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Everything posted by CrackerDog
I'll leave the "getting along" part to you. I'll stay on offense until Tuesday. CHARGE!!!!
I think this is older news. I'm pretty sure Lovie mentioned this a few weeks ago too. And as of right this minute, I don't need any of your wealth. I'm doing fine. But if you're a millionaire, I won't mind your top tax rate going up 3% to help pay back the American People for the massive give-away to the weatlhy we've seen over the last 8 years. That top rate, by the way, the same as under Clinton and Reagan, to my knowledge. I guess they were "commies" too.
You betcha!
And I've already said I don't suffer fools very well. So there's that. Sorry man, I can't sit back and let chumps like this ruin the next 4 to 8 years for my country and my son. I want someone in office who doesn't deliberately manufacture a war for my kid to die in. I want someone with an eye toward future technologies and who creates jobs in this country through innovation, so my son can have the opportunities I've had. And when someone comes in here and spews Sean Hannity / Rush Limbaugh talking points into threads and then has the audacity to claim "he's learned by having his eyes open" when he hasn't even taken the time to educate himself and develop an authentic opinion of his own... Yeah, I get a little nutty. These people have very nearly destroyed our country and they don't deserve my respect. They're a nation of DITTOHEADS parroting the party line. They're sheep being led by corporate interests bought and paid for by lobbyists. There isn't anyone in this country making less than $200,000 who if they voted their own best interest should vote for McCain. That means Obama would win by 90% at the polls. But they've been fooled for years! What actually got better under Bush? Point proven. On the other hand, I've been quoting endorsements from respected Republicans. I've noted many times that I have a real respect for fiscal conservatives. But that isn't today's Republican Party! I've been posting links to Obama's actual agenda so people can make an educated decision, not crap from some spin site like Junior here has with BarkingMadCowSomething.com. I mean, compared to them, DrudgeReport is the New York FRICKEN Times!
Who in god's name watches MTV anymore? If I watched a music video channel, which I don't, I'm probably more the age group for VH1. Isn't MTV all stupid reality TV now anyway? Here's the deal Skippy, you haven't learned shit by "keeping your eyes open." You're all buffoonery like your idol Joe "the unlicensed plumber" and nothing more. Only he's getting his 15 minutes and you... You're the one that made the bold prediction and now you haven't got the nads to hang in there. How's that make you feel, knowing you're turning tail like this? I mean, if your man wins, I'm sure you'll be chirping. Connor has already exposed you. In my book, you won't have a right to chirp if McCain wins. See son, the time for bravery isn't when the soldiers in front of you have already wiped out the enemy. Maybe with a little more growing up and a few more hard times, you'll understand why those that are hurting in this economy and those that want to help them, like me, aren't seeing things the way you do. So... Here's a direct question for you I bet you won't answer: Did you vote for Bush twice and are you proud of what he's accomplished?
Hence why I said: But I do think it's funny as hell you're shaking in your boots. PS. Connor has more class in his pinkie than you have in your entire family tree.
Things in the polls look good. But I have little faith. I have almost no faith in an electorate and an electoral process that twice sent George W. Bush to the White House. I fear what the election of John McCain will mean to this country. I can't imagine four more years of ineffective governance. But, as you know, I see things differently than some others here. I have no intention of gloating or sulking on Wednesday. Regardless of the way this goes, all we can do is move ahead. If McCain wins, I hope the John McCain of 2000 re-emerges. This country deserves at least that. If Obama wins, I pray he's as smart and as energized as he's convinced me he is. We need every bit of the campaign enthusiasm to be transferred directly into policy and action in our government. There's no time for petty grave-dancing. May the best man... and our country, win.
Dude, you're the gawd damn voice of reason here!
By the way, this entire post is from Fox News. http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/28/ob...n-election-day/ Way to spout the right wing talking points. Hey, here's something for you to consider... Maybe, just maybe, Obama realizes that the turnout on election day is going to be massive. Maybe he realizes that some folks, particularly in poorer areas where they don't have the best or most available polling equipment, may need to wait in LONG lines to register their votes. Maybe, just maybe, he's looking ahead and thinking this might cause some a lot of discomfort with their employers and they'd be better off if they didn't have to worry about it while standing in these long lines. I recall video from the poorer areas of Cleveland in the last election where people were waiting in 2 mile long lines to go vote. I'd say that would be discouraging. I'd say some of those folks would miss a lot more of work than they planned, no? Or are you trying to play the old "Shiftless" card on Obama supporters? Are we all just lazy? Why do you think that way?
I've lost a lot of respect for him and a few others. Can't help it. But I doubt he'll lose any sleep over it. After all, I'm just an unemployed hippie.
Here's some more video from a McCain/Palin rally. Damn, do these people really represent Republicans in America? I sure hope not. But what I see here is really ugly. And McCain is pushing all the right buttons with these folks, feeding their hatred. And then people are surprised when the FBI arrests skinheads planning on wiping out 100 African Americans along with Obama. I'll tell you one thing, no matter how this turns out, I fear for my country. I can't believe people like this exist in the 21st Century.
It was a huge mistake. That was clear to anyone with a brain then. And what did McCain do? He followed Hillary's plan and just made it more disgusting and more blatant. I guess he thinks she had the right idea on what the American People want to hear about during this campaign... Earth to McCain... SHE LOST!
