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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Do I dare say... Clausen 2015?
  2. Nope. Read my post and watch the game(s) and you'll understand what I'm saying. You're being obtuse.
  3. Break down any plays between the two and the majority of the time that Cutler runs is due to the pocket (or protection) collapsing. Not because he wasn't looking for his second or third options.
  4. And you might add Jimmy C isn't getting paid millions to be the franchise QB.
  5. And has had at least three drops by the receivers. When receivers drop it because of Citler throwing it they aren't "where they're supposed to be".
  6. You must be kidding. That one play where Forte fell down on the screen Cutler would have thrown it into the ground at his feet. Clausen instead looked downfield and ran. Let alone all the progression checks he's doing. You must not watch often if you don't see it.
  7. Hindsight being what it is probably should have done FG but think it still a good choice to go for it there. Clausen looks sharp after starting a little slow in the first two series. Can't blame Bennett for being pissed.
  8. Neither was McCown before last year. Neither was Clausen... 4 years ago when he last started. But...anything is possible. And the question still has to be considered. Am I convinced he's any better? No. Am I intrigued? Nother story.
  9. Mike and Mike were just recently talking about prospective teams that Cutler could end up IF he were to be traded. They came up with about 10 possible teams. Tennessee apparently is a highly touted contestant because of his ties to Vanderbilt and that he is still relatively kept in high regard in the Nashville area. I agree that the current management/coaches should have nothing to say about where Cutler goes. Could really mess up things in negotiations for a new coaching staff.
  10. Cute, I see what you did there. In all actuality he wasn't kept most likely because he couldn't develop a franchise quarterback. Which, IMHO, would make him an expert on underperforming QB's. So if I were to base my respect on him it would be more about his analysis than his coaching.
  11. So if part of the problem was because Trestman didn't allow the team to pick captains? One of them probably would have been Cutler. Why? Because he's the QB or because he's a leader? Which one would earn him that 'C' by his peers?
  12. Interestingly enough I'd agree with this. Something tells me that if Trestman goes away and another were to have a chance with Cutler maybe...just maybe he could prove me wrong. Truly, as much as I've banged on Cutler I would really like to see him succeed. Who knows, once Trestman is gone then some of the skeletons will come out of the closet and we'll hear what the real reasons why the team is as bad as it is. If the removal involves Emery, better yet. But...if Clausen does come out for these last two games and do well, then I'll have to think twice.
  13. Your opinion is what it is and based on personal knowledge. Mine was based on what I heard coach Billick say. And when he said he actually apologized for it. Perhaps because he too knew the type of person George was. Be that as it may, the talent is all that really matters to me as a football fan.
  14. You're right to a degree. Not everything is Cutler's fault. It wasn't his fault that he took the multi-year deal based on his "body of work". What is his fault is that he didn't at least act like the money he was paid. He didn't take an active leadership role. Didn't produce eye popping numbers. Didn't lead our team to a playoff game, let alone a SB. Granted I don't think all that ails the Bears is the fault of one person. Cutler is largely to blame because he hasn't produced. Briggs is partial to blame for not giving a s#*t this year. Trestman is largely to blame (at least I think) for thinking Cutler was elite and encouraging the team to buy in. Emery is largely to blame for either agreeing or forcing the issue to give Cutler the money. Stein is to blame for negotiating it. The ownership (and fans) are to blame for believing all of it. And as far as players not liking the fans and "freaking them" please remember this is the same base that torched Urlacher for acting the same way.
  15. Can't say that I agree totally. But then again, we (nor the team) were afforded the opportunity to say otherwise. It's speculative at best. McCown was given a "similar" set up in regards to some talent around him but not the same system he succeeded in. If Clausen "lights it up" as some folks (I'm not one of them) are thinking he might then we will truly have to ask ourselves 'what could have been'? Something else to remember was that Cutler could have easily been franchised last year to see if he was truly worth the money they paid, yet they chose to go all in. Who's decision was that? Trestman, Emery? I think it safe to assume this isn't one we can blame on Tucker. Sorta like "Rex Grossman is our quarterback". Remember how ridiculously funny that was (said with heavy sarcasm). Two comments to this section. First, if the Bears actually draft Winston I'm done with my Bears fandom. For me to admit to that despite decades of following the Bears is painful to even suggest but if they were to actually pull the string on a deal like this then I will be convinced that the Bears have sunken to new low. To a low only rivaled by the Raiders. Secondly, I don't know that Holmgren is quite the genius that you and others portray him as. Ron Wolf (GM when Holmgren was hired as HC) was already considering to make a trade to Atlanta for Favre. Holmgren admits he had to do his homework on Favre and after studying him a bit, realized it was going to be a project. About three years after Holmgren had been in GB there was a discussion amongst the coaches to either go with Favre or Brunell. Eventually they went with Favre and Holmgren told Favre he had his support. * - "Coachng Confidential: Inside the Fraternity of NFL Coaches." - by Gary Myers. Now I think in this case it was either that Holmgren was lucky or good at evaluating talent. The fact that he couldn't get any QB to produce in Cleveland as he was able with Favre or Hasselbeck has me wondering. Maybe this is Trestman's last ditch effort to legitimize his credibility and show that he can get it done with lesser talent. If he does go 2-0 to finish out the year with Clausen as the QB what then?
