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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. At the risk of being disciplined; I'm loving what's going on in Green Bay and San Diego. Except that as I type this Seattle scored to bring it closer...20-14.
  2. You're right, there are a lot of similarities to he and Cutler.
  3. Would you be more optimistic had our management/coaches decided to keep Hester for why he actually is good at? Returning. I know I would... Althoughbeit slight .
  4. That "idiot" Lovie miscast Hester as a WR.... sheesh.
  5. Glad to see Bellamy still in the mix. From his preseason play I think we could see some good things. Maybe Sunday will be the day?
  6. *Edit* The answer to my question is no. This is unrelated to his child dying a year or so ago and has to do with something more recent involving a child being disciplined with a 'switch'.
  7. Fiammetta is an interesting loss. Will Britton be serving multiple roles? Extra Olman, H back, Fullback, etc? I thought Hayden was already cut and Fales was on the Practice Squad?
  8. Since you didn't read all the responses I'll synopsize. I don't think anyone, me included, thinks McCown is the better QB overall. I just think he (McCown) is better in Trestman's system than is Cutler. So if that equates me to being an "idiot", so be it. But given the excuse you allow for Cutler being "who he is" and that he amounts to a numbskull at pivotal times during games, how much better is he than McCown? Probably not a whole lot. Cutler is defintiley not top 5, nor top 10 and more than likely not top 15. Since there are only 32 starting Qb's in the league we know he's at least in the top 31.
  9. I also endorse Bryan Cox, currently the LB coach in Atlanta. Was impressed with his style in watching "Hard Knocks".
  10. Well, the fact that he was MORE successful than was Cutler in EACH of their first year's in Trestman's offense says more about McCown than it does Cutler. Cutler got the big deal for our team, McCown got a deal for another team. This is NOT Cutler's first year in this system so the patience will wear thin. Especially since it's his second and he played, as some describe, as a good rookie QB in game 1. Dan Marino never won a Super Bowl either. So maybe Cutler's bound for that same destiny?? So from a fellow "ass clown": "Homer" you are.
  11. Yep, that's the point of the article (more or less) and my thoughts. As slight as each occurrence may seem; Briggs at his restaurant opening or Marshall night lifing on HBO, taken together and if the team continues to lose, it will have an impact. No two ways around it. Fortunately one + they get is how they dealt with Bennett. That sent a good message that that type of activity wouldn't be tolerated.
  12. Beauty is we all are entitled to opinions, right or wrong. Especially here on the this forum.
  13. Pretty good article that seems to summarize the obvious. Not sure that Coach T has lost or "is losing the locker room". One thing for sure is if he doesn't show some sort of cultural change he could lose his job. http://www.suntimes.com/29829476-606/trest...ml#.VBMlk9m9LCR
  14. What happened to your "optimist half full glass" thinking?
  15. I think one large key in this will be seeing Allen doing what he was brought for. Pass rush and contain. I think that Houston will be able to some degree and if not, he'll slide interior and I know that Young can just about run with Kaepernick stride for stride. From what I've see Kaepernick isn't as deadly as he once was with passes. The scrambling is still the no doubt. If we just had a current version of Urlacher who could chase their current version of Vick. My thought? Put either SMC or Bostic in a QB spy mode and concentrate on whatever he does. Call pass or run as they see it develop and pursue if he starts to run. I think our CBs and one safety can cover the deep passes and maybe the intermediary. The other large factor will be Cutler. He has to be Dr Jekyll this week. Plain and simple.
  16. I'll agree to about 95% of what you just said. Unfortunately the fact that Cutler is the best the franchise has had displays a sad fact about our franchise. (Of course some would say Sid Luckman was good in his day - I would). My opinion is that McCown is better in Trestmans offense than is Cutler. Maybe not so good in TB... But the remains to be seen.
  17. Well hopefully Lance "La Cucaracha" Briggs makes all the meetings this week.
  18. Looking at this frame I can see Jordan Mills lurking near the LOS. If only he had taken that step or two forward, before Jay threw the ball. He might have been called for pass interference (for theoretically trying to block Williams) and/or ineligible man down field. Of course since it was such a pivitol play we'd be roasting Jordan instead of Jay. Gotta give the oline credit . For as long as this play took to develop they did pretty good in the pass coverage and didnt commit the aforementioned penalty.
  19. I'm sorry, did you 'hear' what you just wrote? You described a 350# man (in gear) "break towards a pass" as if he had the skillset similar to someone in the CB or Safety position. (Hey Terra I think we may have found your Safety candidate). As if he (Williams) were able to run a 4.0 40. I saw part of the press conference that Williams did and he pretty much described what you said. Williams had his "Tractor" Traylor moment and Jay was the one who accommodated that fable. I just hope he doesn't do it again...ever. It's not nearly as "laughable" as the dead cockroach story that Adam shared yesterday. I nearly choked on my dinner laughing so hard when I saw that.
  20. BS. Apparently you've never heard of players like Keyshawn Johnson or OchoCinco who insisted they were always open. Just because Im running across the field (in the opposite direction) with my hand in the air doesn't mean the QB has to throw it to them. And the booing was heard. Not just for Jay but Trestman too.
  21. Indeed. And for the record there were plenty of 'boo birds' for the Bears game. (I equally think throwing an INT to 350 LB DL-man is "laughable".) My wife, who "watches" the games around the edges could even hear it. She said " those guys in Chicago are hard core". I agree but for the right reason. Cutler isn't making friends from what we could hear all the way up here in the great white north.
  22. Wasn't something I read on Fuller about his ability to play safety?
  23. Agreed. For all intents and purposes DLP probably should just take over starting center but would prefer Garza finish the year first . Good to see Britton is available. Won't be hard to get him up and running.
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