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Everything posted by canadianbear

  1. I see the point in questioning a coaches call, and choosing one play over another. These decisions can actually impact a game. Thus I see merit debating them. And dont get me wrong, I love the "what if" scenario as I have replayed the superbowl in my head about 1000 times. However, knowing that is was not possible that Kyle would play, what is the point in arguing Kyle have done better? Kyle is our starter, our #1 QB, thus it is no stretch to assume he most likely would have played better than Rex. Rex was forced to play the game due to circumstance. He played as a back up usually plays in his first start. Collins has been the starter for what, 7 weeks now? I would speculate that Rex would be better too if he had played 7 weeks in a row. I too however understand your point of saying we would have won if Kyle started. Maybe we would have. But people on this board are once again turning this into Kyle VS. Rex and it is just getting frustrating to keep reading. It shouldn't come to this. Kyle was not benched. Rex did not earn this start. People are arguing as if Kyle deserves to be our starter over Rex. But he is! So where is everyone going with their arguments? Fine, if kyle was healthy and played yesterday and all other variables remained constant then yes, we COULD have won. There are far better hypotheticals you examine, such as what if we drafted Tom Brady? I think if the Bears had Tom Brady we would have won yesterday. The scenario has the same probability as Kyle playing yesterday. Zero.
  2. Grizz, You are missing the point of my post. Orton couldnt have played because he was injured. To say Kyle would have done anything yesterday is irrelevant because he couldnt and didnt play. Kyle was not benched in favor of Rex. My post was not intended to be read as a "tete a tete" of Kyle Vs. Rex. For all we know, if Kyle played yesterday, he could of had the worst game of his career (Ala Delhomme yesterday). No one can say. My point was that Rex is our BACK UP QB. He is not as good as our starter so expectations cannot be held as high. Rex played like a back up, who only gets the minority of snaps in practice. He had some good throws. His turn overs were held to a minimum. Yes he overthew some balls, and was inconsistent, but that usually is what a back up can give you. Yet he still gave us 14 points against a top 3 defensive team. Considering how terrible the Titans offense looked, if our defense actually played well and got a pass rush, I think 14 points would have been enough. It is asinine to speculate that Kyle would have gotten more or done differently because that is impossible to predict. He is injured. Just a comment about the following: To Lovie: Having your players calling the time out after second down (before the 2 minute warning) invited the play action pass. If you wait until the play AFTER the 2 minute drill, no way do they pass the ball. Just a minor note on strategy here. Sorry, You dont think the way Orton played this year so far he would have checked the line up and called a play that suited them? Rex does not have that in him. He checks out but usually wrong. Last note: This had to do with the last 2 minutes of the game. It had nothing to do with Rex or Kyle, just how Lovie managed the clock, the teams timeouts and really gave the Titans the choice of throwing (which resulted in the Bears not getting the ball back) or running.
