the Bears performance on defense. We're on a pace to give up 408 points. We gave up 277 last year. In fact, only 8 teams last year gave up that many points and guess what... Not one of them was a playoff team. You can sugarcoat this any way you like but if this trend continues, the Bears aren't going anywhere this year. I don't care how good Cutler and Forte turn out to be. The D needs to improve and they can start by getting a little pressure on the opposing QB.
  18. Why don't we EVER see the White C?
  19. About the same results as my "calculations". Are we too optimistic?
  20. @ Steelers Likely W @ Lions Possible vs. Saints Possible vs. Giants Likely W @ Redskins Likely W @ Packers Possible vs. Lions Possible vs. Ravens Likely W @ Rams Likely W @ Vikings Possible vs. Cowboys Possible @ Browns W @ Eagles Possible vs. Packers Possible If we get 75% of the likely and 50% of the possible, this means 11.75 W's. This is an upgrade over my preseason expectation of 8 to 10 wins by 2 to 4 W's. Sounds like I'm drinking the Kool-Aid.
  21. Now that we're off to a better start than most (I) expected, what do you think of the remaining schedule? @ Steelers @ Lions vs. Saints vs. Giants @ Redskins @ Packers vs. Lions vs. Ravens @ Rams @ Vikings vs. Cowboys @ Browns @ Eagles vs. Packers
  22. I'm not sure there's as much correlation there as you suggest but fine, I'm happy with it. I'd like to know if Hester returned for over 200 yards on ST those other times too. That made a big difference yesterday. Every time the Vikes stuck a dagger in our hearts, Hester responded on the next kickoff, it seemed. Regardless, Cutler is on a 4,250 yard pace which is better than he's done since leaving the Broncos. He's also on a pace for 40 TD's which would be amazing. I sure hope he doesn't end up with 24 picks though, which would be near his career high.
  23. We were lucky to play the Colts on opening day last year or they likely beat us. That actually turned out to be a big win, all things considered. Unfortunately we left too many W's on the table last year.
  24. What shaky start? Preseason? Other than that comment, you're points are both spot on. Forte was the one guy in fantasy football I really wanted. He's going to have a tremendous year.
  25. CrackerDog


    Yeah, I seem to recall thinking the Bears should've been ahead 24-0 at some point in the first half and it was tied at 21, I think. Crazy game. Frankly, to echo what some have already said here, on a macro level there's positives and negatives to this win. Under Lovie Smith I doubt the team makes this many boneheaded errors (particularly on ST) and thus, they aren't losing at any point in this game, most likely. On the other hand, if they did fall behind, most likely, they aren't coming back to win. I thought tackling improved in this game, the pass rush was poor. Plenty to be excited about on O except the mistakes which were plentiful. I can forgive Jay the fumble on that sloppy field but even that he needs to do better. Forte's fumble wasn't preventable, IMO. He was in an awkward position and the Viking made a play. The pick in the end zone needs to be avoided. I don't care if the man was open, you don't go late there over a crowded middle. With that said, RUN THE DAMN BALL in that situation. Sheesh! The deep pass to Marshall, I agree with someone else in the thread, I believe Marshall should've made a play for it and at least broken it up. That one isn't on Jay. He's supposed to make that throw, trusting Marshall. Overall, you can't be disappointed with two W's over playoff teams. Yesterday should've been a lot easier but it was still a W. PS. How about Hester!!!
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