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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. So now that Tannehill is out the rest of the year with a torn ACL , and Cutler was not injured himself, would Miami have considered a deal for Jay?
  2. Doesn't sound like he's a trouble maker in the little bit of reading I did up on him. Got MRSA when he was a rookie and after going through 3 HCs in TB they traded him to Detroit. TB also added Verner and Hargreaves the last few years so he was being edges out by even better players. They say he didn't fit in Mike Smiths style of defense. And it's anyone's guess why he didn't work out in Detroit. Schwartz isn't really known to coach choir boys. From what it sound like he's more Fangios style of CB. Big and aggressive. I'm curious to see how he works out. not all that cool on Fuller anymore and Porters an old man.
  3. I'm going to take a shot and assume this wasn't a rhetorical question. Bellamy sometimes looks like he's letting the ball get into his body too much. And has a tendency to look ahead before he catches, hence the body catches. BM was probably one of the best when it came to actually catching the ball with his hands. AJ does too, when he's playing.
  4. So the first question is a 'what if'. Currently the Bears are 2-1 in the division, 'what if' they were to at least repeat that record (in the division) and end up being 4-2 and out of the playoffs? My guess is that of the remaining three inter-divisional games, we will actually lose to Detroit. They (specifically Stafford) are hot right now. In Detroit..nod Lions. With GB not sure that is a sure loss either. Bears played them tough in GB earlier this year and this game is in Chicago. If Barkley continues to play well and shines in a loss to Detroit, I see this being closer than most would expect. Seem to remember a similar situation this time last year and our team managed a win. With Minnesota; won't AJ and Freeman be eligible to play again by then? Could actually make a difference on both sides of the ball. I think Minnesota is at a place right now that they are pretty vulnerable. Not sure that playing for the division title will matter that much. As far as Washington goes, think that Cousins is playing pretty solid right now and wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we lost that one. Overall record when said and done; 5-11 with a 4-2 divisional.
  5. I think we still need to consider a QB next draft. If Barkley, Shaw or even Hoyer work out as starter material for the next season or two we've gone too long in not drafting one. Let him sit like Rodgers did if we have to but we still need to consider it. I'll concede and say outside of maybe WR were good enough in some skill positions that we should consider a Tackle in *gulp* the 1st or 2nd round. Floyd looks like he needs to really work on his pursuit angles. The slower or pocket QBs are one thing but when you have a Kaepernick back there you have to anticipate a bit better on where's he's going to be. Floyd definitely lost outside contain s few times. Said it once, say it again. With a name like Kwiatkowski, he has to be a Bear LBer.
  6. And I was wrong about Hicks when he came here. He's a keeper too.
  7. Still likin what I'm seeing from Barkley. Why is it over the last few years our backup QBs CONSISTENTLY look better than our starter? Hmmm...
  8. One other thing I didn't see in your compiled stats. On average how many points are the Bears losing by? It doesn't seem like there have been as many blow outs as I recall a few years ago. I know last year there were a couple squeakers that could of put us closer to 'better than .500' if the only the game had swung our way. That right there is a testament of where the team is. Not getting blown out with as young a team (and Cutler as QB) as we have.
  9. I understood the article to read the way you intended it. The Bears, for all the history and pride., haven't been much better that high average. It always forever seemed they just needed that 'one last piece'. Over the years that piece seems to be a true franchise QB. Something we've lacked for quite awhile. Not all that long ago we were stringing together winning seasons (sprinkled with some losing ones) under Lovie. We had what was needed; a decent running game, a consistently dominant (or top tier) defense and an 'ok' OLine. Heck Jay even did good in a few of the years when Lovie coached. Then the bottom fell out. There really hasn't been much pride associated with the Bears in the last few years due to the consistent and unfortunate turns of bad luck and bad timing. Now that the Cubs have won a world championship, the Bears are the longest non-championship professional sport team in town. Sad to say. (You think Theo Epstein could be contracted out to advise Pace on some off season strategy?). Like AZ pointed out, I think we are on the precipice of doing something great again. Maybe not win the SB, but start competing again. Surely we can't have the same luck we've had this year with injuries and suspensions. Jay will more than likely be gone next year (FINALLY!!) and we'll have one (perhaps two) QBs that will give us a fighting chance to not at least throw away a game or two for us. Fox has got the team pointed in the right direction and is saying and doing the right things. Even if he's not telling US what it is. For the time being; I for one am excited to see how Barkley does tomorrow and the following few games. Hopefully everyone has had a chance to remember how to catch a football.
