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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Shin splints suck!! As a 'regular' runner (usually do about 12-15 miles a week) I've had my share of them. Of course now that I'm fast approaching 50 everything hurts.... But with White being young and needing his legs to play at 1st round potential, I understand why they were cautious. Just hope he isn't too far behind the learning curve.
  2. Alaskan Grizzly


    This has some info on Ola. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...0805-story.html Sounds like he wasn't hurt too awful bad. Another report had him walking around unassisted later during practice. Still concerned about White. Appears Fox is getting a bit tired of reporting on him either because he's being asked about it incessantly or because it's taking longer for White to get to the field than he (Fox) hoped. Cool to see that a couple of former players; Urlacher, Kreutz, Jim Miller and "Big Cat" Williams swung by. And that Virgina made a visit.
  3. Is there a connection to Fangio? If then maybe, if not...probably not(?) For some reason I have a good feeling about Porter being able to work something out. Also been hearing the McManis has been doing well (which I personally like to hear). And I wouldn't be surprised they try Amos out (if they needed him) as he's a converted CB. Otherwise I actually think the team may be set at CB.
  4. Alaskan Grizzly


    And I think they have tomorrow off from what I recall.
  5. http://espn.go.com/blog/chicago/bears/post...-og-tyler-moore Interestingly enough they signed this UDFA from Florida for a 'three year deal', which by itself could be telling. Has experience at both Guard and Tackle. So now that they've seen the guys hitting with pads on and they signed this kid to a longer term deal, would it mean someone is going away soon? Ducasee maybe Ola? Maybe even Mills?
  6. http://nypost.com/2015/07/31/breaking-up-i...andon-marshall/ I saw this similar article in another piece. There was a slightly different angle on it but still the same message. In reading this and in similar stories I've seen on Jay as of late has given me a little different perspective on him and how I hope that will translate to his playability this year. First and foremost I want to reiterate I don't "HATE" Cutler by its true definition. For one I don't know the guy personally so it would be hard for me to personalize it to that degree. In fact I really don't "HATE" him as player. What I do is "Dislike" many of the choices he makes. We all know that he is very good 'behind the scene' community guy. Runs football camps for youths, visits kids in the hospital and helps with others in seeking their goals through community outreach. He's never been a big fan of the limelight. All of which is admirable. I'm almost certain he at least doesn't lie or cheat like some other "successful" players. That by itself is noteworthy. At any rate and in this article it seems he's exhibiting another level of maturity and self-recognition. One that I think will parlay into him being more of a team leader. A few years ago I noticed a higher level of maturity but think it was clouded by the last two years of disarray and malcontentism (see BM). What I think happens to Jay is that he doesn't deal with things well 'in the moment'. He has a hard time adjuisting on the fly and in particular during game time. Heck if you throw a camera in his face after a game its very obvious that he doesn't like being on the camera let alone prepared to deal with it. In an environment like this above article, he's able to present himself a little better. Or is it that new found maturity? One thing I think has effectively changed if not his outlook is the new 'regime' in Chicago. Whether that translates to his playability remains to be seen. But so far everyone is saying the right things.
  7. Interesting you would use Mike Leach as an example of someone who would speak out on Tom Brady's behalf (per se). Especially since he himself is not without controversy. Althoughbeit he is quite familiar with the judicial process of appeals, injunctions etc etc. As said previously and I don't think you really care to hear this but this whole mess is part of a bigger issue, not just whether Tom Brady deflated footballs.
  8. Yeah and wasn't he on a limited basis for much of the OTA's? Seems odd that what should be a benign 'shin injury' is still plaguing him this late into the summer. Hope it's nothing more than a nagging injury but I'm suspicious if he's on the PUP. David Fales' career appears to be over with he entering the camp on the PUP. And I'm encouraged to see both Houston and Young are cleared to practice and hope against all hope that they (especially Willie) hold up.
  9. Well said sir. Couldn't agree more. I will read the report soon but wonder when they are heard in Federal Court will they then be put under oath? And if so will Brady continue to plead clear innocence and non-involvement? At this point that's the focus of the "detrimental" behavior. Not the deflating of balls but rather the insistence on saying he (Brady) had no knowledge of it and when asked to produce evidence to support his claim, destroy said evidence.
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/28/us/tom-brady...held/index.html Most everyone here I'm sure is aware of today's ruling. As much a fan I am not of Gooddell, I think he did right here. In fact in light of the discovery of him 'destroying evidence' I'd be ok if they wanted to tack on more.
  11. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...0724-story.html Here's one I found from the Chicago Tribune. Looks like he's drawing a lot of interest from GB too. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he ended up there especially after they lost Finley. But then again with Gresham's injury they might be a bit gun shy. As far as Chicago getting him, and provided he was able to continue playing at a high level, I'd be interested in seeing him sign. With Marty being a turd as of late may need someone who is starter worthy to play especially if Bennett chooses to sit out this year. One thing the article points out early is that there is currently one roster spot open just before training camp next week. So if they sign him he at least could be a good piece to test. Again...provided he's healthy.
  12. Knowing nothing of cap hits or figures, wouldn't something like a 3 year incentive laden increasing contract with opt outs each year be an option? I know in the NBA they allow for team and player to have the option to continue after the first year or so, isn't there something in the NFL they could do? Provided, that is, he does real well this year?
  13. Not sure why but I really want to try the Grasu pizza!!! Looks amazing!! Good luck to you Hroniss. Looking forward to your one day being enshrined in the HOF!!
  14. I was just thinking while out with a jog with the dog how he should be nearly guaranteed at least a 2-3-4 year contract. As you've said he's been a rather prolific and consistent running back, despite some of the inconsistency around him. And seeing that picture of him the other day and the apparent dedication to play a strong year tells me he's worth of that guarantee. I threw the part in there about my jog because as I get older I find it much harder to not only run a few miles at a time but recover afterwards. There's no way I could keep up the regimen I see Matt doing and he's been playing a pretty brutal sport all these years. And through it all he's bounced back with more reserve than the year before. And like you said: quietly.
  15. Alaskan Grizzly


