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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Even if he (Graham) was in the middle he still had safety help on Bennett's side. Nothing on BM and or AJ. Plain and simple. Historically, meaning most of his nine years (not two - actually 1.4 years). And really he only played in 9-10 games last year so the "Bears" stats for red zone conversions were not Cutler's stats. If anyone they're Trestman stats.
  2. I think you misunderstood what Cosell was saying. He said Cutler is a "see it throw it" type of QB and that Trestman is working with him on being a better pocket passer. An element of that being able to "trust" the timing of the play. Whether Bennett ran the wrong route or Cutler "trusted" the timing, he should have been able to see the other alternatives (or progressions) on this particular play. Looking at the screen shots and others from that play it's very clear that of the three receivers on that side of the field; Bennett, Marshall and Jeffery, Bennett was the last one he should have thrown to. Looking at the photo, Graham was pretty committed to coverage on Bennett from the outset. And he had safety help on the back end...on that same area of coverage. Even if Bennett had hooked in, at best he would have gotten a minimal gain because of that coverage. Of course assuming that Bennett would have even caught it. Look at Marshall and his positioning. No one to the high and right. Perfect position for a fade or jet type of throw or outside shoulder along the sidelines. If thrown poorly ( not including under thrown) the worst that would happen is that it would go out of bounds. Perhaps the third progression (or check down) would have been AJ standing all alone in the flat. If thrown to him he probably could have easily gotten as far as Bennett would have IF he had done the hook. The first time I saw this play I thought it was initially called to be a WR bubble screen with AJ catching it and BM and Bennett blocking. But what appears to have happened is Cutler saw something that made him call an audible that involved one or both of the double receivers to run a fly pattern. Maybe Bennett was supposed to hook but again the coverage favored his route so progression 2 and 3 should have been looked at. What Cossell said about Cutler being a "see it throw it" type QB is actually pretty accurate. He reverted to his old habits late in the GB game and it turned out to be a pretty shoddy showing. His history as a bad red zone QB proves that since a lot of his INTs have come from there. Because he believes, as a "gunslinger", he can force it into tight coverage. If he learned anything, he would know that if there is tight coverage ( or double or triple) that means someone, somewhere else is open. If not, out of bounds is always an option.
  3. Really? You think Jay had NOTHING to do with the one Int you claim BM was at fault for? I haven't heard Trestman talk about it but don't imagine he'd sacrifice Jay if he'd made the mistake. The point again that I made was that of the two Int that Jay threw, not missed on the receiving end, ended up translating to scores for GB. That was two more opportunities they might not have had to score and were definitely two less opportunities our team had. He won't make 40 TDs. Don't kid yourself.
  4. And without some of the mistakes he made against Buffalo, they should have one that too. That's the point I've been making. And in regards to 'home field', it's the place you play half your 16 games and have access to pretty much whenever you need. I don't care if the fans are bone heads (or whatever you called them) shouldn't be a factor.
  5. I'll agree in the leadership role. I think he has improved in that category. From what I've heard, what Dilfer says is pretty accurate in that regard. But his mechanics? Improved? Really? Greg Cosselle, son of Howard, observed this. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/shutdown-cor...-211010180.html
  6. How do you explain Rodgers winning it for GB when obviously Lacy was not a factor? And their D, for the most part, was almost as inept as ours? If not for Jay they wouldn't have had two additional scoring opportunities.
  7. Just look at the two HOME games in how I have a hard time in trusting Jay. So far, of the four played, he's been at his worst in both of them. How can that be? On your home turf? That, I find, is inexcusable. And in both the losses the D played poorly. Interesting coorelation. Again how is that? From my layman observations the defense appeared to have been improving but Sunday put an end to that. I read somewhere that Briggs said no blitzes were scripted or called for this game. Really? I know Rodgers is good eluding the rush but as of recent I'm pretty sure Willie Young was leading in sacks. Why wouldn't you at least try to pressure Rodgers to throw a bad pass to the awaiting arms of the int leader Fuller? Shoddy management...
  8. Oh no I will always watch the team. Although I considered turning off the game yesterday I didn't. Been through too many years not to. I just don't get that 'warm fuzzy' with Cutler out there. If he could play consistently good, I'd feel much better. And you're right the D didn't help. Used to be, not all that long ago, no matter how crappy our O played the team could be bailed by ST and or O. However the cylinders weren't firing. The D the previous two weeks wasn't the same yesterday.
  9. Thanks for the encouragement. I deal in pragmatism. I could be wrong but you might deal more in theoretical thinking of even fantasy if you're suggesting Cutler is "the one". He has so far done little to prove me wrong. Regardless of yours, or anyone else's dislike, I'm here for the long haul.
  10. Don't completely discount Minnesota. If his injury isn't long term, Bridgewater could prove to be something special.
  11. And now it's officially retired. Lucky it wasn't ripped to shreds.
  12. You think Cutler has trade value this year?
  13. Funny, Lovie would manage a game very similar and people wanted him gone. Trestman hasn't had a great game management record thus far . Of course he's handicapped with Cutler but maybe with a new QB he'll get a fresh start. P.S. They better keep Willie Young whatever they do.
  14. #1 draft pick for Chicago 2015. QB
  15. For shits sake bring in Clausen so he can at least get some playing time. Holy cripes!!!
  16. Maybe then they'll have a capable QB in the offense. And a defensive coordinator. I've tried everything. Even hoping my negativity would be proven moot. I figured at some point he'd come through for our team. But he's proven himself incapable time and again to come through during clutch. You can cuddle him all you want. I find it ironic you have Urlacher as your avatar given the distaste URL had for Cutler. And as I write this almost another pick... Sigh
  17. The officiating being what it is...garbage. But it's been bad for both sides. The difference ? Cutler and Tucker's inability to run a D.
  18. I agree. Think Detroit will win the division. Bears lucky to get 9-7 or 8-8.
  19. I'm calling it now. With the defense and Jay Cutler on this team, no playoff. Maybe 9-7 if they're lucky.
  20. Welcome back Mr Hyde. We missed you. Charles Woodson was right. When you have Cutler on your team it's like giving the opponent 12 players.
  21. You have any GB friends? Be careful putting it on... Could have permanent ink all over the inside.
  22. ...for some Sunday 'cheese gradin'? My endearing wife bought me one last Christmas. I'm looking forward to using it for the first time. http://www.graterhead.com/gallery/
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