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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. I wonder if Jason still wants to sign the guy.
  2. Given that the Patriots have certainly proven over time to not be worried about distractions, this move is a clear signal that Hernandez is going to be charged with something serious.
  3. Why even speculate until the facts are in? I realize it's June 26th and there's nothing Bears to discuss (as evidenced by your 98 posts in that other worthless thread) but do we have to have a thread about every player that gets arrested/released/etc being picked up by the Bears? Silly season...
  4. Thanks for reposting your entire idiotic series of comments again. Appreciate it. You're still wrong.
  5. Then you should've stopped arguing with me after my Post #50 in this thread. If they don't have someone better to challenge him that's a problem at the GM level. The coaches can only mold the clay they're given. So if Pompei is saying "Webb is going to win this job because the competition at his position sucks worse than him" that's very different than him saying the Bears have settled the RT job despite there being other better options. You seem to be changing your position, which is fine, but don't pretend for a minute that you haven't been caught flip flopping.
  6. Ha! Glad we could amuse you. Just so everyone knows, I gave up on this thread a while back and just decided to have fun with it too. Jason, I apologize for being a tool to you. You're a fairly knowledgeable football fan with a somewhat inflated ego but I respect you. I realize that probably didn't get expressed in a few of my latest posts here. Peace.
  7. I think that's the obvious interpretation as I mentioned in Post #50 in this thread. But don't piss off Jason The Great or he'll tell you your grasp of English is suspect and that you're fellating Webb... Next thing you know he'll be starting posts with "Yo Momma's So Fat".
  8. Maybe it's that they've put their reputation on the line and have some skin in the game, unlike internet expert like yourself. Correct. You should've just said that in the first place. I'm tired of schooling you in public. The only one around here fellating anyone is you with Urlacher's big sweaty. The rest of us live in the real world. I've said over and over again that Webb sucks but you've found a way to miss it over and over again. Grow a brain. His drafts. You're also apparently ignorant of the role a GM plays on the team. So here, where it supports your argument, you're willing to give Emery the benefit of the doubt. But not when he says there'll be competition at every position. Interesting... I think the problem was so evident last year it couldn't be ignored by anyone with even modest competence. Frankly Emery's drafts have been very questionable so I'm not going to hang my hat on anything he's done until it proves out.
  9. Boo hoo. I have a sad now. Why, so I can see yet another argument where you assumed your opinion was reality? I'm not saying there isn't a connection but I continue to say he didn't knowingly start him to the detriment of the team. I've now said that 25 times and you're obviously too damn ignorant to get it. Williams sucked too. Hard. You're the only one crying for him. No, I'm just not selectively reading his quote and seeing what I want to see. Once in while you ought to concede the same about yourself you arrogant ass. Nobody said that. But you're just as willing to take Pompei's statements as fact so what does that say about you? You're cherry picking my friend.
  10. Irrelevant. He was probably "smitten" with dozens of guys for various reasons. He wouldn't have given him the starting job if there was a better answer on the team. You don't hear about all the other guys he was smitten about because they didn't get picked. Straw man. I never said they were infallible, just smarter than you. And you prove that over and over again each day. You "believe". Thanks. Unfounded. Next! Good answer. Previously you basically insisted he was part of some grand conspiracy to give Webb the job without any competition this year. You're growing. When you don't know the answer just say so. And Tice isn't here and you're still talking the same shit about Webb getting the job without competition. I hate to say it but it seems SCS might just be right about you. You hate this guy so much you can't help but get emotional about it. Not that I blame you, he really really sucked.
  11. I hope so. And yes, it was the death of Dollar Bill that started everything moving in the right direction. We'll have to wait and see about next year. I know a lot of guys (Shaw, Bickel and others) have earned bigger paychecks. I don't know when their contracts expire so it's hard for me to say for sure if they're setup for next season or not. Let's finish this season strong and then worry about next year!
  12. It was post #38 in this thread when Jason final said "If" and that was after I pointed out that you two were accepting the writer's opinion as fact. And even then Jason said "yadda yadda that's all we've got to go on, yadda yadda." Well, no we don't. We have common sense to go on as well. And the fact that the coaching staff has told us they were going to have competition at every position. I very clearly defined what I thought Pompei meant by his comment and you were already too emotional about the subject to see how logical what I was saying was. Threatening me with violence shows just how badly you've lost this one dude. Let's move on. I'm done here.
  13. Thank God for the Chicago Blackhawks! Baseball in this town is just abysmal and our basketball superstar took the season off, months after he was cleared. I'm not that into other sports, Bears football is my #1 by a long shot, but hockey started being fun again when Rocky took over the team. And now, hopefully they'll win two more and we'll have another parade. It should motivate guys in other sports and on other pro teams when they see how this town celebrates a winner! If they want to be heroes and they succeed, they'll get rewarded beyond their wildest dreams in this city. And even if the Hawks don't win it all, they've been awesome and they've gotten us to being within a month of when the NFL starts to lace them up! GO HAWKS!!! GO BEARS!!!
  14. Even if you (or I) did, it's all in good fun here and we should be vocal and excited about our opinions. With that said, the thing you'll see me "jump on someone" for mostly is conspiracy theory nonsense and stupidity. All of a sudden because of one article by Pompei our staff was handing the job to Webb. Oh, OK.
  15. As long as he's not related to Spud Webb...
  16. In your opinion. See, they've actually made a different assessment than you and Jason The Great. In each case, those professionals have looked at all of the evidence and said these are my best 22. They clearly aren't right all of the time but they also clearly aren't sitting a guy for someone they feel is inferior. THAT doesn't happen, ever.
  17. You realize all your old posts are still available here in this thread, right?
  18. LOL! Man you're reaching now. So because a coach watched a private workout he's personally vested in the guy? And what would explain what you claim to be the same thing happening again this year? Also, did Emery have such a vested interest in the guy LAST YEAR that he decided to blow off the line for a season? Get real.
  19. Your understanding of the Pompeii article is nothing more than that, your interpretation. In fact, you're reading into it based on your own bias. All I'm doing is looking at what the man said literally. He never says Webb is being handed the job, that's you and Jason. And stop talking about Webb like I'm defending the guy. He's sucked. Maybe if you actually read my comments before hitting the reply button this would be a better discussion. PS. If you honestly think TWO coaching staffs in a row are giving Webb the starting job despite their observations, you're both delusional.
  20. Fact is I never said my name belongs on the list whereas Jason honestly believes he could do better than at least 80% of the personnel guys and coaches out there today. So you're bringing me into this portion of the argument is moot.
  21. Easy killer, I never once said Webb was good. And now even you're saying Webb could be the best guy for the job this year which I certainly hope isn't the case unless his maturity and "finding Jesus" or whatever makes that big of a difference. Yes, they absolutely thought (no repetitive quotes are necessary) he was the best option or he wouldn't have been out there. Period. Lovie was protecting his job so there's no reason to say "Webb sucks and Player X is better but I really like Webb's ass so I'm going to put him out there despite his lack of talent so I can watch him run around in tight pants." No, the problem was that the Bears GM's didn't draft better players for the O Line who could beat Webb out. The real tragedy is we're still digging out of that hole because even after three years of poor to average performance, he might end up being our best option again THIS SEASON. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. If Webb plays this year, he beat out all other options. We're in agreement that we hope that isn't the case unless Webb steps up significantly.
  22. Good to see Trestman do that, I agree. Particularly to a rookie. I think Lovie relied more on his assistants and other players to do that (based on what I've seen over the years at training camp) and I really like to see the head coach have that fire. I hope it translates to a winning attitude on the field.
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