  3. I wasn't at the game. Maybe it was one of the other 33 million Canadians...
  4. This is getting rediculous. Kyle was injured. He could not have made any of these throws because there was zero chance of him playing. I understand arguing Kyle VS. Rex but can we at least stick to reality and not hypotheticals? Rex is our BACK UP. He played like someone today who practiced for one week. He made some plays. He put up 14 points. He played against an excellent defense. A top 3 team. An undefeated team. He could have played better. We have seen him play worse. He had one turnover. He didnt win us the game, but PLEASE, he did not lose it either. Though I know you all (majority)just want to rip Rex and say "I told you so", but this was not a competition for the starting job. It was our back up starting a game for our injured #1. If he was capable of consistently playing better, Rex would still be our #1. That is not the case. He was ok for a back up. Not every QB completes every throw, regardless if receivers are open or not. Every QB in the NFL makes bad throws. Every QB throws picks. QB's overthow the deep ball and dont always lead receivers perfectly. An excellent completion percentage in the NFL is 60% not 90% NFL receivers make incredible catches. None were made today. Today our back up QB gave us 14 points. In all honesty, it should have been enough. NFL teams have won scoring less. As for the reason we lost: Our defense was the worst I have seen in years in terms of pass defense. Our defense of 3 years ago (more or less the same unit) shuts this team out. "Carrie" Collins throws for 300 yards? His first 200 yard game in 3 years? Are you kidding me? Brian Urlacher is invisible. He does not finish tackles anymore. He doesnt fight anymore. On blitzes he hits the line and gives up. Ray Lewis would never play like that. He is just soft. For some reason, he is given a (more or less) free pass. Our defensive line is THE WORST in football. It is as if they stop half way through the play. Have you ever seen LESS pressure on the oppsoong QB? Note to Babich: Corners can blitz too. It doesnt always have to come up the middle. Note to Turner: Rex's strengths are play action and hitting deep seem routes or go patterns. He cant throw outs to the flat. Why wouldnt you try to play to his strenghts? Hit or miss with Rex, you may as well try it (a la raiders game last year) Last note: To Lovie: Having your players calling the time out after second down (before the 2 minute warning) invited the play action pass. If you wait until the play AFTER the 2 minute drill, no way do they pass the ball. Just a minor note on strategy here. This game should have been a 14-6 win. Look closely. The pass defense is the biggest culprit for this loss.
  5. Couldnt the guy have been spiking the ball because the score just gave his team the lead (after being down 10) and he was simply pumped up? What was he supposed to do? Clean the ball off and give it back to the ref? I think this criticism is a little bit of a witch hunt.
  6. Same reason the Bears didnt. Overconfidence in what they had. At least they made a quick change...
  7. Both teams seem to have weak defenses and are susceptible to the deep pass (Too bad Orton cant throw deep, but nontheless). Their run defense didnt look too great either. It seems to be 2005 all over again, just with a more experienced Neck beard. "That is the best defense I've faced in a long time,'' Delhomme told Peter King after the game about our D. We will be fine. Might even surprise these guys.
  8. I was thinking the same thing yesterday. He has been cocky as all hell, without any results. As a receiver he has been useless. Has he run one deep pattern yet? He is only the fastest man on the field. Why would we stretch the D? Now he is injured. Wonderful.
  9. As reported by Chicago Tribune. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...,5171157.column Sorry bro. Orton is terrible and apparently stupid as well. true that Olsen was bad with the 2 fumbles, but we still had a chance. Hope Lovie is ready to start answering those QB questions all over again.
  10. Just to add a little something to Ortons terrible play: Jerry Azumah and Jim Miller are reporting on Bears Postgame Live on Comcast SportsNet that Kyle Orton checked out of an original run call to Forte on 3rd and 1 and into that quick-out to Booker. Yippee. Our QB situation still sucks.
  11. How about Orton, who has no idea how to complete a pass down field without throwing it short and allowing his receiver to adjust (Booker open for a TD.). How about he try to hit OPEN RECEIVERS when it counts (Davis open for a first down 5 yards downfield and he misses him) 1/10 when throwing beyond 10 yards. Honorable mention to Turner. I thought to myself, no way he does the fullback inside hand off, again. It barely worked the first time. Way to not put confidence in your "star" RB. But my vote is Orton. I thought he was terrrible today. Still not sold he is an NFL QB.
  12. Question is, will they kickoff to hester to start the game?
  13. I would trade Tommie tomorrow to Cinci for: Ocho Cinco Their first round pick 2008 draft (Draft Ellis or Dorsey to replace him) - assuming one is still around @ #9). This will never happen anyway, but I love to speculate.
  14. I read the book. Pretty good read. All of lewis' books are (Liars Poker is his best, Moneyball also very good). Oher (Prnounced Oar) Very interesting guy. Not too bright, but extremely strong and agile. Prototype LT. Would love to get him. No way he is there in round 2.
  15. I would love to land Michael Oher. If you guys want a good read, try "The blind side" by Micheal Lewis. This kid is supposed to be an animal. Not too bright, but an animal nonthe less.
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