    On the one hand you have to read it as he's making a statement, although bold, that he's going to come back better than last year. For that you have to like his resolve. But.....given how he's hurt himself doing what he was doing when he did it...and thus far not played anywhere near his expectation...I'm more in line with you.
  16. Was picked up by the Rams yesterday. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap300000050...plemental-draft
  17. You can't argue with the idea that guys are getting themselves ready, on their own time, and not waiting until training camp to start training. Props to all involved. I feel this year will be special.
  18. Good for Jay. To some degree I'm glad to see douchebag Bennett there too. I saw another write up about how AJ opted to work out with Marshall instead of go to Vanderbilt. It was written in a manner that suggested there was (or could be) a rift developing between AJ and Cutler. Gotta say as much as I dislike Cutler sometimes, this seems cheap. http://dawindycity.com/2015/07/09/is-alsho...ing-jay-cutler/ http://mweb.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-footb...randon-marshall
  19. I think a lot of that is due to the young players already on Defense. Fuller, Bostic, Jones, Sutton, Ferguson, Vereen and added Goldman and Amos this year. And throw in the 'marquee' signing of McPhee and adding respected veteran Rolle you don't have much more that really is needed. The youngsters from last year I don't think had a fair assessment due to Tucker's inept ability so this will prove a test for Fangio and his relatively high rating in the coaching world to see if he can bring it all together.
  20. I'm surprisingly optimistic about next season. Mostly due to John Fox's success at turning teams around on a relatively quick timeframe. In Carolina he took a 1-15 team the year prior and managed a 7-9 record in 2002. The following year (2003) he was able to lead Carolina to the Super Bowl. In 2011 he was hired in Denver to take over a team that had finished the year prior at 4-12 and took the team to an 8-8 record which was good enough for the playoffs. Something to note was that Fox did that mostly with (or should I say 'despite') Tebow as his staring QB. His measured success for the remaining three years in Denver could be more to the success of having Peyton Manning on the team...or could it? I have huge doubt that Cutler is going to find the proverbial 'fountain of QB ability' and suddenly rise up as you suggest. What I believe will happen is that Gase will work some magic of his own and design an offense less reliant on QB play and more dependent on the other skill positions. That's why I think Forte, Langfor, Carey, M. Bennett, and probably Royal will all have hallmark years. Cutler (I hope) will be relegated to a Kyle Orton-esque game manager. If he deviates from that design we'll see Jimmy Clausen starting. Chicago is too loaded with talent on offense to not do better. Fox has done more with less and I'm fairly certain he'll once again lead the Bears to a great turnaround this upcoming year. Probably better than most of us have expected.
  21. So curiosity got the best of me. Why an expected low ceiling for White? Unless you're considering Cutler as the sole reason for it then it's more understandable. However, I suspect there is more to it.
  22. I'm actually referring more to players like Ola, Leno (both last year draft picks) Fabujule, Grasu (this years draftees), Groy and heck even Slausen. He's only a five year guy after all. Hey interesting trivia: both Slausen and Ducasee played for the Jets in 2010. Slausen actually beat out Ducasee for one of the starting guard positions that year. *so says Wikipedia.
  23. I actually think Cutler could be a good short yardage passer. As I pointed out in another post Bennett had a pretty decent year last year. I think where Cutler falters (besides the inability to audibilize) is the long game especially if he thinks about it. With Royal at the SR position something tells me Cutler will actually look good this year. Well and that he'll be asked to think less...hence the uptick in running production. One person that keeps getting lost in all the oline talk is Slausen. He's still capable of being huge piece of the line if he manages to stay healthy. Last year was the first year he didn't manage to start a full year in his 5 year career. Another reason I'm not big on Evan Mathis. Don't need him and his questionable injury(?) past. And want for big money.
  24. Have to say I like this idea. Build from within. No need for Mathis.
  25. Man, where do I start? Gut instinct tells me both Rolle and Royal are going to have big years. And for some reason Langford keeps popping into my conscious. Rolle is Rolle, been a PBer and probably has at least one or two more years of that potential in him. I really think playing with Mundy again will make him solid (can't explain it outside of familiarity). Yes I said Royal. Despite my disbelief in Cutler I think this might play right into his stronger suits (Cutlers). IMHO he's actually better at the short game when he doesn't have to think too much about the longer options downfield. Take Martellus' productive year as a prime example. Royal strikes me as a clutch receiver best suited for the SR especially with Cutler throwing to him. (I find it humorous that for the last few years Royal played with Cutler's nemesis in Rivers. If you recall 'back in the day' Cutler and Rivers were always good for a few 'words' exchanged during the game.) I think Langford will do well because something tells me that the team will do a lot of running this year. To get the most (that they can) out of Cutler they're probably going to follow the model that Dallas went with last year. That means more running. The difference is in Chicago they don't have Murray (or do they?). As mentioned previous Langford is very similar to Forte in his running style and catch out of the backfield. Add in his youth and something tells me he's going to do big things for the team. Outside of that (and staying within the 'new' parameter) I suspect Acho will pan out fine too. Lastly, I think Jared Allen will have a big year.
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