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Everything posted by CrackerDog

  1. Not sure if anyone has posted this yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-BCPymjGI4
  2. The anthem at a Hawks game is an amazing experience and not to be missed. The fans are absolutely cheering FOR the country and our servicemen. This has been a tradition for so long I can't believe a Chicago fan would question it. It doesn't typically happen at Bears games but they brought in the same singer they use at the Hawks games and it really brought the house down. My sister was at the game and said it was outstanding and then the fireworks and flyover made it all that much more. This is part of being a Chicago fan now. Back in the day, I felt the same way Jason does but I came around once I understood the whole thing.
  3. CrackerDog


    St. Pats eh? I went to Holy Cross and lived in the St. Pats hood. Graduated in 82.
  4. CrackerDog


    Dang, I hate that I watched your first video. It sure looks like he wasn't across the line. I don't remember it that way from back in the day but he sure looks legal in this video.
  5. My first take was also the this was a pile of doo doo story. But then I watched the video. He clearly snubs her and it isn't cool. He's a douche. And I won't even mention Sarah Palin.
  6. Lot's of guesswork on your part, my friend. Hell, for the few examples given, it's tough to say there's an issue at all. What if he was having a problem with his girlfriend the day Lynch or Elway was available to him to talk and he was preoccupied? We've all been there... Or it could be the Elway thing is being blown outta proportion because Denver is still feeling used and abused by the trade. I've heard Reilly wrote his article before he got to Chicago! I'm not trying to make excuses for him either and as you say, there's two sides. If he turns into a commercial machine this spring, I hope it's because he's just been the winning QB in the Superbowl. That's ALL I give a shit about. I think seeing Manning in every other commercial on television is incredibly annoying. This latest with the "40, 40, 40!" line is enough for me to want to punch him in the face! It's also a reflection of the leadership of the team, in my opinion. We saw the Bears in 1985 doing the Superbowl Shuffle and hundreds of commercials because Ditka and Ryan were different than Smith. And you're missing one HUGE item that Reilly also missed, the Bears were expected to blow this year by almost everyone in the national media. Remember? This leads to two realities: 1. They'd have to admit they were wrong by giving Cutler and other Bears lots of air time and good press and 2. The folks that sign guys to endorse products don't usually choose players from teams that suck (or are expected to suck.) Further, what you and most of the critics seem to miss about Jay is that he's young and hasn't really experienced any level of success to date. He's just won his first damn playoff game! And after that win he seemed to lighten up some, didn't he? His confidence is still building. His comment on Reilly was perfect! Face it, you don't even start to get coached on being the guy in the spotlight until there's one on you. In Denver he had to live under the Elway shadow... Here, he's just getting to the level of success expected of him. Lastly, contrary to one of your statements, I can think of plenty of Superbowl winning QB's who weren't media darlings. Those two things are more connected these days than ever before, and only, as mentioned above, because those looking for people to endorse their products like to be associated with winners. Jay is now a winner regardless of what happens this coming weekend (unless there's a total meltdown which I don't anticipate.) He's a surly guy with the press but I respect that since 98% of the press is made up of complete morons looking to stir up trouble. He isn't endorsing 47 products because he hasn't done shit yet. I say give him time and a little training and he'll grow into that role. The first step: Win.
  7. My understanding is that just about the time the NFL was looking to name the trophy, Lombardi was diagnosed with cancer. He'd won several championships and the league decided to honor him. The Packers have won 12 championships and though I hate them when we play them, you've got to admit that's pretty impressive for a little town in northern Wisconsin. I'm fine with the name being what it is. Now let's kick their Packer asses this weekend and get up to 10 championships to close the gap!
  8. Tom, you know I'm a fan of yours and that I was down on Cutler after that game against the Giants when he seemed to quit (later to find that he may have had a concussion earlier than originally thought.) But your statement: "He’s a guy who’s just too lazy to go out of his way to do something he doesn’t want to do" is complete bullshit. I'm a tell it like it is guy and there is simply NO WAY you or anyone else could know what motivates Jay Cutler to be the way he is. And frankly, if someone, in this day and age, wants to be singularly focused on football instead of money, shame on those who would have it any other way. I regret my earlier comments calling Jay out in the Giants game because all other evidence suggests we may just have a true ironman type, ala Favre, without all the prima donna bullshit that typically accompanies that type of personality. Jay has taken an absolute beating this year, both physically and verbally, and he's jumped back up, smirked at the naysayers, and kicked their asses hard in response. Not always successful but never lacking effort. I'll take that type of leadership.
  9. Jimmy Mac catching a TD pass from Walter Walter announcing his illness and then the memorial Bob Thomas's kick in the snow to put the Bears in the playoffs in 77 Anything from the "They are who we thought they were" game Wilbur Marshall's destruction of a QB. Can't remember who it was now. Mike Pagel? Cool thread!
  10. I never watch Leno. And I mean never.
  11. But this is the internet where everything is either black or white. And everyone posting here is far superior to anyone the Bears have ever hired... Except Ditka. I doubt even Jason would claim to be better than Da Coach. Then again...
  12. HELL... Rashaan Salaam looked good for a WHOLE SEASON. Just sayin'
  13. Greg Gabriel is a cunt for putting this out there. How many of his "favorite picks" did Jerry ignore that panned out for the Bears? This type of thing happens every year to every team involved in the draft. Sounds like sour grapes to me. And if Starks actually turns into something is yet to be determined. One good game doesn't mean shit.
  14. He's been hired. This makes three Ditka era Bears at HC now.
  15. It ain't worth arguing this guys. On an overall basis I was down on JA earlier this year because he messed up badly with the O Line. But he also get some credit, as does Lovie, for hiring the guys who fixed the problem by coaching this band of misfits up. And on his drafts and FA moves, he's been as successful as any other GM out there who doesn't have Manning or Brady at QB. I'd say he's earned another year to see how this team he put together develops.
  16. Hey Tom, I'd prefer you post a new thread. Your thoughts are often worthy of special consideration and I don't have to work to find them hidden in another thread if you just toss them out there in a new one. And I'm lazy!
  17. I agree with Balta... Although I expected worse than 7 wins this year. The year is already wildly successful based on my expectations but... Expectations shift. Now that we're there, I'm hoping for more. But I won't be irrate if they don't win a playoff game either. Whoever we face is going to be good enough to beat us. But they'll both be teams we could potentially beat if we play well, too.
  18. Replaces Singletary as a Ditka era Bear now coaching. Harbaugh could be another.
  19. OK, but the only thing we know for sure is that Brett sent the pictures. Nothing else above was every proven. So I'd say you're "Blaming the victim" to a certain extent. The gal hasn't been proven to have done anything other than taking two years to come forward... And according to the evidence out there, she didn't do this on her own. She was put on the spot by some "friend" of hers talking to that web site. It seems at that point in time she felt the need to defend her own character and all Brett had to do was clam up to get the NFL to drop it.
  20. And what gives with the Vikings going after Bears WR's year after year? I mean, it isn't like we've been stacked at the position and yet the Queens feel the need to pluck guys off the Bears year after year. Frankly, I'm not sure any of them has really produced for them and they continue to do it. Ah well, Chester Taylor didn't exactly provide "Alan Page" value either.
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