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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. Because they suck. That's tough to overcome.
  2. I was at the game and went with a group of Colts fans. Their interior lineman up against Melton, per these guys, sucks. Melton was the only one getting consistent pressure up the middle. I'm not sure how much we can count on that going forward. There was some good edge pressure and the Packers line isn't that good so we might have some luck here for Peppers. Once Freeney went out, the game was over. They got almost no pressure on Cutler after that. It was night and day. I'd like to say the line "came together" or whatnot, but I can't. We'll learn more on Thursday. Alshon is friggen stud. Absolutely the real deal. And with Marshall out there opposite him, I'd dare say we have the best starting two WR's in the NFC. OK, maybe not today but by the end of the season we may be able to say that! The running game had some nice moments. I was surprised because the O Line scared me more in run blocking during the preseason than in pass blocking. I figured our RB's were in for disappointing years. Again, the Colts are notoriously horrible against the run so who knows what this means. but it's a good sign! Defensively, there were WR's wide open all day in our secondary. We were lucky to be playing the Colts with their weak interior O Line giving us the opportunity to rush a rookie QB. I can see this being a huge problem on Thursday. The O will have to put up a lot of points for us to beat the Packers. Is Jennings really this good? Is Peanut hurt badly enough to keep him out for a while? All of this could make the next few games a lot more difficult than they otherwise would've been. It was a perfect day at Soldier Field and when the B-52 went over I got goosebumps. I'm burnt to a crisp from being in the sun all day but I've got no complaints. What a great way to start the football season! I know my comments above are overly negative after a big W, but I have some serious questions remaining about these guys. I suppose we can hope for an offense than can produce enough points to overcome the D's weaknesses but that just isn't what we're used to in Chicago and I'm not sure I'd be able to spot it if I saw it.
  3. Right on all counts except that Williams outplayed Webb. But then again, suck is suck. It's all just shades of gray...
  4. I didn't either. I was told if a team forfeits a game, the team that showed up (like the home team) is given one point and they win 1-0. I just looked this up and the non-forfeiting team is actually given two points. So much for that.
  5. Bears 27-17. Close at half time but Bears are clutch to close the game.
  6. CrackerDog

    Cut Day

    A friend of mine just said McCown and Allen.
  7. If he passes the physical I'd certainly welcome him back. And as you say, it should be a cheap hire.
  8. I won't be able to watch tonight, I've got my fantasy draft. Here's hoping they all stay healthy. I don't care about much else. I think we've already seen that the O Line is going to be an issue this season.... AGAIN. And I don't expect anything tonight will change that. I hope Cutler and all the other starters play one series and then they get them the hell out of there.
  9. Looks like the final roster will be a 53 man by Aug 31st. See this link as an example. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1313045...l-53-man-roster
  10. CrackerDog

    TO Cut

    "But his preseason performance was more notable for the passes he dropped than anything he caught. Owens dropped a potential 46-yard touchdown against Denver on a perfect throw from Matt Flynn. He failed to make a catch in any of his five targets against the Broncos and then had another glaring drop against Kansas City on Friday night." BWAAAAAAA HA HA HA.
  11. I'm glad he's dead and hope he's burning in hell.
  12. When Booker made that return the writing was on the wall. Only thing I didn't know was who the writing on the wall was about. We just found out.
  13. http://deadspin.com/5936676/why-your-team-...Team-Sucks-2012
  14. Maybe. But his issue is a physical/mental problem that'll dog him for the rest of his life. So let's hope the Docs have it all figured out and he's in a good place for as long as possible. I obviously want him to not only succeed with the team but in life in general and I wish him all the best in both endeavors.
  15. Dude, that's awesome news! I swear I saw Saturday somewhere and I was pissed because I have a party to go to that night and it isn't at a place likely to have football on. Thanks for the correction!
  16. This is pretty funny stuff, even if it rips our team. Some of it is insulting too, so be ready. I guess they've done one of these for every other team so I'll have to check out the Packers article. Article here.
  17. Amen and amen, LT2_3. And to Lucky, sorry, picking Belichick was a good example on my part. That guy has played his starters in games that were over at halftime against shitty teams, throughout his career. I recall Brady being in there throwing deep balls when the Pats had 40 point leads. And he's a good example because nobody would consider him dumb, just heartless and an ego maniac. And a winner. And for you to dismiss Lovie's getting us to the NFC title game only one full season ago and then to 8-8 with the injury issues we had last year, starting off 7-3, speaks directly to your feelings on the man. You may not think you hate him, but you do. And that's fine, he's not the greatest coach I've ever seen either. But his track record isn't as dismal as you and all the other Lovie haters out there would have us all believe, either.
  18. No doubt about it. And if Cutler doesn't have the time, having Randy Moss and Jerry Rice in their primes wouldn't help.
  19. I think we can all agree this Saturday will be a much better test for the O Line. I'm not going to get too high or too down on them until they prove themselves worthy of either, this weekend. These guys were exposed as frauds last season by the Giants. If they haven't learned anything since or if they haven't the pride to want to prove themselves better than THAT, they should all be fired. OF course, we can't afford to make any substantial changes at this point so... We'll all have to downgrade our expectations for the team if the line gets ass-hammered again. With that said, I think they did a nice job on RG3 this weekend. The D only gave up 3 to an NFL team in a half, I don't hold the punt return against them. Cousins looked great in the second half but that's something for the Skins to worry about. I think our backups got outplayed but I'm not too sure how concerned I need to be about that at this stage of the game. And the D played well without #54 out there so that's saying something. The O was downright impressive. We have solid depth at WR now, something I've never been able to say as a Bears fan all my 47 years on this planet. We're set at QB and RB better than almost any other team in the NFL. It all comes down to the line...
  20. If I felt like it I could provide several examples of Bill Belichick playing star players in "meaningless" games and he's plenty smart. And if you've gotten to the end of a snake bit season like the Bears had last year and don't know what your players are capable of, THAT would make Lovie stupid. It's all a matter of opinion, of course, but I think those that hate Lovie will find reasons, whatever they may be, to justify their hate. More power to you. I frankly don't love Smith but I have a hard time condemning a guy who took us to a Superbowl with Sexy Rexy at QB and then got us to the NFC Championship only two seasons ago, a game we might have won with the breaks going our way instead of against us. Ah well...
  21. At the end of the day, nobody could say for sure. So why speculate? The only thing that's clear is he didn't go into this looking to shaft Lovie. If this team fails to make the playoffs, even with injuries, it'll be Smith's last year as coach. And no, that isn't my hope. I hope they go undefeated in the post season.
  22. OR IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BLAME SOMEONE... How about you start with a bunch of Internet experts who don't understand that players get injured in the NFL, coaches play their best players when they're healthy and the only meaningless games are in preseason or AFTER you've got your best playoff slot determined. Jesus Christ, get a damn grip guys.
  23. CrackerDog


    http://news.yahoo.com/unc-reviewing-possib...05249--spt.html What's this all about?
  24. News? It ain't news yet. It's a rumor. Let's wait to hear the real news before we freak out too much about this. By the way, if there's one thing I hate about the Bears organization, it's how badly the SUCK at things like this. They'll let this rumor fester for weeks before they even consider addressing it. If there's something to say, say it!
  25. Don't think anyone can tell a thing from last night's game. I'm not sure the O Line played as poorly as stated above. Shea had some nice plays and then got rolled on the GL. Don't think he belongs in there on short yardage. Basically that's it. It was more like a scrimmage than a preseason game.
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