Check it out. The evidence is clear. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3AvZqYC4mw
Ah, the bottom line for the idiotic. Lose an argument and threaten violence or try to just shout them down. I see this happen on Fox News almost every day. So you want to kick my ass now? LOL I'm 43. My days of fighting fools like you ended about 8 years ago in my mid-30's. And no, I didn't say everyone is voting against him because they're racist. It is a big reason, however, and if you deny it, you're blind. Answer the question, should McCain/Palin be addressing this hate at their rallies or should they just let it slide? You realize that if they did, it would lose them votes. Is their acceptance of racism bothersome to you? These are the questions. Not whether or not you can (or would like to try to) kick my ass.
You really think he has any credibility either way? LOL
I'm certainly not a socialist either. But I do believe and stand by everything I've posted here which clearly has nothing to do with supporting socialism. And as far as I'm concerned, we all need to stick our necks out these days or we'll end up with 4 more years of the same old same old that got us where we find ourselves today. Note that not one of these guys talks up McCain. They rip on me or call Obama names. This thread (or another like it) is a low water mark for them, calling me a crack head or some such. I'm the father of a great 10 year old boy and I live in a nice house in the Chicago suburbs. I've worked for the same company now for nearly twenty years and I've made a nice living doing so. I pay my taxes, vote and work for political candidates I believe in. I've voted for Republicans in my life on a number of occasions. None of this sits well with their right wing smear of who I am or what I stand for. See, it's really easy to rip something down. Harder to build. But it can be fun and/or funny. I've tried humor here any number of times, basically to get this topic some traffic. I dish it out and I'm OK with taking it. I'm glad there are some here who can see the difference between the slime McCain's campaign is putting out and reality. Nobody on McCain's bus really believes Obama is a terrorist or a commie. They're just giving the dopes, the racist and the Fox News viewers some red meat. That's all. I understand that. And it seems it won't work this time. I pray for this country that is doesn't. 4 years ago I knew we were on the wrong path. I knew electing Bush again was going to continue that spiral. I never saw this coming, however. I didn't think his leadership or lack thereof could take us this deep into the shit. I know now, that we need energetic leaders, competent people in government, and new ideas. I see none of that from McCain. So, gents, whack away at me if you need to. Maybe it's the only way you can deal with the realities and truths I bring up here. No problem. But understand this... your ideas about who I am are way off base. I don't think any less of you; I just think your ideas for our future are dangerous. We've tried your program and we've seen the results. Two Republican Presidents in a row have led us into recessions. So, please, pretty please with sugar on top, shut the f*ck up and stand in the corner. The adults have work to do to save this country from you and people like you. There are lots of good folks out there like me working hard every day to make sure your discredited political philosophy hits the dustbin of history. I hope you appreciate our efforts when in 4 years from now, things are a lot sunnier. You can thank me then.
UPDATE: You can see a short video showing the humor Obama uses to deliver this speech. As I've noted many times, there is no way McCain is going to convince America that this guy is anything but the genuine article. ORIGINAL POST: I suggest you read this if you want to cut through the crap some of our right wing members are posting here. If you don't think what Obama here says is compelling, or you simply don't believe him, fine, vote McCain. If, on the other hand, you're touched by his words and you've got no reason to believe McCain more than Barack, think carefully about what we've seen happen to this country over the last 8 years and maybe even consider giving the other guy a shot. I've been posting a lot of information here about how Obama is being endorsed, day in and day out, by news organizations and Republicans across the country. It seems they're not buying the negative stuff McCain's team is putting out there. So, here is Obama's actual plan...
This is becoming a broken record. Nobody thinks McCain is the right man for our times. Not even the folks who know him best!!! Republican Charles Mathias served in Congress from Maryland for 26, years, in the House for 3 terms beginning in 1961, three terms in the Senate, retiring at the end of the term in 1987. Mathias who has known McCain for many years, does not criticize him in any way. Rather he affirms his choice: Source
The next time Drunk Bomber tells the truth will be his first. Notice he doesn't address the issue at all. He just responds with a "they did it too". In other words, he condones racism. A fact I believe is why most people voting against Obama are doing so. They've got other "public" reasons they claim but let's face it, NOBODY with any level of intelligence really believes Obama is a terrorist or communist. There isn't any way possible anyone can size up these two gents and make a decision that McCain is better suited to solve the enormous problems in this country better than Obama can. McCain's got no new ideas, no energy, no plans. And he put his campaign first and "Country Second" by picking Palin, Bush in lipstick. See this link for how a strong conservative, Chris Hitchens, sizes her up. He's brutally honest when he says: "a woman who is a religious fanatic and a proud, boastful ignoramus." Other than the woman part, it sounds just like W. Haven't we learned from our 8 year mistake? The folks telling us to "trust them" said the same thing 8 years ago. I don't know about you but I'm sick of listening to the people who put us in this position acting like they're the experts. They haven't got a clue. F*ck them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9T0FI2axbU Sickening. Do the McCain backers here think this sort of thing belongs in our politics? Step up and put yourself on record.
The embarrassment of riches. Wow! http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1008/14963.html Interesting how this "Commie" "Terrorist" is appealing to so many folks who call themselves Republicans. Could it be, maybe, that they're looking through the smokescreen and seeing the reality that Obama is really a Centrist with better plans for the future of this country?
I say you aren't paying attention... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrGPW6RZxTs Even McCain agrees he and Bush are brothers, linked to this collapsing economy.
Wow! Current poll shows McCain with a 2 point lead in his home state, 43.5 percent to 41.5 percent. Within the margin of error. Link here. The Republican "brand" is damaged beyond repair if this happens. Not that I mind.
It ain't over! That's my take. Get out there and vote and take 10 Obama supporters with you!!! But it certainly is encouraging to see someone so high up the Repug food chain be this demoralized. God, I love it! LOVE IT!!! David Frum in today's Washington Post...