  16. Funny, was going to post the same thing. My how accurate Brian Billick was. Maybe he'd be interested in coming back to coach?
  17. How about this: instead of going all in on a first or second round QB , look at a proven 4 year starter from a Div 2 college (ala Flacco) or a later round diamond in the rough (ala Brady or Russell)? I think we've witnessed how horrible our staff can invest in what they define as a "franchise QB". Rather than listen to all the experts and buy into the hype, actually do some homework and find that player that can maintain the offense for years to come? SCOUTS AND EMERY LISTEN CAREFULLY. Do what you're paid to do and scout the players. Mariotta is more a success due to the system at Oregon moreso than Oregon is good because of Mariotta.
  18. I might be able to consider that...IF he were a rookie or second year player. But if you consider his "body of work" and winning only one playoff game...don't think so. And consider this. Right about the time he learned of his diabetes he was either in year 3-4 of his career. About 1 year (or so) removed from his sole Pro Bowl appearance. He knew he had been having issues previously but wasn't diagnosed until later. He may have to consider retiring from the NFL if it is affecting his play that much. It certainly isn't healthy to continue.
  19. So now the question is, what happens if Jimmy does McCown-like well? I don't think that he will be but 'what if'? This is potentially a 'what could have been if we'd started him sooner' discussion which ends with knowing the defense stunk it up enough that I don't think it would matter who was starting as QB.
  20. Or treat some of your current leaders with better respect. Like in the dealings with Urlacher. Rather than give him an ultimatum of a deal, actually negotiate and see what it would take to keep him around. IMHO, that would have gone a lot further in the keeping the defense intact than would have much else. I identified that Emery was an egotistical fanatic early on by recognizing many of his moves as self-serving and putting his mark on the team. As this article pointed out the trend for both Emery and Trestman was to ignore conventional wisdom and tread on the institution of defense that defined this team for so long. And that started with the ouster of not only Urlacher but Lovie too. And continued by essentially ignoring the other established leaders of the defense in Tillman and Briggs. Do you think that Marinelli would have stayed to be the defensive coordinator had he known that Emery and Trestman were going to give the team its due diligence? But since they did not, he instead took a less titled position with the Dallas Cowboys. That should have spoke volumes of where this team was headed. If you choose to 'clean house' be ready for what we saw this year. A team that is truly the definition of re-building.
  21. How about someone like Pasquolini (sp?)? Maybe can the whole shooting match then allow him to run it in the interim with an emphasis on putting his mark on the D. That way whoever comes in as HC can decide if he's someone that he would like to keep as DC? Not sure what position Hoke can cover as he seems to have been more a 'bit player' over the years as has Coach P.
  22. Part of why I was very pleased to see Buffalo do what they did this last week. And for what its worth, is there something on the horizon for GB? And not in the good sense. In the last two weeks it looks as though teams are starting to figure them out. Two weeks ago it was Atlanta (admittedly not a great team this year) who kept it close then this week Buffalo was able to humble Rodgers and crew. As far as cheering for Arizona I'd say yes. Their history lies in Chicago so I'm all for it. Although they are starting their third string Qb this week so it looks like we'll really see how good Arians is. For me I'll be cheering with my sister who is a big fan of the Broncos (and lives in the same neighborhood as Payton). I'd like to see him get one more before he retires.
  23. Yep. I'd say yep he's partially to blame as the OC for what ailed the offense. But something tells me that he wasn't sold on Cutler early on and just decided to follow the lead of Emery and Trestman...-.as the OC. Trusting that either knew what they were doing. Werent we all fooled?
  24. Sorry just trying to rationalize the whole thing. Only have the most recent coach to compare to and that happens to be Lovie. Shall I make up a fake name instead?
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