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Alaskan Grizzly

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  1. Add in Detroit’s second round loss by 14 points and I’m still not sure the NFC north was “all that”. Detroit was the #1 and Washington #6.
  2. Yup. I think people were tricked into thinking he was some sort of offensive genius. Once we found out first hand he wasn’t it became much more who obvious who runs their offense in KC (Reid). Especially when Bienemy left to Washington and UCLA only to flame out in both places.
  3. The only real concern I have with Johnson, besides relatively unproven outside of Detroit is that Goffs production the last three years were very similar to his last three with the Rams. Which begs to ask, is Johnson or Goff the reason for their offense success? It would be sorta like comparing how Nagy looked in KC before coming to Chicago.
  4. McCarthy actually coached the Packers to a SB win after the 2010 season (SB XLV). Ironically enough they played Pittsburgh who was coached by none other than Mike Tomlin. That was also the last time that Chicago played in the NFC Championship game (against GB).
  5. How about Mike Tomlin? Is he in the McVay/Shanny conversation when it comes to potentially giving up a first for him? Reason I ask is that has come up in conversation. That Pittsburgh might be willing to part with him due to what appears to be him getting stuck in neutral when it comes to the playoffs. I saw some pundits suggest he and McCarthy should just changes locations and that might do the trick. With McCarthy it would make sense as he is a Pennsylvania native.
  6. Brown had it figured out for the three games he was solely the OC. In those games the Bears played valiantly against Detroit, GB and Minny only to lose by a few points each game. Once he elevated to HC, the magic disappeared. Having watched all that All-22 my question is, what the hell was Kmet doing? Sitting on the sideline? He just disappeared…
  7. So in hindsight was the NFC north as good as their combined records reflected? Both GB and Minny were bounced in the first round by a combined score of 49-19. And one other funny nugget I saw earlier today. Minny lost to only two teams all season. Detroit (twice during the regular season) and the Rams (once during the regular season and again last night).
  8. I know but thought it would be worth noting. I mean Aaron could bring his buddy Paul Hackett as the new OC. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. McCarthy strikes me as a blue coller, lunchpail totin type of guy. Would fit in with the Bears in that regard . No denying his winning record with both GB and Dallas . If this happens I hope that since Rodgers will be looking for a new job we don’t become a possible landing spot. 😱
  10. I feel Johnson is going to be this year’s version of Daboll.
  11. Stories say that since Tom Brady is part owner of the Raiders now and that he and Vrabel are buds, he could be a front runner for Las Vegas. Still part of the “Patriot Way.” I admit you make a compelling point about Johnson and his affinity to the play action. Question I have is theor success more because of Goff or Johnson?
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