  10. One more thought on Barkley. Sure he could easily stink it up the rest of the season but something I saw from him that I haven't in a while. Pocket poise. Barkley didn't appear to be a rollout type guy like Jay which could end up being an issue for the offense. But with what I saw yesterday I'm pretty stoked now to see what else Barkley has to offer.
  11. She actually hasn't a got favorite player. She just wants something girlie. Think it's pink.
  12. Here's a funny anecdote to help in an otherwise sad football season (and even though it's disappointing news). My college freshman daughter sent me a link to the Trevathan injury news before I heard about it. (this for a guy who has the nfl network on practically 24/7). Earlier this season she was sending me her wish list of Bears uniforms. One of her jobs allows her to wear a jersey on Sunday mornings. I couldn't be a prouder parent. My younger daughter, on the other hand, announced yesterday that 'football is too boring'. Given the state of this years Bears I'll let it slide for now.
  13. Sure Tennessee may have laid back when they had the lead. But you can't convince me that once we started scoring in the second half they remained in a prevent. The hits he started taking late in the game proved otherwise. They had way more to lose than we did. You can easily attribute to why he played like he did the first half. He just started playing with the first team this last week. What more do you need? It's not like he's had the whole season as our #1 backup to ready himself.
  14. You're right, I would if Barkley had been playing for 10 years and paid to play like a Franchise QB. Those INTs were something out team could've easily overcome had the receivers managed to catch for most of the game. Edit: all too often Cutlers TOs turn into direct scores for the other team.
  15. Once he got the rust knocked off, Barkley looked pretty damn good. I think he is definitely in contention next year...provided he doesn't totally blow up before the seasons over. Now the receivers... Nother story.
  16. Must be the holiday spirit but I'm agreeing with Jason again... Somewhat. Still not sold Loggains. But bottom line, Fox needs to stay. This mess of a team is a different mess (youth and injuries) than the mess he inherited from Trestman and co. (Incompetence). I'd give John and other year or two. His resume speaks enough for him in that regard. Despite those that say otherwise I'd be willing to bet Fox tries to draft at one more RB. Maybe later rounds but he'll do it. He's too much of an RBC guy to do otherwise. And for what it's worth, I suspect Langford will rebound somewhat next year. I'm convinced he's having a 'sophomore slump'. Next year will be Jordan's turn (hopefully I'm wrong) then everything will good.
  17. We all know what you're hoping for. Lol But seriously you said you don't see any potential for OLine? I only ask cause I know your affinity for them. Usually Alabama is good for one or two potential starters or God forbid, another Duck. I have to admit it would be cool to have Grasu, Long And a Tackle from Oregon on the same line.
  18. Agree with you completely. Only hoping that Barkley would show more promise. And REALLY wish we could see Shaw play.
  19. Agree with Jason's Ro-no (good one). But lest we forget we also have the 'other bald guy' in Connor Shaw on the roster who some think could be decent. Maybe not started quality but at least in the running...until we find the franchise QB we all want and need. I'm still good with trying to cut ties with AJ too. He's turning out to be more trouble than he's worth.
  20. As Herm Edwards once said: "you play to win the game." Plain and simple, win at all costs. That's my stance. Always has been and always will. I appreciate your angle and totally understand where you're coming from. Despite what I just said I can see your concern, especially at QB. There quite literally is almost no way to win consistently with Cutler; never has been. Is there with Barkley? Unknown. Our only real hope(s) at the QB position this year are both sitting on IR. As Cutler said a few weeks ago when asked if Fox was ready for Cutler to start again; "what choice does he have?" He's right, we are limited.
  21. This is the Browns we're talking about. With the loss of Josh Gordon to idiocy and Johnny Manziel to idiocy they (Cleveland) could most definitely use some established players with a less-checkered past. I know AJ is fresh off a suspension but compared to Gordon, he's tame. As far as skill sets go they are similar. Cutler is a player they could use to maintain their offense until they figure out what to do in permanent QB play. And as Jason pointed out they have the picks and money to make it happen .
  22. This is more or less how I feel about it . You still need to develop your young talent as much as you can. We (as fans) can't really help that the QB options are limited. The really frustrating thing to me is had Cutler actually played almost or as well as he did against Minnesota, we'd still be talking playoff possibilities. GB is obviously in a downward spiral and Minneosta lost again. Having Cutler blow it as bad as he did has to be pretty demoralizing. The worst was right after one of your Pro Bowl guards was carried off the field, and he tried hard to motivate the team, Cutler immediately fumbled. I wouldn't have blamed Long for whacking Cutler on the head with his crutch after that . Now you see why McPhee was so pissed those few weeks back?
  23. How about a package deal of Jeffery and Cutler to a team that needs some offense help? Cleveland?
  24. Just read that Howard may have some sort of Achillies injury. Aye carumba!
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